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SD22 is still losing ground

Aniki-Moderator's picture

We all know that SD22 still wants that money that DH is no longer going to give her for Christmas. See my previous blog.

She's still trying, but is certainly being stupid about it.

DH called me from work last night.

DH: Did SD22 get hold of you?
Me: No. Why?
DH: She texted me "sorry". I asked "for what". She said "that's for Aniki". I told that idiot girl she needs to call or text YOU to apologize. Not me. FFS.

So SD texted DH a piddly-arse "sorry" that he apparently is supposed to pass on to me when SD has my number. Mmhmm. It's been 14 hours and I've yet to receive any messages from SD.

Any guesses on how long it will be before I get that apology? Anyone?


Monkeysee's picture

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I am so in love with your DH. He’s absolutely killing this!! WTG Team Aniki!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

What a pathetic brat, Aniki. I think I might be able to muster up a smidge of respect if she even had an ounce of pride, but she's just garden variety trash trying to finagle a few bucks.

Love how your DH is parenting, though. My DH always avoided the hard stuff, and would have played the "What can I do? She's an adult now." card.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

she's just garden variety trash trying to finagle a few bucks

Why, Exjulie, have you met BioHo?

Since SD refused visitation and DH never forced it, he's had very little opportunity to parent her since he divorced 'Ho. I think he's finally reached the point where he is a) disappointed that she's a moneygrubber just like 'Ho, b) not putting up with this kind of shizzit.

Sure, SD is an adult now, but DH will never stop being her parent. He said to me before that even if SD never speaks to him again, he will always be her father.

hereiam's picture

Apology or not, giving your DH an ultimatum and then choosing to not be a part of the festivities means she forfeits her gift. Then to call YOU, demanding her money? Hahahahahaha! Silly girl.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

She forfeited that gift alright! Dh and I had a LOVELY time Saturday night. Those Pirate's Coves certainly go down easy... Drinks

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I think that, too, tog. You know what's sad? That her shite behavior and bad attitude are no surprise to DH.

Healyourslf's picture

I read your previous thread...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Hysterical....oh the vicarious enjoyment! ^^^^High five A!  High five DH^^^^^

What a futile attempt at a non-apology. Meaningless from the moneyless. 


lieutenant_dad's picture

I thought you all and BioHo were besties now? What, you're telling me she isn't making her daughter not be a brat to her besties?! Why, I'm shocked! Gobsmacked, even!

You'll get that apology when apples stop falling from trees.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Is the money still on offer?  Why doesn't your DH tell this desperately manipulative leech to bugger off...?

At least you now know the price of SD's dignity. Bad

Aniki-Moderator's picture

No, the money is NOT still on offer. DH told her so and that she could forfeit a gift Christmas 2019 if she doesn't apologize to me.

Why doesn't he? No idea. But it's certainly entertaining while it lasts!

Dads_Wife's picture

Is SD that thick that she doesn't even lead with, tell aniki i'm sorry - she just blurts, sorry? Reminds me a caveman.. cavetrash? Who knows.

Also, your DH response is amazing. I'm not sure what his journey was like through this whole process but he sounds like he certainly has come to terms with his DD and who she is - maybe it gives others on this site some hope for their spouses - instead of rose colored glasses he has those Tac Glasses you see on the infomerical (SEE SO CLEARLY).

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I think Exjulie nailed it with 'garden variety trash'.

His journey was hell. I'm extremely thankful he outgrew his Disney Dad phase and am actually surprised by his new attitude. Reminds me of that song "We're Not Gonna Take It".