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Tuff Noogies's Blog

O/T - work vent

Tuff Noogies's picture


every single freaking time i log in, i have to change the damn password.

Passwords must have the following characteristics:
At least one uppercase or lowercase letter;
At least one number;
At least one special character; Special characters include: ! @ $ % * ( ) < > ? : ; { } + - ~
Contain no more than two identical consecutive characters in any position from the previous password;
Contain a non-numeric in the first and last positions;
Not be identical to the User ID.

Kinda o/t - money talk

Tuff Noogies's picture

We've kinda run into some financial problems starting last year with dh getting wrecked june 2014.

He was out of work for 5 mos. Stuff got pd by credit card, unfortunately. We had to move into a bigger place while still carrying original mortgage... then he hurt his shoulder in january, and workers comp only pays 2/3....

So here we are in november. Condo hasnt sold, dh still on 2/3 salary. His settlement from acc has greatly been eaten into.

Can the Noogies house not catch a damn break???

Tuff Noogies's picture

Heres a rundown....

Dumbass left the kids to us 2 years ago. Then last june dh got hit by a beer truck, out of work until october.

Then dh hurt his shoulder at work in jan.
Then MIL completed her PAS and took oss.
Come april they finally did surgery. Insteda of healing right, it's frozen. Hes stiiiiillll doing physical therapy....

Then his gallbladder goes, with pain and sickness startin more than 3 months ago. Several tests run and all that crap. Spent all day monday in er to no avail.

Tuff - 1

Tuff Noogies's picture

Theres several issues involved that go into this background. But i just now informed dh that come monday i will be getting a nice new spray bottle filled with straight vinegar.

Clean up ur mess. Huh? Later? No *ssspppprrrraaaayyyyyt*. Just walk into our befroom before hearing "come in"? ***sssppprrraaayyyy*** your attitude sucks and its everyone elses fault? ***ssssppprrrraaayyyyy***.

It wont hurt clothing or objects but will stink as bad as their attitude.



Tuff opens mouth and inserts both feet.... and legs...

Tuff Noogies's picture

Last night i opened my mouth.

Kaos had my nerves shot and my last nerve frazzled and went *poof*. I spouted off at the mouth with everything and held nothing back about what i thought of him and his damn momma.

And i feel like total shit.

When i first heard him awake this am the first thing was to tell him "i said some mean and evil things. Theres no excuse. And im so sorry."

i'm getting into a funk....

Tuff Noogies's picture

and it's not good.

i'm truly an antisocial homebody. before dh and i met, i was more than content to curl up with my furbabies and a good book. but then i met my best friend. Smile

the ladies at the office are more than employees, they're friends. but they all have their own lives, their own families, and their own hang-out buddies. at 5p we all go our separate ways. my hang out buddy is dh, even if it's just sitting on the couch next to him. his presence.

i pulled a Sally last night....

Tuff Noogies's picture

and it was a thing of beauty!!!!!

when i got home, dh was asleep on the couch. at some point he got up and went to bed. ya'll know where this is leading....

kaos asks for the lighter, wants to build a fire. so i told him to "go ask your ddaaaadyyyy!" in that lovely happy unicorn farting skittles kind of way. well dh told him he could so i tossed him the lighter after advising dh that *I* was not 'on duty'. of course, the fire thing didnt last but about 30 seconds cuz kaos couldnt stand to be outside by himself.

BUT.... he kept the lighter.
