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What round are we on now?

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

For those of you who didn't read my last blog, BM refused to provide us with a uniform to take SD5 to school in on Monday mornings, per the court order. Well, her attorney told her she had to. This weekend, she brought us a uniform. Woohoo!! But she conveniently forgot her backpack, the backpack she told DH never existed. So when I showed up at the school this morning with SD, BM was waiting in front of the school with the backpack. She tried to take her and shoo me away, but I asked her to take me to SD's class and introduce me to the teacher. Not something she wanted to do, but made the attempt at least. Teacher was not there today. BM asked why DH was not bringing SD to school. Well, just like when they were married, DH goes to work at 4 am and doesn't get off until noon. So, I politely told her that he was working. Her response? "Oh and you're the boss." What? Where did that come from? No, we are partners in this. And poor SD and BS10 and BS8. They were witnesses to BM's childish behavior. SD was doing just fine until we walked up to the school and saw that BM was standing there. Then she complained about having a tummy ache. Yea, me too SD, me too.

So, BM took SD to her car to give her the daily laxative she administers to her. Yes, I said daily. DH and I have NEVER given her a laxative and she has NEVER had any problems at our house, even during the 15 day visitations during the summer. SD complains of tummy aches, but it's always when she doesn't get her way or doesn't want to do something she has been told. Once DH or I call her out, the pain goes away.

Then BM called SD after the drop off. She proceeded to tell him how SD is struggling with all of the high expectations she has in school this year and she is concerned that me bringing her to school will cause more anxiety. First of all, SD is 5 and in Kindergarten. Secondly DH told BM that if she has anxiety, BM created it, not me. But during the phone conversation, DH finally got the opportunity to ask BM why SD gets to suck on a "binky" at night when she's at BM's house. Ok, do I need to remind you that SD is 5. OMG Anyway, BM's response was that it helps soothe her belly aches. Yea, SD knows all the buttons to push with BM and BM is clueless.


starfish's picture

i don't think so, she's training that child to be needy and create a need for bm's existence........ what a loser.... good work on taking the high road!!!

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

You're probably right starfish. Everything else BM does is calculated, why not this as well. And thanks for the link crayon. Anything I can get my hands on in regards to PAS is always welcome.

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

bioandstep2009, you'd be surprised at how many mothers are doing this to their children. After finding out about it myself, I did quite a bit of research and have found that instead of trying to change a child's diet or getting to the true source of a "tummy ache", doctors are recommending laxatives. It's insane!!!!!!!

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

BM needs to learn to let go. BM wants SD to always want and need her.

Most Evil's picture

Can't that daily laxative be considered abuse? Doesn't it interfere with her natural cycle, and shouldn't her diet be the thing to change if there is a problem?

That and the 'binky' to me, amount to child abuse, and maybe if you say this to BM, she will stop?
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

William Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra", Act 2 scene 2