SteelRose's Blog
Well sometimes we have to wait a long time before Karma catches up.
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Interesting article
When an ex still carries a torch for your SO...
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I'm hiding in my room...
...I'm so sick of ss20 being here and b/c he is not working and waiting to go to job corps, he sits around my living room all day. The last 3 days I have been sick, (better today so I worked a short shift) and he has sat around, he dominates the tv and he is ALWAYS talking. Also b/c he is here this draws ss16 out of his room and those two together will not shut up and will not budge. My living room is not a very pleasant environment for me at all.
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you got a problem with what we're watching then go watch netflix on your iphone...
Really having ss20 here is going fairly well considering all the facts involved. One thing I notice is that ss20 has little to zero patience with his dad's new what I call "chemo brain". Dh does not intentionally forget things or say things that make no sense and I let it go and DH figures out eventually that he is talking nonsense or saying things that are not accurate or just a bit off, but ss20 is on to DH every time he slips up and correcting him constantly like he is a child.
Ss20 here under DH's lockdown
Well I didn't really follow all of your advise but we did work out things with ss20. He moved into our shed. It's insulated and has power and we installed lights and a heater and rented a honey bucket for him for during the night b/c I refused to have him peeing in my yard. We moved our older hide-a-bed out there and he has hung a wool blanket over the door for extra warmth. He is allowed 3 showers a week and 2 loads of laundry. He needs to fend for himself for b'fast and lunch but can join us for our family supper meal.
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Tell me what to do.......
Oh joy, ss20 is still homeless and is now also getting to the point of being too cold and too big to sleep in his vehicle. The thought of him living here sends my gut into convulsions but I am also NOT a bad person and if it were my son out there I'd have put him up here. I just don't know what to do, I want to give in but I scream mentally when I think of my home with him around even in the shed.
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DH is worming ss20 back into my home slowly, using the guilt factor.
I'm not sure how to react to this and I'm throwing it out on here to see how you all react. Dh wants ss20 to come over on thurs (remember he is homeless and jobless and living in his vehicle) to watch football, have supper and shower, do laundry and then DH wants ss to sleep in the shed. He says he wants ss to have a roof over his head and since I have said he can't live here he wants him to live in the unheated and half full shed. He is laying on the guilt like there is no tomorrow and this is about the last straw.
Guilt about ss's homelessness
Dag nab it, ss20 (he had his 20th birthday yesterday) is completely homeless, living in his vehicle parking at Walmart parking lot with other homeless people. I feel so bad and so guilty and so ANGRY. I canNOOOOOOT live with this kid in my home but I am nearly breaking down. He was on the call list to go to Job Corps and then the gov shuts down and now he is kicked out of his apartment and has no job. We had to downsize last summer due to DH's cancer and only me working and bringing in the income.
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on the dr Phil show
I watched Dr Phil with a client yesterday. It was about a girl at age 11 having a baby with her bf of 14 yrs old. Guess who was the one who finally got some help for these kids, the girl's step mom. Crazy. It was a sad show b/c the baby was born premie and was in the aunts custody and when Dr Phil sat down with the kids(parents of the baby) they were saying that eventually they want another kid but not right now. The young 12 yr old mom didn't even have visitations with her baby except 2 hours of supervised visitation each week.
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DH's cancer is in remission
Dh had his PET Scan yesterday and it shows that the cancer is gone. We had a rather emotional visit with the oncologist today. It's a happy feeling to know that everything is going to be ok and we can get back to being normal. Already DH's hair is growing back and his strength returning. Soon he'll land a good solid job and we can all finally get back into the normal swing of life. I think the last 3 or so years has been pure crap.
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