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Why does BM always get the benefit of the doubt?

Eagle Eye's picture

My last blog was about BM's weird behavior saying it was fine to enroll SS13 in the school of our choice..that being the one in our district. She previously had made a big deal about what school she wanted him to attend.

She sent the text on Thursday but I guess by Friday afternoon she had changed her mind and starting texting DH paragraph after paragraph! She basically got pissed because DH told her that if she wanted SS to go to the High School of her choice that she would be responsible for getting him to school each day. I will be busy driving my BD to school in our district and DH leaves for work hours before school even starts. There would be no problem if SS went to same school. BM currently lives out of state so SS lives with us F/T. She was supposed to move back in January, but I guess she forgot she said that. Now she is supposed to move back in June, but SS just said something about July so who knows!!

Her response to DH was that my BD is not her concern and SS will be allowed to go to the school of his choice which of course is the school of her choice. Whatever! He does not take school seriously so he doesnt get a choice!

DH responds to her rant by saying "of course! We will work out the details when you get back!" WTF?? He says he didn't mean it just trying to shut her up!! Ya right!! We all know he meant it! I told him that he better let her know that HER son is not my concern and I could really give a crap about his h/w, or whatever else she thinks I should care about! She wants me to raise her son but I have no say so in anything! She doesnt see a problem with ME trying to drive my BD to school and HER son to a different school at the same time! WTF? :?

DH finishes the conversation with me by calling me CATTY!? :O


Eagle Eye's picture

There is no CO in force. She left town and left SS with us. DH didn't want to go to court to change anything. We get no child support. All we get is her crap from afar and DH chooses to ignore it! He says he will register SS in our district because that is where kid lives BUT we know we havent heard the last of BM and that pisses me off! It seems that I am the only one who thinks of SS feelings etc even tho the kid drives me nuts! I would never let my BD think she was going to one school all the while a change was coming! That really isn't fair!

DaizyDuke's picture

Your DH is a jackass for his catty comment and BM is cookoo for cocoa puffs to think that she can dictate from afar what you will or will not do for HER son. If she is so concerned about where he is going to school and how he is going to get there, then SHE best be packing up the UHaul and hauling ass to get moved to the same town so SHE can handle it.

what planet are these people on???

Eagle Eye's picture

And I told him exactly that!! I am still steaming from that remark! She pulls all this crap and I get called CATTY!! Well I call him a pussy for not standing up against the bitch!! Blum 3

Eagle Eye's picture

I have no idea! All I ever hear about is her right as a parent! Blah blah blah! It makes no sense to me either and DH thinks if he ignores her that she will just go away! I freaking hate her! Ugh!

JMC's picture

Tell BM to shove it, it's DH & your decision where the kid is going to attend school, and until the time SHE comes back to raise her kid, he will be enrolled at the school in your district, which btw, just happens to be more convenient for you. Let her bitch & whine - ignore the messages and calls.

As for your DH calling you catty - oh man, I would serve him up dinner in a kitty litter box for that one! :O

Eagle Eye's picture

I had a very nice expensive dinner on Friday night and I didn't even look at the prices!! Calling me catty will cost him alot! In fact I will show him what being catty really is!! }:)