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tryingtomakeprogress's Blog

The short list of issues we deal with with BM

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HELP! Does anyone else deal with any of these problems with the BM and if so how do you handle them?

Bribing the children to stay at her home and giving them guilt trips if they come to our home.

Discussing legal proceedings with the children regarding out petition to modify and gain full custody of the kids.

Telling the kids, their teachers and others that the kids have various mental illnesses and disabilities and then "treating" them for her made up diagnoses.

BM refuses to work and lives off of child support.

Looking for solutions for smelly kids during parenting exchanges

tryingtomakeprogress's picture

My step-childrens mom does not have any person hygiene skills herself and so of course the kids don't either. We do all of the driving and live about 140 miles from their mom. When we pick them up we usually want to go to dinner and visit their grandma, however they are always wearing dirty clothes, their hair is uncombed and greasy and they smell badly. I am so embarrassed because I don't want people to think I am the kind of parent that would ever let my children look like that.