o/t - when did you know you were not in love anymore with a SO?
was it a defining moment in time, or was it all the little things that happened that piled up? That it got so bad that you knew couples therapy/marriage counseling wouldnt work?
- happymostly's blog
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- When he decided to take SD
- When he decided to take SD back to BM after BM threatened to call the cops. We took her in after BM said she was going to beat her up and then kicked her out of the apartment. She was with us for three whole days before BM decided to threaten NN with Johnny Law...and he caved like a weenie.
- When he took every single picture I had of my DS and smashed them all. Why? Because DS had left our house a real mess. This was a couple of months after SD had her baby at the ripe old age of 16.
- When we got in a huge fight because of this with me begging him to go to counseling and he said that *I* was the one who needed counseling.
- When the counselor affirmed to me that NN's way of dealing with things was being verbally abusive to me.
- When he decided to give up trying to contact SD and decided she is "just like her mother." Of course, this is giving up on his only grandchild as well...
- When I gave him an ultimatum of doing one of FOUR things that would really help our marriage and he has not attempted to progress at ANY of them.
- When I was on my way GONE - and he called me up promising to see the doctor and get on some anti-depressants/ anti-anxiety meds if only I would come back. Only to say that he was drunk and not going to follow through the next morning.
Well mine was after we had
Well mine was after we had sex I went to the bathroom and started crying because I didn't want him to touch me.
I remember I worked a Monday
I remember I worked a Monday thru Friday job and I would cry on Fridays in the bathroom because I dreaded spending time with him on the weekends or even just seeing him. I could have just died.
That is encouraging for other
That is encouraging for other mothers in your position! I didn't have a child with my ExH so I didn't have to worry about that. It is amazing how much better I felt driving away from him that day, I still remember that day and am so glad I left
Mine is kind of similar to
Mine is kind of similar to StillSearching.I knew it was over when I got physically ill at the thought of his hands on my body.The last time we were intimate I ended up jumping up to go retch into the toilet.It was not pretty.I moved out within a week after that.
Yeah I got down to 109 pounds
Yeah I got down to 109 pounds from not eating when I was with my ExH. He made me sick to my stomach as well so much that I couldn't eat. I remember going to the doctor and him telling me that I was slowly killing myself. Well weeks later I left my ExH and smiled ever since
And a week after leaving him I gained 11 pounds!
When I got in the car &
When I got in the car & started driving & wound up two states away & was sick to my stomach even thinking about turning around.