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Stepinsanity's Blog

What am I supposed to do?

Stepinsanity's picture

When I met my dh, he made his kids out to be normal everyday kids and that he had a good working arrangement with the bm. I move in and find out that it was all a lie. His kids are far from normal, needing extended therapy and one is on meds and the other should be on them, the bm is certifiable and raises tantrums anytime she has to go for too long without getting to see my dh. I have come to understand the trapped feeling people go through in some circumstances. I am the one left here to take care if the kids and to take them everywhere they need to go.

Is this really worth it?

Stepinsanity's picture

I really wonder about that sometimes. I have done it for almost two years and it's not getting any easier. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just the bm I guess, but I feel like I've got to stay on my toes with my so too. Just earlier tonight is a perfect example. My bd was telling me about something that happened just before dinner with sd. She asked me about them having to agree on the game played when there is more then just one playing. I said of course. She went on to tell me that sd just grabbed a game and put it in not asking if bd wanted to play that one too or not.

My hell

Stepinsanity's picture

Well, I suppose I will start with a bit of background. I met my so two years ago this coming October. His two kids seemed normal at the time though the girl a bit mouthy. Soon after I moved in I started to get the whole picture. The bm truly is crazy, and I'm not just saying that because I don't like her. She really is crazy. My so has had joint custody since the divorce but is still paying cs. The bm had it stated in the papers that my so could see the kids when ever he wanted but with prior notice. Well, when the bm learned that me and my so were getting married shit hit the fan.
