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Shell8078's Blog

Tribal Warfare??? Really!!

Shell8078's picture

Who the hell says that crap...... it's Tribal Warfare and a battle for the kid's minds and souls according to the latest email to DH from BM. Really Lady Really!!!!!

I am sure she dosen't pay child support because she thinks they live off of love and air. News flash you don't even see them or talk to them. You can't even hide behind your computer screen and send a Hello email to them.

BM you're just a Nut!!!!

Need Quick advise on My Side as a BM

Shell8078's picture

So my Daughter 13 is struggling with school, so we requested she get a weekly progress report that each teacher fills out. So two Fridays ago she didn’t bring it to her dad, she said a teacher kept it, so we had a long talk with her (both her father and I) . So she was suppose to bring it on Monday and said told her dad that she didn’t have it again.

AAAHHHH a Continuance !!!

Shell8078's picture

So DH showed up for court, Since the child support is administrated by the Child Support Agency they meet with both parties before hand and they give out the scenarios based on all the financial that are submitted.

So they called DH and told him the BM didn’t file her paper work correctly (come on really!!) how hard is it to follow the directions on the back???? So she called in and requested a continuance. So the Agency asked the court to do a continuance for 60 days.

We have a Smoking Gun!!

Shell8078's picture

So if you have read my postings BM is dragging DH back to court so she can reduce her child support. Her new claim to wanting to reduce it is because she was unemployed, well that's not the case anymore. In addition she is claiming that she has incurred cost for an airline ticket that SHE PAID for which she claims is about $700 that was non refundable and that she claims is out now (cry me a river). So DH and I were getting his ducks in a row and preping him for court and running different scenario we should offer her.

A mistake but with a good intention behind it!

Shell8078's picture

Okay Ya'll I have read your comments and know what I suggested may seem harsh to have said that she give up her legal rights, but I have seen it time and time again that if a person is only concerned with the money and had already checked out as a parent they will ultimately give up their legal right in exchange for being financially free from their obligation.

Lets see what the Bitoch will try to pull out of her ass now

Shell8078's picture

So we are suppose to go to court on the 2nd because BM is a lazy unemployed loser who dosen't want to have to pay child support.

So she is claiming the she has the kids 20% of the time, go figure how that works since she hasn't seen them since August 2009 when she move out of state it a long way from CA to FL. She is also claiming that she is helping the father of her daughters which we know for a fact is not true because we are in contact with he and his wife.

Just Venting!

Shell8078's picture

You’re the creator of your own misery. The sympathy you crave shows how pathetic you are. You in your mind you honestly believe that you have done no damage, you need to look again. Look at your past and look what happened to you, remember how you felt when your mom left. You have never been able to take care of yourself you have always relied on a man and picked every penny out of both of your ex’s pockets.

How Immature BM Is

Shell8078's picture

So yesterday was SS10 birthday, BM usually calls for a 2 minute how are you on Saturday's and Sundays.... and SS10 is the one that talks to her more than SS13 dose. Well she didn't call on Saturday, so my Husband text messaged her just as a reminder not to forget to call on SS10's b-day. Well that call never came instead he got a short Happy Birday via e-mail, his comment was is that it? but the weekend before she was asking what he wanted for his b-day and making it sound like she was going to send him something, nothing came and no call.
