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summersuxx's Blog

bad dad good dad

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Got dragged on another forum(not here) for talking about how DH admitted to me that his relationship with our child and his relationship with my SD are so vastly different. Things with us are of course, uncomplicated, not dysfunctional and despite our arguments we still work things out and have a pretty strong marriage. DH was so involved with our baby from the start and I never pushed him away or made him feel like an incompetent father.

The other side… somewhat off-topic

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welp I guess i'm the evil bitter BM now. Going through a court battle for custody and child support of my son with my ex who is being a total ass. for context i've had majority custody for the past year. a couple months back I told my ex, either we go back to 50/50 custody asap or he needs to start paying support. He said no to both with of course a million lame excuses. I said ok but i will go back to court to have our custody schedule changed then since you don't take your son when you're supposed to but you also don't want to pay me anything for his care.

Sorry that I exist…

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DH is considering going out of town for work. The logistics of that needed to be discussed between DH, BM and I (cause I darn sure am not getting SD for full week visitations if DH is not here, sorry not sorry  it just wouldnt work). prior to this coming up BM told DH she wanted to sit down and discuss childcare costs because daycare increased a bit. He said "ok but I have other things to discuss with you too and wife will be there with me".

Is it truly SD’s visitation week if we don’t get into some kind of argument

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This week has been a loooong one, we had a get together this weekend that went well but since then things have been downhill... sd4 tested positive for covid on monday night so of course can't go to daycare for the rest of the week but she's with us till thursday evening. Yay. DH stayed home and spent most of the day cuddling her on the couch, okay whatever I tried to make myself scarce by going out to run errands. When I came back of course he needed to go out so he was gone for a couple hours. No biggie.


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Hi all, I'm new here. My situation is thus: been married for a year to a man I have known for 10+ years, we dated in grade school and promptly broke up. In the years following, we each had a child with previous partners and then got together again in 2018, got married and had a baby. Our DD is now 7 months. My BS is 8 and my SD is 4.