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xtina's Blog

3 days and counting...

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The skids haven't been at my house since Sunday and their dirty clothes are still laying on my living room floor. My SO changes their clothes in the living room and then leaves their clothes on the floor. Does he expect me to pick them up? Last night, I even vacuumed the whole place and just vacuumed around them.
I'm not the maid. I pick up after MY kid.

Sleeping in my son's bed

xtina's picture

My son went to his dad's for the weekend and my SO has his 2 boys (3 & 5) all weekend. Last night after work, I went home knowing it was going to be loud chaos, as it always is when those 2 knuckleheads are there. So I went home and camped out in my room watching TV and then I took a bath. When I finally emerged from my hideaway, I walked past my son's room and the 2 boys were in my son's bed in my son's brand new jammies. The room was a disaster. Everything was pulled off the shelves. Clothes were hanging out of the dresser. I about flipped my lid.

WOW this site...

xtina's picture

This site is full of a bunch of online adult bullies!

I come here to vent my feelings and I get attacked? You would think I am on a site that's called "MY STEP KIDS ARE THE BEST THINGS SINCE SLICED BREAD".org!

Whatever happened to "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all"?

Some people need to realize that we come here to get away from our problems at home and we need a place to share our feelings and situations with people in similar situations. Yet when we share, we get belittled and bullied?

Major OOPS!

xtina's picture

My SO had his 2 sons this past weekend and I didn't have my son at all, so I decided to take advantage and have some "me-time". So I went shopping and bought a bottle of wine and camped out in the bathtub. I just didn't want to hear the skids whining all weekend. I texted my mom about how annoyed I was with SS3 because he is a little a-hole because my mom gets it- she's been in my shoes. Well.... Monday night I asked SO to look up a phone number that my mom texted me last week and he happened to see the texts I sent her about his son. WHOOPS.

Buying a house with SO/bedroom arrangements

xtina's picture

My SO recently moved in with me (don't hate on me for this!). I have my 2 year old son full time and my SO has his one son (3) every other week and his other son (5) every other weekend (falling on the weekends we have SS3). Currently we are living in my 2 bedroom apartment and from my previous blog posts, you all know that I can't stand my SO's whiny little bully kids. Basically, when the skids are together they gang up on my son and fight over HIS toys and tell him to go away. Anyway, yes I let them all move in.

Little butthole keeps breaking my son's toys!

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My SO's 3 year old son is with us this week and I have found it's best for everyone if I ignore him and not go out of my way to parent him but last night while my SO was in the shower, his little demon spawn wrecked 3 of my son's brand new toys he just got yesterday. like broken completely! Oh and his new movie. I asked him "Why did you break these toys? They are not your toys why did you do it?" I repeatedly asked him and he stared straight ahead and wouldn't look at me or respond. So he sat in time out until he could apologize.

Like a kid on Christmas morning...

xtina's picture

Saturday was supposed to be a glorious day. We had my SS3 all week long and then my SO got his son (SS5) Friday. My SO told me that SS5 would be returning to his BM on Saturday. OH GLORIOUS DAY! But I resisted the urge to say "Really??? You mean it??" and jump up and down. I conned someone at my job into letting me work all day Saturday so I wouldn't have to be home all day with the step-devils. (my son was going to be with his dad all weekend). All day at work, I was giddy like a school girl with a crush just thinking how awesome it was going to be going home to only ONE kid, SS3.
