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tankh21's Blog

So far....

tankh21's picture

So far DH has been ignoring BM and she hasn't texted or called him since the band concert incident but, it's quiet for about a week and then she starts up again. You would think BM would learn that she can't have everything her way. This summer is going to be interesting when she realizes that she won't be "stopping" by because the kids want junk food or because they left something at her house or they need her. Because it is DH's time with his kids and he can handle being a parent on his own without the "world's best coddler". We will see if DH sticks to his guns!

So tired of BM!

tankh21's picture

OSS had a band concert yesterday and BM lets DH know the day before so he was planning on just going to the band concert and then taking the skids back with us afterward. BM texts him yesterday afternoon and tells him that he needs to pick up the kids early and get them something to eat because OSS has to be at the school to get ready for his performance by 6:30 pm. BM and her DH are going to the same place so I don't understand why DH needed to do this!!

This has got me thinking. Need input....

tankh21's picture

This OP's blog has me thinking how frustrating it truly is when this skids are spoiled and get their own way all the time. Don't get me wrong we all have different parenting styles or what is right and wrong but, I think there is some basic things that kids should be taught in order to be become a decent human being and function in today's society. Basically structure, manners, how to love, the difference between right and wrong, what a consequence is. My skids are spoiled, lack structure and manners. They try to manipulate people.

Can BM just drop by to "check" on the kids?

tankh21's picture

So DH will have the skids for a month during the summer. I was just curious since DH has 50/50 custody does DH have the right to tell BM that she cannot just drop by to "bring" the kids something like junk food for instance. She cannot be trusted in our home and DH does not want her there while he is not there so can BM just drop by when she wants even though she is the CP. BM will use the excuse that she is "checking" on the kids or that the kids needed something so she brought it by for them because they asked her.

It never ends!!

tankh21's picture

So BM texted DH last night asking him about the insurance bill that she seems to think he is responsible for even though she didn't go through the medical insurance that is provided for the skids. DH spoke to his lawyer and his lawyer stated that BM needs to go through the medical insurance provided if DH is going to be responsible for half of the medical bills unless it is an emergency like the kids has to have surgery and breaks an arm or something like that. She is always a snake in the grass she texts DH and tells him where are the kids insurance cards?
