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It won't change.

Jjs868's picture

Good morning. So this may be long, so I'll try to section it out. 

1. Schools out and SD10 is staying down in her same class, she isn't moving up because the teacher thinKS she isn't ready. Now I met her when she was 7 and one of the 1st things I asked her about was her schooling and I gave her a mini test and saw that her foundation was off and so I bought her some books to help her, because she wasn't with us regularly I sent her home with the books, her mom said that that is baby work and gave the books to her other daughter (another man child) so nearly 4 years later and SD10 is failing. DH and I puck her up in her work and teach her as well but when she goes to her mother the mother does nothing. Which brings me to my second thing.

2. Bm called dh and said she wants to send SD10 to a camp for $800 but she would put half, now last year bm wanted her to go a camp and asked dh to pay the full $800 which he did, and when SD10 finished the camp we asked her what she learned her response was "miss say I could run real fast" I asked her what about school work what did you learn "I learned about the planets" I said ok name them, she named only 3 and earth wasn't one of them. So with that dh said nope he isn't paying for any camp if she wants she could pay for it. She didn't so she has the child all over the place (grandparents, aunts, sometime by us) about 10 days ago bm called dh and put SD10 on the phone to ask for money to go out he told her he doesn't have any and to put her mom on the phone, he told bm why u don't just pick up the child in her school work? Her response was "I not picking up anybody in any school work" loud enough for SD10 to hear. DH was livid. He thought that was disrespectful and he doesn't want to hear from bm anymore because she isn't making any sense nor is she trying to help the child. 

3. I disengaged the most I would do is feed sd10. Because when school closed and she was by us, I let her grandma shampoo her hair then I combed it out now sd10 said she never saw her hair like that before (completely combed out) so I gave her a canerow style and she was happy. Her mom came for her then 2 days later dropped her back by us with her hair in 2 messy, tangled ponytails.  I told dh I won't be combing her hair again he told me don't because the mom really not doing anything. 

4. I told dh the reason I believe bm treats sd10 like that is because she looks exactly like him, but her other daughter looks like her. Because I can't see how u could have 2 daughters and treat them so differently. 

Things to keep in mind. Bm doesn't cook (sd10 came to me several times saying her mom didn't cook she was too busy getting ready for work) she doesn't wash (sd10 told me she has no clean underwear on several occasions when I asked her why she wasn't wearing any) she doesn't comb her hair (the evidence is in her messy hair everytime I see sd10) she doesn't do school work with the child. She doesnt buy any school supplies (dh buys everything) she doesnt buy groceries (dh use to give her money but sd10 came to us saying shes hungry many times that we started to buy her groceries) But when it's time for a class party, our an outing with the school or a birthday party she wants DH to foot the bill to make the daughter look nice and dh just doesn't do it. 

I just needed to vent, it may seem like I'm complaining. But I just can't see how a woman can treat her own flesh and blood like that, if I had a daughter I would make sure she is taken care of and I wouldn't wait for dh to buy anything because we both work so somethings I could buy its a partnership but bm just wants DH to foot every bill while she does nothing. 


ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Has DH considered getting full custody?  Sounds like a neglectful situation for SD10 with BM.  Its hard to stand by and watch that happen.  Sorry to hear you are having to deal with that.

Jjs868's picture

He has tried when sd was young (before I came into the picture) but he told me his mom and family told him don't go through with it, I don't know why they told him that and I guess he trusted their judgement. But he say now he regrets it. His mom and family they say they don't like bm and what she does but they are afraid to tell her to her face. From what I see I'm the only one who actually stands up for dh and SD but sd is all for her mother, she would lie for her mom etc so that's another reason I disengaged.  Because I can't treat u well, spoil you and the moment your mom say spit on your step mother she would do it she won't say 'no mammy she treats me well' I've been through alot with sd10 over the past few years and most I could do is support my DH in his decisions and just make sure it isn't damaging to sd. I talk to her alot and try to encourage her but she doesn't push herself. Which is frustrating because I feel like I'm wasting my time and energy. 

Harry's picture

is stead of venting about BM you can make sure SD has good meals at your home.  You can do thing with her to have a fun day.  Thy to make life better for her 

Jjs868's picture

Yeah that's what I said I make sure she is fed when she is by us. When she's with us she's good. It's the little things I look at. And it frustrates me that her mom just absolutely does nothing for her. That is what I don't like. The fun days I tried that but I'm a balanced individual if we gonna have fun times I gotta give u school work as well, and that is where she gives trouble, and it's not that she doesn't know the work she just doesn't apply herself. Because all dh has to do is pick up the belt then automatically she gets everything correct and that is what frustrates dh. 

IN my opinion it's like sd10 just wants to stay a child/baby the way she acts

Jjs868's picture

Am I wrong for not doing the things her mom is suppose to do? Mind you if her mom was doing the things she is suppose to I would gladly do it as well. 

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Its hard not to pick up the slack of a neglectful BM, but I've learned talking with other STalkers that it is DH responsibility to do that.  Really, you are just in a position to support DH's efforts within boundaries and be a positive person in SKIDS life.  You can't make up for BMs lack of parenting.  I've tried.  Doesn't work that way, unfortunately.  You run the risk of the SKIDS, BM, DH, and their family resenting you for pointing out their obvious failures toward their own flesh and blood.  You can't care more than the BioParents or you'll drive yourself nuts.

I see what you mean about doing those things if BM was already doing them.  Life is so much easier with my SS10 than with my SDs (abandoned by a neglectful mom) because his BM and GM/GP are not neglectful.  I just reinforce things like a babysitter or aunt would when he is in my care.  

Jjs868's picture

I will take all your points into consideration,  and being on here has truly helped because I honestly felt like I was crazy for thinking this way and I thought I was in this alone. I will continue to support dh and be there for sd. And I'll talk to him about considering full custody. Once again I appreciate all of your outlooks on this situation.

bananaseedo's picture

I would NOT put the bug in the ear about full custody.  It will be on YOU to correct/raise this kid.  Many of us on this board ended up regretting this decision very much so.