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Breach of Trust

Kopfschmerz's picture

I never thought I need to do this but I'm really frustrated and need some space to vent.

SD moved in with us about 1.5 yrs ago. We was living with a "psychotic" mom in Europe, who has a suicidal history. She claims she was abused by BM when she was younger - locked out in a dark room, slapped with flip-flops, drop on the floor through the room, etc. Some of these stuffs may be true, I cannot verify. All I know is that BM is a great liar - verified this because BMs ex-bf was contacting my husband about some historical facts and she pretty much twisted every story. Big saga, BM, ex-bf and ex-bf's wife!!!

So, being her mom's daughter, she has a history of self-harm and drama. She moved into our home without a proper winter coat, shoes, some sweaters, a handful of socks, underwear and bra. I cannot believe a 16 yr old has only 3 pairs of socks, 3 sets of bra and maybe 5 underwears. Apparently mom was so broke, they had to share. Well, of course she is broke - she hardly worked the past 5 years and continued moving around Europe, living off government money and kids support. But she has money to doll up and fly to UK to stalk ex-bf! So, my husband spent more than a thousand flying her over, and setting her up with proper attire to survive here.

Since then, she has been living a good live, getting weekly allowances and she probably goes shopping more often than I do. Her closet is now full of clothes she doesn't wash and spread over her entire room! When she just moved in, she behaves like she is entitled and not helping out at home. DH told her off and she got into the habit of doing the floors weekly. She is supposed to clear the dishwasher - each time, she will say - I didn't know it's clean (so, I will just conveniently leave it for her, or DH, and let DH work it out with her). Each day, she will hide in her room during dinner time. My little ones have to go to her room to invite her. The little ones set the table waiting for princess to come down. She will only do this when daddy is around.

So, now here are the issues I am having;

1. She is filthy. Her room - MESS! I only have 1 word for it. She will eat / drink in the room (soup, snack, wings, soda - anything) and leave those stuffs in her room for weeks!! Yes, I saw a bowl of hardened soup in her room, empty boxes of wings, packet drinks, soda. Thank god, it's winter, no mold yet. Her homework is all over the bed, pencils, pens everywhere, clothes in piles. I clean weekly, I make her clean the floors weekly, my younger kids (4 and 6) clean their own rooms, playroom and study - so, I cannot understand why she cannot just clear up her stuffs weekly. And bringing down the bowls and soda cups to the main trash, which my husband clears weekly. 

2. She is as avid liar. I was looking for some cups / bowls / straws and I would ask her where they are - she will reply, I don't know. I will find them all in her room. Being her mom's daughter?

3. We left on vacation and left her taking care of the home for 2 weeks. We came back with dog pee all over the couch. She said she couldn't smell it - gosh - you cannot miss a dog's pee stench! Instead of being sorry, she started a fit! She said I don't have to show her attitude. She is angry at herself and she has anger management issues and cannot manage her anger at herself - BULLSHIT! She punched the wall and came down crying her hand hurts! Wow, I want to punch too - her face (sorry, I really need to vent). After crying for 30m, she started hyperventilation - big show? I don't know. But she got DH's attention. 

4. Last straw - I found my socks in her room. I went to my sock drawer and found several pairs of socks / tights missing - yes, she took my SOCKS! Thank god none of my other clothing will fit her, she is a size bigger. And we have different taste - basically, I have not bought fancy clothes for a long time - there is nothing else for her to take (all my nicer old dresses are small size - phew). So, she took socks. I can live with isolated filth, laziness but theft and lies - that is not acceptable in my household.

Am I bad not being able to live with her? Am I bad if I want her to move back to Europe for college after high school? I actually planned to pay for her college - I even started a savings account for her. FYI, DH does not earn much, have no savings and will not be able to pay for college. BM - broke, as mentioned. But now I'm having second thoughts. I have 2 more kids and my pay is just enough for annual expenses for the family (I pay 90% of family expenses, mortgage, cars - including DH car, insurance, food, gas, some utilities). Am I being selfish if I do not want to pay for her college? I could support part of it but I feel like a sucker paying a huge sum to someone who does not respect me and lies to me. I feel being taken for a ride. Especially her birth parents are just sitting aside, looking at this sucker working her ass off. I still have two more kids to support and my own retirement.

tog redux's picture

Why are you paying for 90% of all the expenses? Hell no, you don't pay for her college - DH can take out loans if he wants to help.

And what possessed you guys to think you could trust her home alone for 2 weeks? I'm not sure I'd let my SS19 watch my dogs for 2 hours.

Kopfschmerz's picture

I wish I could take them back. The room is in such bad condition, clothes everywhere, stale perfume, I do not know where to start!

I take home double what DH takes home. That's why I hv to support more, and he spends more on other things too and he pays SD her allowance and school.

She is getting enough money from us. She gets 30 weekly for food n allowance. She just got 100 each for bday n xmas. And we gave her another 400 when we left. And we just got her a trip to Europe to visit mom (mom did not pay a single penny - honestly no one knows where mom is). She gets to put all sorts of colors on her hair n piercing all over. I dont really care, it's her face. Why is she still not satisfied? Is she comparing with her younger siblings? I seriously cannot cuddle her the way I would cuddle the younger ones. She's 17! I think we have been treating her decently well.

I dont think I want DH to take a loan for her. He is poor enough and my retirement likely won't support two.

ndc's picture

You should not pay for her college. Not your responsibility, so no need to feel selfish or guilty. You should also let your husband know that co-signing loans is unacceptable unless he has retirement funding that will support his lifestyle without YOUR retirement funds. This is self-preservation!  I assume sending her back to Europe means a reasonably priced college education. Why would everyone not want that if it's an option?

Siemprematahari's picture

1- DO NOT allow her to eat in her bedroom since she doesn’t know how to clean up after herself. I wouldn’t allow this to be an option, she simply does not eat in her room.

2- Her father has to give her consequences EVERY TIME she lies and remain consistent. He has to address it right then and there and hold her accountable.  

3- DO NOT ever in your life leave her alone and unattended in your home for such an extended amount of time. This was not a good call and now you know she can’t be trusted to take care of the home in your absence.

4- Consider placing a lock on your bedroom door and/or have your husband address her and give appropriate consequences for simply taking your belongings and not asking.

Living with someone is an adjustment and more so when they are slobs and don’t clean up after themselves. Your H needs to put his foot down and parent her. You have children of your own that you have to support. SD and your H will have to find a means for her to attend college. It should not come out of your pocket.

Kopfschmerz's picture

1. She is NOT ALLOWED to eat in her room. She does not follow any of the rules. Because we have not imposed consequences. She promised but as usual total BS.

2. DH trusts her. So my next step is to accumulate proof. She will just deny. She even took his pullovers. And he knows.

3. Learnt my lesson!!!

4. Locked room is difficult. But I am thinking of a safe or locked drawer. First, I will need to prove it.

We are very careful dealing w her, just in case she hyperventilate or cuts herself again. 

I am strongly pushing for her to go to back to Europe for free education, yes, FREE. And quality education, if she qualifies. She says she is studying. Her grades have improved since she came, give her credit for that. I try to stay out of her way so she can at least complete college n not end up useless. I tried to ignore all the shortcomings, convincing myself its charity but when I found my stuffs in her room, my head just exploded.

Siemprematahari's picture

Why have consequences not been imposed on her?? Your H is committing a great disservice by allowing her to think that she has "no rules". In the real world life doesn't work like that. I get that she has some issues but she needs consistency and to know that you have rules and when they are broken she has to answer to them. I can imagine how frustrating this is for you. You seem to genuinely want the best for her but your H is not helping the situation. In fact he's making it worse.

Cover1W's picture

The DH here is the issue so there's not much SM can do if he doesn't step up. Has OP discussed this with him? What does he say? Does he undermine her? Have authority without the power to do anything? I suspect yes to all this. 


Kopfschmerz's picture

DH and I moved to Asia for 6 years, before we moved to US 2 years ago. She and SS (yes, there is another SS, luckily not living with us) were with BM. He got detached from them because BM kept moving. Believe it or not, SD changed schools 10 times in 5 years, in between even attending internet school. She would not provide a contact number or opportunity to contact. It got so bad, he threatened to stop child support if he cannot call them weekly. After chasing after a phantom BM for a year, DH just gave up and just drop occasional messages, texts and hope for a reply. Whenever there is a reply, it's about a new bike or pc or late child support. So, he wasn't there for a great part of her childhood. And it's probably also in this time SD learnt to lie - i.e. she will not tell DH what is happening in her life, just "I don't know" - her favourite phrase. Apparently, BM told her not to reveal things about their lives. Oh, did I also mention BM's ex-bfs have been abusive too? So, she also probably developed this habit to stay out of trouble.

In short, I think part of DH feels guilty not being there for her - although it wasn't his fault. I sympathise SD's past - but I don't think DH and I should be suffering consequences of her BM's wrath - neither should DH.

Rags's picture

Time for escalating age appropriate levels of abject misery until her behavior complies with the standard you demand or she leaves.

No quarter.

And.... she can pay for her own college.