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sweetoctober's Blog

An Incomplete List and Writer's Block

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My DH and I have decided together that we need marriage counseling. He doesnt understand my feelings as a stepparent and doesnt understand how stepfamily is different from nuclear family. This is his first experience with stepfamily where I myself come from one and know it's struggles all too well. This Saturday will be our 3rd session. The therapist has asked us to write down 10 values on two topics, one being marriage and the other parenting. It was easy to come up with my values for marriage as I've been aware of those for some years.

OT- Other Step Family Forums

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StepTalk is the first stepparent forum that I have actively become involved in. And dont get me wrong, I love this site, Im just curious.

I have noticed that there are a few other forums out there. I have browsed one or two and looked through a list I found printed in the back of a book I just finished reading. Have any of you been on any of the other sites? Is there a big difference between sites? And if you have been on those sites, which ones are you most active in? If StepTalk, why have you chosen this site over others?

From Single To Wife and Stepmom

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I am a little upset tonight as I am starting to wonder who I am anymore. I was once a single and loving it independent and in love with my freedom career minded kinda gal. Six and a half months ago that changed when I married my DH and became Stepmom to his now 8 year old son. I am upset because tonight I realize just how much I am mourning that freedom I once so enjoyed. The girls from school are getting together tonight for a few drinks. But I couldnt go. Nope. DH is on afternoons and since I get off work at 7 on Fridays I get the responsibility of his child.

Could use a few suggestions

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I am an avid bookreader and summer is coming so I am getting my list together. I purchased my first 2 on Amazon today, but need a few suggestions from all of you here. This summer I plan on doing more reading to assist in my situation versus my usual reading for pure enjoyment. I am looking for some books that my DH and I could read through together and benefit from. The last book didnt work out so well. So I would greatly appreciate if anyone knows of any books that may be geared more towards our situation. Which is as follows....

Nipping it in the bud now?

sweetoctober's picture

I have been reading through some of the posts over the last couple days and am so happy that I somehow managed to stumble across this site. It is such a relief to see that I am not alone and that I am not wrong in feeling the way I do sometimes. And Im hoping that some of you can help me with a few suggestions....