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SoLost1988's Blog

SD and her mother...........

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As I posted before I will just randomly post tid bits of what goes on with my skids,SS13 and SD9. The newest problem is I am 33 weeks pregnant,with a boy,my first. At first both kids said "No we don't want another sibling" but then my SS changed his mind and decided it wouldn't be so bad. My SD on the other hand would very rudely say "I HOPE IT'S A BOY,WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER GIRL!". Well I was hoping for a girl,as we do have a lot of boys in our family. But I was blessed with a boy.

Just the beginning

SoLost1988's picture

When I met my husband I knew he had kids because it's one of the first things he told me. I had always told myself I would never date anyone with kids because I didn't want to deal with the typical "Baby Mama" drama,but as time went on, friendship grew into love and I found myself in love with this man no matter the circumstances. He had a 12 yr old son and an 8 year old daughter. Before our relationship ever became official I asked him if he had any problems with his kids mothers as they do have two different moms,he assured me that he did not.