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Understanding his past relationship

Toofreeforthis's picture

I have hit this same roadblock multiple times and has thought I'd gotten past it. But yesterday I went down the rabbit hole of old emails and became fascinated in a sociologist kind of way in what my FH's relationship with BM looked like after their divorce. I felt the need to understand why he is so solicitous towards her and why his parents are so generous towards her. 

From my perspective since we have met, she has been nothing but nasty and vicious towards him. But their were enough red flags that I had questions. I recall early on her calling him crying when we were at their son's bball game and he took the call consoling her as he moved toward privacy. I also recall him defending her calling him to ask about road conditions.

We have had many conversations about boundaries and the fact that I will not get involved with anyone who is already in a "relationship".

He had told me that their divorce was mutual. Now I find these old emails where he accepts blame, says he failed to show her the love she deserved, basically worshiped her and showed jealousy if she dated, etc  this went on for at least 2 years post divorce  

It shakes my concept of what their relationship was. It was clearly much more significant than he portrayed to me and lasted much longer. The way they co-parented before I came along was completely enmeshed- sharing pics daily, bonding over their kids, etc.

I tried to talk to him about all of this, but he will not hear it or talk about it any more. I understand him being sick of it. I don't know what to do to let it go.





Siemprematahari's picture

I think you gotta ask yourself what you are worth and what can you live with......You deserve a man who is solely invested in you and not caught up in the past of what could have been. If he hasn't created boundaries and doesn't want to address something that bothers you that is another red flag.

Are you still willing to continue in a relationship like this? Its not easy letting go but if you are unhappy and don't see a solution and that things will improve you have no choice but to walk away or continue in this toxic cycle.

Toofreeforthis's picture

What I struggle with is that he has created boundaries now and their relationship looks much different. He has made all of the changes that I have requested and he has agreed with. So why is it still an issue for me? 

Lord knows I've had my own past, so I do understand. But I don't have any ongoing communication with them the way he does because of the kids. It is such a difficult thing to put in the past something that exists in the present-even though not in the same way. 

justmakingthebest's picture

I think that you really have to leave his past in his past. Unless he cheated on you, move on. You have boundaries that you can accept. You have a relationship that you are happy in. Let it go. If you can't then move on. 

Toofreeforthis's picture

I know that is right in my head. But there is something that is preventing me and I don't know what. Maybe I feel like he lied to me-completely misrepresented his feelings about her to me. But I also know that we tell the story we want to when it comes to the past. I guess I need to forgive him for who he was then and what he felt. You are so right that it's not like he cheated on me. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Having been divorced, I can tell you that my perception of how my marriage ended, why, and how I reacted is far different than it was after it happened.

Now, I am likely to tell you that it was toxic, we were too young, and we are both much happier now that it is over. Then? He was an abusive f***er and I fell hook, line, and sinker multiple times for nearly a year after we separated in hopes that he was changing. I was broken and all I wanted was my husband back, and if he showed the tiniest bit of trying to fix us, I would still be married to him (likely would, anyway).

Basically, people change. Their understanding of what the relationship was changes as they heal. As I grow older, I see where my XH was abusive, where I was abusive/manipulative, and how our relationship was destined to fail. My perspective changes and evolves every year going forward, as does my DH's perception about his relationship with BM.

Now, the question becomes, do YOU believe that your SO's interpretation of his relationship has changed as time goes on, or do you think he actively lied to you about the nature of that relationship? And, if he lied, did he do it to deceive you or to deceive himself? Lying isn't okay, but if he is doing it as a coping mechanism for himself, I think that is easier to work through than knowing it was done to appease you.

So, you need to ask yourself: was he lying, or has his perception changed? If he lied, why? If his perception changed, does it matter to your relationship?

Toofreeforthis's picture

Your story is so helpful to the situation. His perspective has changed and I can relate to that as well. It is difficult being confronted with the reality that was in that moment versus the perspective now. It conflicts. And I know myself well enough that any incongruence makes me uncomfortable. You have given me a way to reconcile the inconsistency. 

ESMOD's picture

Do you believe he loves you?  Do you believe he is over and done with his EX?  If so, going back and into his old private messages to his EX is probably not productive.  I mean, of course he is not going to tell you that he cared about her.. even post divorce that he may have still had mixed feelings about things.  I also hope he gave you full permission and you didn't snoop on your own.  If this was behind his back.. I really think that was wrong on your part. 

In any case, even if he wanted the divorce.. he still may have been going through a mourning process over the end of the relationship.  He and his EX may have continued enmeshed communications out of habit and difficulty in letting go.. It doesn't mean that it wasn't right for them to split.. but not everyone cuts off in the same way.

Now, we all have to realize that in almost every single case that our current SO's were in love (or thought they were) with their EX'es.  Even the situations where the people weren't married.. at some point, they had some level of attraction to the other person.. despite all the "she trapped him... she schemed.. he was always disgusted by her" words that you may hear him say.. at some point in time they were attracted enough to each other to produce a child.  My DH hates his EX. but at one point, he did love her.. I know he did.. but she turned out to not be who he thought he had married.  Is it helpful for me to go back and read their old messages?  NO.. why?  what will it do?  tell me something I already know deep down?  That there was a caring relationship at some point?  That maybe they communicated more than I thought when they split? 

I'm not saying that knowing why a relationship ended can't be helpful at times.. (he cheated etc..)  But, unless you worry he is NOW still in a relationship with her.. and not sure of your place.. I say leave it be.  If you are unsure.. maybe it's not the right relationship.

still learning's picture

Step away from his past, it's dead and gone. Why are you poking at it?  Curiosity killed the cat and will also destroy your present happiness. He and BM's love story is over. In my experience everyone sees a sitution differently so let your DH have his dillusion about his past. It's really none of your business.  

My own story, DH offered to tell me EVERYTHING and the details when we first got together. I declined and asked him to give me a brief overview of his past and leave it at that. I knew he and BM were swingers and I'm sure there were lots of very interesting details but I didn't want to make his past my current reality. Also I didn't care to know about all the people he had been with. Knowing me I would get mad and start a fight over ancient history that had nothing to do with me.  

Ignorance truly is bliss in my case. I live very much in the present with DH and we are busy making future plans.  His dark, dusty, drama filled past is his, just like skids are his.  I've disengaed so much that I don't care to hear any pre-Dh and I stories. Happy to be out of the old irrevelant first family loop. 


moving_on_again's picture

Ugh, you probably wish you had never read those. They are from the past. 

I once found a "couseling" sheet that DH and his second wife filled out before they got married in a bible. They had to rate what was important to them and DH put sex as a 2, as in, not important. LOL. Might not have been then! 

TrueNorth77's picture

I came across an email chain on SO's computer while deleting all the old pics of BM that she had uploaded to the computer when she lived there (Seriously, there were at least 1,000 selfies of her. It was ridiculous). On the emails, my SO was BEGGING BM to give him another chance, saying he loved her, and then asking why she wouldn't reply. He even sent a sex video they had made (literally the most boring sex in the world, she laid there like a dead person...but like a moth to a flame, I watched it. lol). It was all completely cringe-worthy, and it had only happened about 3 months before we met. But of course, what has been seen, cannot be unseen. He had told me that he went through a dark period when they split up- he hated her and they weren't happy together, but they also had been together 16 years, since he was 21. He then found himself alone for a week at a time with no kids or anything around the holidays, and he struggled and felt like having her and the kids back would at least make him not be lonely. Still, even with him telling me he used to contact her and kind of wanted her back for a month or so, seeing it all there in black and white made it real, and gave me all sorts of feelings. It was hard. The only thing that made me get past it is absolutely knowing now that he doesn't feel that way about her anymore.

It's like someone else said, you grieve the marriage, even if it was unhealthy (theirs was), and sometimes say things that are skewed (admitting fault, etc, even if it isn't accurate), just because it is so hard to come to grips that it is really ending. I can't really fault your SO for that, he probably is kicking himself now for those emails... but if I were you, I would be upset that he misrepresented the relationship to you, because no matter how you spin it, it is still lying.

Honestly, unless you feel you want to possibly end the relationsip unless he talks about it, I would just focus on the changes since those emails. You know he doesn't really want to be with her anymore. They had a dysfuncional relationship and it's very possible it was a mutual divorce. People do crazy things when relationships end, even if they aren't truly happy in them. It's hard to move on. Jealousy happens. Think of YOUR past relationships, and how hard it was to let go. Now realize that your FH went through the same thing, and allow him that. Focus on the future and realize that focusing on the past could very well ruin this relationship.

Toofreeforthis's picture

Shoot. I'm beating myself up for being so ridiculously juvenile. What is wrong with me?! I honestly know better. My god, relationships are tough sometimes. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Right? And our feelings don't always make sense- common sense says one thing, feelings say another. I feel things all the time that don't really make sense, I sometimes am annoyed at myself for letting them bothering me. Don't beat yourself up- just work on coming to terms with it.

AlwaysSmiling's picture

Nothing is wrong with you. You were simply gathering more information in any way you could. You had access to the emails and you read them. I'm sure, you were looking for information that could help you get to know your SO better. Simple as that. 

I did something similar, not emails, but my SO wrote a daily journal about his life as a father from day one of his daughter's birth to her 4th year. I read those (which are public, as he had them published in a book). It was hard to see certain emotions in black and white. He wrote about feelings for his wife (at the time), and the feelings he had when they split up and tried to make things work. It was very hard emotionally for me to read. As I'm sure those emails were for you. I found myself having feelings of jealousy and wondering if he still any of that years later. Wondering if he would ever have that intense of feelings for me. I know it was just paranoid thinking on my own part. 

But after all is said and done, I'm glad I read them. I feel like I do know my SO even better after reading them. I knew some of the things that irritated him about his ex. But mostly, he doesn't talk about her. But from reading, I found out other things that really peaved him. Things he wouldn't tell me, like her being on social media and ignoring him. After reading that, I made extra efforts to limit my social media time when we are together. That information is the stuff you can use to make your relationship better. So take whatever info you can from those emails and see what you can apply to your own relationship to make it better.  

Toofreeforthis's picture

My gosh. Such a heartfelt thank you to all of you! Your support and understanding helps so much.