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Stepmom156's Blog

Growing Family?

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I have a SD11. have no bio kids but my DH and I are considering adoption. Has anyone else ever considered this? We are concerned that we have to adopt a girl out of concern that a boy may not think of SD11 like a sister. Any thoughts on this?

In Response to The Selfish Bitchy Comment

Stepmom156's picture

Before my sd11 and I really started to connect (and it took 3 years and bm to virtually disappear), i told my dh i thought of her as the spawn of satan. i'm excited to say i don't feel the same way now, but I was there not too long ago. When sd 11 moved in with us full time i told him we'd be divorced in a year.....fortunately for me bm stayed away long enough that sd11 started to realize i wasn't the b-i- bad word her bm made me out to be and my dh really stood up for me when it came to sd11.

Tired of "SuperMOM"

Stepmom156's picture

My step-daughter lives with my husband and me, her mother gets her only when it's convenient for her. It frustrates me when I see this awesome kid in tears wanting to know why mommy doesn't want her and if mommy loves her. I get so tired of defending the woman. She goes through phases where she will get my step-daughter consistently and then she acts like I'm the worst person on the face of the earth. I want to look at her and say, you walked out on him. You decided to cheat on him. You left your daughter! I didn't come around until 4 years later!