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BM back to work day

onebright1's picture

Just keeping records. BM texted SO last week that she was going back to work from maternity leave today. He picks up skids from school but 1 (sbitch12) is missing. Turns out I was right (imagine that) , according to Stwins9, BM let SD12 stay home from school today. I told SO months ago that when she went back to work the Older SGIRLS would suddenly become sick alot, due to BM needing a sitter for her new illegitimate twins.


onebright1's picture

She doesn't have sitter issues except for the having to pay someone. She refuses to pay for sitters or daycare. I saw several offers on fb to watch them but they wanted paid and she said no thanks can get family to do it for free. And she makes a good bit of money, just refuses to spend it on her kids. She is of the belief that she carried them and birthed them and the father and his family are totally responsible for anything the kids need from that point on. To include rides to activities and school.

Annanymous's picture

I would never trust leaving my infant home alone for hours with SD12. I do not think she is competent to care for them.

She got mad because she was talking about babysitting (Im pregnant) and I said no way, BUT I asked her what she would do if baby started choking and turning blue...She said, well, I guess I would call you and say I am really sorry he died and I couldn't stop him. :jawdrop: This is the almost 13 yr old that leaves the door hanging open and STILL cannot figure out how to pick her underwear up off the bathroom floor...And huffs and rolls her eyes when I say NO to her babysitting my baby. I don't really trust her to take my dog out without me watching.

I hope things go ok with your Sd12 babysitting BMs baby twins, I would have a stroke leaving my infant alone with my not-so-bright-bless-her-heart SD12 (almost 13).

RedWingsFan's picture

Yeah, SD14 got all bent when we were babysitting DH's nieces (ages 5 & 7) and I got tickets for the hockey game but ended up taking a friend because DH didn't trust SD to watch the girls for a few hours at our place.

DH looked at her and said "what would happen if one of the girls were choking and turning blue?" And she said "ummm, I don't know, maybe hit her in the back to get her to spit it out?"

And with that DH said, "this is why I'm staying home with the girls while Mel goes to the game". THEN she was all bent that I took a friend instead of her! Hey kiddo, you don't even LIKE hockey so why would I waste a good ticket on you???

onebright1's picture

Oh no way is sd12 even close enuff to being able to watch 2 infants all day. Apparently BMs mother was supposed to come watch them but was late so BM left them there wit sd12 and told her to wait for grandma who got there 20 min later. But BM had sent sd17 to take the other 3 skids to school and had left for work so sd12 just got left home with grandma and babies rather than someone taking her to school!