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bm tries to take advantage of dh

txcajunmom's picture

So bm calls dh last weekend to asked, "i know you are paying cs but can you buy ss6 a pair of shoes for school" now normally that would not be a prob except for the fact that ss6 is not really dh's son. he "assumed" the role of daddy for the short time they were together because dh and bm had a son together and ss6 did not have a father figure. they split up when ss6 was about 1 year old. he comes to our house eow with ss9 but for the past few months, he does not want to come over anymore. bm makes the little boy come but after a few hours he is crying to go home and the whole time he's there he calls dh by his real name then quickly corrects himself and calls him daddy. ss9 gets jealous and tells his daddy regularly that he doesnt like to share him and that ss6 has his own dad. however, ss6's own dad is in and out of i keep my mouth shut about the whole situation becuase if they want a relationship i will not stand in the way but when it's obvious that the little boy doesnt want to come to our home anymore, why force it? anyway, a while back dh decided he was not going to get the little boy anymore. bm has a new man and he felt like he was confusing him with different daddy's. idk i kept my mouth shut. during the period of us not getting ss6 bm called me and told me that she was going to change his last name to dh's last name and informed me that she would not put child support on him though...i'm like yeah you couldnt even if you wanted to!! lol anyway so back to the call the other day, dh tells her he would talk to her later about it and hung up. she kept calling and calling asking what he was doing, why he could talk about it then, etc. dh feels like he shouldnt have to support this child monetarily especially when he has 3 bio kids to support (2 with me). he said he doesnt mind that after she has gotten all his son's things and has money left over from cs to buy ss6 what he needed but he feels he shouldnt give her any more money. i totally agree!! especially since the girl does not have a job. i'm sorry but dh and i both work to make sure our kids have things they need. she should do the same! she knew school was starting soon, and she still has time to find a job and make a couple of bucks to buy her child some shoes for school! and to top it off, ss9 is in a wedding for one of her family members and she's buying him some shoes especially for that ocassion and her a new dress (info via fb) so how does she have money to buy those things and not her kid some shoes for school? it pisses me off that i work hard for my family and she is lazy and expects us to take from our household and give to her so she can sit at home all day and do nothing. i sure hope dh doesnt fall for her guilt trip!! just had to vent...i feel better now Smile


txcajunmom's picture

thanks for the input but i dont really see how that applies to our situation. i mean she does guilt trip him but not so much for her or her house but for her child ... she expects him to be financially responsible for him and he believes that being there for him should be enough. if he ever wanted to come over or needed someone to talk to dh would be there but to buy him things when she doesnt work and we have our own kids that we cant depend on anyone else to go out and buy things for them is just out of the question. i feel bad for the kid buy i have my own including his ss9 to worry about having the things they need.

txcajunmom's picture

oh ok thanks...and yes ma'am i agree!! btw, i'm going to check out that book i thik i really need it!!

txcajunmom's picture

well this is all new to me.. i was a smom before i was a biomom and just cant seem to figure it out especially with such a crazy, manipulative bm!! my parents have been married for 33 years, i've never had to deal with sparents or sbrothers or ssisters...i'm lost. but i do know that it is her responsibility to care for her children. dh is doing his part by paying cs and spending time with his son and even going beyond that to be there for HER son but enough is enough and i'm sick of this bm trying to get her way!

txcajunmom's picture

yes i beleive it is...and the thing is, he pays cs for HIS child. what she is asking for is some shoes for HER son that dh tried to have a relationship with but the child does not want it. so why should we buy his school shoes? i mean if dh was really serious about being daddy to this child, financially responsible and all, he should have adopted him.