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Zara Gold's Blog

Cops called

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DH was out of town. I came home one day early because I had a work meeting I need my notes at home because I was out of town too on a mini vacation.  So I was working from home, and the skids were partying downstairs.  22 SS and 16 SD. 

In the past, SD has physically attacked me, and I had to lock myself in the bedroom and call cops well DH tried to stop her from hitting him. 

So that is why this time I called the nonemergency line. 


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My SS that 22 accused me last night.  He said can you please stop looking at me you are making me feel uncomfortable.  Then told my DH he said he talked to him and SS said that I made him uncomfortable the way I was looking at him and staring at him like that.  I am so upset and crying I am not a pervert I never ever want any child to think I am looking at them like that. I'm so upset.  What would you do in this situation?