redneck69's Blog
we are in for a storm
back story sd21 lives full time with dh and myself she is in college full time does not work and gets loans and grants for college we pay for half of phone and insurance. she took courses during the summer and then went to visit family and friends over the summer. she came back home last week full of attitude, you couldn't ask her anything without being on the receiving end. I came home from work and sd was doing dishes, I put my lunch container on the counter and she washed that also, then we ate and she said supper was really good.
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someone's sleeping in my bed
dh and I just got a new sleep number bed and it was delivered and set up yesterday. it has technology to see how you were sleeping and when you got out of bed and stuff. I can see it on my phone and it shows when we went to bed and when we got up and stuff and it looks like someone is sleeping in the bed now. she has her own room and all. sd21 lives with us full time, but I don't want her in my new bed. ugggh
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difficult mothers day
do you know what is difficult? mother's day... sd21 will purchase her sf a card and such on fathers day and will for dh also, but when mother's day comes around it's like I don't exist. she lives with me and dh full time and has for several years. it was me that took her shopping for prom dress and dress for graduation and helping her with college because bm didn't have time. I have disengaged slowly over the years but I just wish we could jump over this day. I have ds25 that is married but he doesn't even remember birthdays. that is a whole nother blog.
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