And we have identified that Beaver is half of the problem in my marriage
as in the BITCH NEVER EVER LEAVES MY F*CKING MARRIAGE/LIFE. I hadn't realized just how much I resent having that big fat orange tooth rodent in our lives...but oh boy did this weekend flesh that out.
This is NOT our weekend with SD..I repeat NOT OUR WEEKEND. SD had to work Saturday evening.. Cool..whateves not our problem to get her to work.
As we are enjoying our Saturday togther and working on reconnecting in our marriage, etc. DH gets a text message from SD..she is on her way over. WTF....WTF is SD talking about. you see SD has to stop out our house to get her work clothes because she wasn't able to get them on Friday since Beaver picked her up from school and didn't want to stop to get SD's stuff. This all occured around 4 p.m.
\MMM...kay so weekend interrupted. SD blows in to change clothes, etc while the Beavermobile waits in our driveway. Off SD goes to think we are done with SD and the Beaver...if you said...Oh no halo she will be back..YOU GET A COOKIE.
Now, I'm already somewhat unhappy over this interruption and I can feel my resentment growing. However, I will move on....and DH and I discuss the fact that somewhere around 10 that night we might get a call from SD asking DH to bring her to Beaver's because Beaver doesn't want to drive to get her. Just ugh...but ok.
I"m still not happy but as I know Beaver and the above is definately a possiblity. Around 6 p.m. as we are watching the pre show for the preakness race (I'm a big horse racing fan..second leg of the triple crown) and enjoying a glass of wine...DH gets a call from SD. They have too many people at work so they are sending her home. OK..and what does this have to do with DH. SD can't get a hold of Beaver...she won't answer her phone and can DH come get her and bring her to our house.
UGGHGHGHGHGHG....WTF...seriously. DH of course goes and gets her...Not much else he can do. He tries to text Beaver, nope nada. SD tries calling, texting, sending smoke signals...NOTHING FROM THIS BIOTCH. SD finally calls GWR ...who is home with Beaver...what is beaver doing exactly that she can't answer the phone at 6 p.m. on Saturday..SLEEPING..THIS F*CKING BIOTCH IS SLEEPING. SD tells GWR to go wake up the fat rodent..since she is now at our house and needs to be picked up. DH had told SD that if she can't get ahold of Beaver he would take her home after the race...since I told him he will not be leaving before that.
Beaver finally responds around 7 and picks up SD around 7:30 p.m. By th is time I am fuming and just flat out pissed of that my weekend and marriage rebuilding is interrupted because of Beaver. This has been a theme throughtout our marriage. DH felt it and I know I was checking out at this point. I was just over the whole flipping thing and was noping right on out. Yep...I resented the hell out of SD, Beaver and DH.
As a mother I cannot wrap my head around Beaver to save my life. I know when my kids were minors, if they were at my house and were out and about....I would always leave my phone on and have it with me. I mean sh*t happens and my kid or my kids might need to get ahold of me. I certainly didn't just shut my phone off and go to F*CKING sleep. WHO THE F*CK DOES THAT? What if SD got hurt or something? I mean for someone that hates DH and thinks he is useless she sure banks on the fact that he will take care of SD.
Upside for the first time in FOREVER..DH and I actually talked about this and he acknowledged the fact that this is are large part of why I disengaged from not only SD/GWR but from him as well. I just couldn't/can't take the constant interruption to our lives because this BIOTCH is the most sh*tastic mother ever.
- halo1998's blog
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At least you talked it through.
What is the strategy for next time? Can SD have two sets of uniforms so I at Beaver's den and one at your house? Can SD get a cab home if she's sent off shift early? Just some thoughts on how to minimise their lack of planning impacts your life.
Multiples of her uniform are
Multiples of her uniform are a start.. and also there are ways you can order "uber" for other people on your account... so your DH could have told her to hang tight for a bit to see if her mom answered.. if not.. to text him in a bit and he could order her a ride from a ride share app.
Personally I would never let
Personally I would never let my underage child get in an uber alone and I know my DH wouldnt either. This to me is NOT an option.
She is 16.. working. I don't
She is 16.. working. I don't think this is a super big risk and something she will likely need to learn to deal with. I guess you could also call her a cab? an "official" company vs ridesharing. But, with UBER.. you can track the Uber ride on your phone.. she can have her location on and trackable on her own phone.. and I'm fairly certain she is old enough to understand or be taught to check the license plate of the car to match the uber driver in the app?
I am not advising this is an option for a 10 year old.. but a 16/17 year old? I don't see this as a huge risk.
She has mutiple pairs of pants and shirts
but only one pair of shoes and only one hat. We bought it all and DH was not about to spend double the amount on shoes
The issue with the ride..Beaver lives about 25 to 30 minutes from our house and where SD's works. SD purposly picked a place by us just because she knew her mother would be a flake and at the very least should could walk to our house. (The place of employment is only about a mile from our house.
Sure DH could have gotten an uber for her..but then he would have to pay for that..about 23 to 30 bucks. He was not about to set that precent with Beaver becauset that would become a habit for Beaver to "forget" about SD and force DH to pay for SD to get back to the Beaver den.
SD hasn't even gotten her first pay check yet so she doesn't have the money for ride share either. GWR is NOT an option as we don't know if he is high and/or drunk so we don't let SD ride with him. No way is DH going to take the wrap for something to happen to SD by letting GWR drive her.
In all honesty, why is it DH
In all honesty, why is it DH's problem? I get that Beaver is a deadbeat BM, but that doesn't make it DH's problem. What if you guys had been out of town or unavailable? What then? If SD is old enough to have a job, she is old enough to figure something out; getting a ride from a friend or another family member, taking an Uber, etc. SD cannot be relying on you both for everything and DH needs to stop setting that expectation. In my opinion, if it's not DH's weekend, it's not his problem. I think you will feel a lot less resentment if that line in the sand is drawn.
I'm going to disagree with SD
I'm going to disagree with SD finding her own way home. She's 16 not an adult yet. Most states have laws with new drivers where they aren't suppose to have anyone in the car with them for their first year. She isn't her friends problem.
I'm going to disagree
She's 16 years old not a toddler. It was circa 6pm, not past midnight. She should be able to figure out how to get home or this is a great teaching moment for her to learn a life skill.
Her mother being a POS isn't
Her mother being a POS isn't a life teaching moment. We will have to agree to disagree on this.
SD's friends don't drive
these girls are only 15 or barely 16..they can't get license yet where we live till 16 1/2 at best. Sd;s choices of family members are.
Beaver - she is useless
Mr. Beaver SR - iffy at best and he is also a drunk
Beaver SR - cannot drive due to a stroke and dementia
GWR - nope...not a chance in hades he would do it and nor would DH let her since is usually higher than the balloon in UP
Beaver's brothers - 1 is drunk like Beaver SR with 5 duis to his name so he can't drive the other might come get her but he is equally as flaky
While I understand its not his weekend...SD is still his daughter and a minor. The courts CPS etc will not care if it was his weekend or not should something happen to SD
did he at least make her wait
did he at least make her wait at work for a bit (45 minutes would do it if it were me and my sk) so she gets a grasp of not everything being important because it's her?
She had to wait a few minutes
about 15 to be exact...since DH was also texting the fat rodent to see if he could get through to her.
But then he went and got her..because he wanted to be back by the time the race started...since we made bets on it, etc. I introduced him to the world of horse racing and now he loves to watch. (I used to jump horses when I was younger...WAY YOUNGER and I love riding)
Once you knew she was at home
Once you knew she was at home sleeping, I would have left her a voice mail and sent her a text telling her the same thing, that SD was sent home from work and that, as he couldn't get a hold of her (Beaver) he had ordered SD a taxi and told them that Beaver would be paying for it on arrival. But I'm bad that way :) Bet she'd have been up and running in record time.
How far is it to SD's work from Beaver's? Is there public transportation? Does the GWR drive?
no public transit
we don't really have the here..and its a good 25 to 30 minutes to Beavers using the its quite a distance.
GWR is no...he can't be trusted to be sober.
Why on earth would she find a
Why on earth would she find a job THAT far away when she lives full-time with BM though? That's insanity! As a parent I wouldn't agree to this either honestly.
As for her taking a nap, time doesn't matter, I think she has every right to do so, especially if she thought SD was working until later. Now, having her phone on should be standard just in case things like this happen.
I say 'ok' to sleep at anytime you can, I have insomnia problems, I take my naps when/whatever time I can if I had a rought night prior trying to sleep.
I totally get how frustrating it is though to deal with this kind of interruption and useless BM. My heart goes out to you, it's really tough!
She doesn't live with Beaver full time
only 50% of the time and attends school 1 mile from our house. Our house is the residental house..not Beavers.
The sleeping thing....I don't care if you want to nap...I have insane insomnia...but I still don't nap at all. However, the minute you can't hear your damn phon when you know your kid isn't at home..that is a problem. Period. SD is just barely 16 and not an adult. If she was an adult we wouldn't be having this problem.
If your minor kid is out of the hosue..EITHER HAVE YOUR PHONE ON OR STAY THE F*CK UP LIKE THE REST OF US DID. Its not like I didn't have my own kids....I had 2...they are adults now AND I STILL HAVE MY PHONE ON IN CASE THE NEED ME. I mean good*t happens..accidents, illness ,etc...I hate to think my kids couldn't call me when they needed help.
This happens with us too.
Saturday before mothers day, SDst16 called wanting a ride to our house to pick up mothers day present for Toxic Troll. Before that was the moving Feral Forger back from 3 hours away. Before that were the times that SD B/M couldnt get her mother on the phone and she was by herself.
I got tired, am so tired of all these arguments because Toxic Troll and skids. Ive disengaged significantly as of this weekend.
Yep, SD needs to have a plan in place. For all the different next times.
SD would have a plan in place
if there were any real options for the poor kid. Beaver's entire family is useless and she knows it. Unfortunately, other DH and my two kids....she doesn't have many options.
What you wrote is exactly how
What you wrote is exactly how I feel! I hate when days we dont have SD I have to see her! Even if she stops by for just a few minutes to grab something she is stil inturrupting me and DH. One Monday after school she stopped by to get something she had forgotten and plopped down on the couch I guess to sit and chat with DH. I was fuming! She had just spent the whole weekend here.
This weekend was one of our 2 weekends a month without her and we had gone away for the night Saturday. I thought we wouldnt be bothered by SD too much since Saturday morning she had left to go to Disney with the entire senior class. But guess what?? She texted the second we were walking into the hotel room (just to tell him they had reached Florida but stll had 3 hours to go)! Then of course she texted later that night and then she texted first thing in the am which woke DH up early which meant I had to wake up early (Its hard to sleep in in a hotel room when the other person is up and about) and the best part???? She texted again at 10am as we were fooling around to send him a pic of the castle. I am so sick of her not thinking that just becuase she is awake her dad and I might be sleeping in. I am so tired of her thinking she can inturrupt our days when we dont have her!
You should be more annoyed at
You should be more annoyed at your DuH. He's the problem. You'd gone away for a night or so. You were enjoying private couple time. All he had to do was turn of his damn phone! Good grief! How did these people survive before the advent of cellphones?
Yes she called but he picked up. Which of them has the most life experience and (hopefully) common sense? A grown adult or a 17 yo?
SD is just barely in she turned 16 in the last 2 days
and she is a young 16 to boot. DH won't turn off his phone....and I don't want him to either. I'm just annoyed that Beaver sucks so f*cking badly as a parent.
My comment was directed at
My comment was directed at missgingernap
He didnt pick up. She texted. And he NEVER has his phone off. Not just becuase of her (although he is one of those parents that are always availble but becuase he owns his own business)
Then he has his priorities
Then he has his priorities all wrong. When you go away with your wife, she should be your focus and your phone should be OFF... unless you are expecting a call to tell you the president will be there in 5 minutes (in which case you would not have gone away). Why was his phone on during your one night away for how long?
We were at home...and generally we don't turn our phones off
1. I couldn't over the weekend..I was oncall. Plus I get called by my team since I'm the expert on our team for disaster recovery and if they need to recovery or failover..I'm the one they call.
2. Dh doesn't because sometimes he will get called by clients for help.
It sucks but its the nature of our IT jobs....unless we are on vacation...then generally we have be available for emergencies
Winterglow - I take you dont
Winterglow - I take you dont own your own business. Him keepinghis phone on is not an issue with us. We went away for a night. It wasn't our honeymoon. And he doesnt jump to answer it.
My point was SD is still constantly texting and calling DH. Shes 17 and in Florida with her friends and boyfriend. Checking in once a day would be what I would expect her to do. Not giving him an update every couple hours
I do, actually. Despite
I do, actually. Despite working internationally, when I plan for for time off, time off is what I have. For me, it's a question of priorities.
He didnt pick up. She texted. And he NEVER has his phone off. Not just becuase of her (although he is one of those parents that are always availble but becuase he owns his own business)
Bratty used to do this when SO and I first got together and would spend overnights with each other. She would text all through the night no matter the hour (she was at college and stayed up late and slept in). SO is a sound sleeper and never heard the beeps and dings. I am a light sleeper and they would wake me up. I finally made him set a do not disturb on his phone from 10 pm to 7 am. So annoying that a then 18 year old couldn't grasp waiting until normal daytime hours to communicate.
My question in all of this is
My question in all of this is what is your DH's plan to mitigate this problem in the future?
Can SD get her license? If so, what is he doing to help that? Does SD know the number for a local cab company, and will the cab company pick her up? If not, what is he doing to teach her these things? If Beaver can't be relied upon, then DH may need to tell SD she can only work during his custody times.
This is an annoying situation for sure, but the question is, what is your DH going to do about it? He's on extra thin ice with you, and this would be an excellent opportunity for him to show that he recognizes the problem and is actively working to fix it. You might have to tell him that this is an excellent opportunity, but that seems like a small price to pay. It will give you loads of information as move forward about whether he's actually willing to put in the work for your marriage or not.
She can't get her license for at least another 5 months
sucks but the state decided that newly minted 16 year olds weren't quite ready to drive yet. We don't really have cab companies here...I mean you sort of do...but we live out in the burbs....its not common out here. Ride share is maybe....and I suggest that but I don't think DH will be comfortable sending SD alone in a we have to be aware of anything Beaver can and will use against DH.
Then it sounds like the
Then it sounds like the solution is SD only works on DH's custody days until SD is old enough to drive. Sucks for SD, but it's the unfortunate reality of being under the age of self-transport in the suburbs (been there, done that).
And that goes back to a conversation that your H needs to have with SD to 1) prioritize your marriage, 2) set firm boundaries with SD and Beaver, and 3) actually show that he's paying attention to how the chaos disrupts the flow and causes problems.
I know folks will say it's not fair to SD, but she's 16. She has 50 more years of working life ahead of her. Having to put off a job or working as much as she wants for six months won't be the end of the world. But this is a problem for Halo, and it's a problem partially caused by H for bringing kids into the world with Beaver. She isn't reliable, and H has to balance his marriage with his parenting responsibilities. It'll be tough for him, but that's HIS burden.
Remember that, Halo. It's HIS burden to balance this put, not YOUR burden to accept or overlook.
I whole heartedly agree its DH's burden to figure out
I have told him before..the problem is his because he chose to procreate with that worthless piece of flesh. He knows it...he just didn't realize for a long time how much it impacted our me. He does now....since he knows my patients are in short supply these days.
We already talked about if Beaver continues to be a problem..SD will have to stop working. We were ok if she didn't get a job at this time as we didn't make the other kids get jobs will they were almost out of high school. This is something SD wanted to do. DH did tell her Saturday..if this continues to happen then the job would not work as he is NOT an uber driver for her and/or he mother.
I feel this in my soul
Right or wrong, I live for skid-free weeks, and interruptions by them, especially extremely avoidable/uneccessary interruptions, really frustrate me. SS16 would always text and say he had a package delivered at our house and ask if he (meaning, Crazy would be driving him over) could stop and pick it up. I let him the first time because it was something I knew he was really excited to get- but explained that after that, he would have to wait until our custody week to get the package. He has repeatedly tried to text us to ask if a package came/hint at picking it up, but DH and I both tell him he can get it when he's with us next. I flat-out explained to him the feeling of someone who is extremely hateful to you coming to your house (i.e. Crazy), interrupting your peace, and we frankly do not want her here. He seemed to get that because he knows how awful she is to us. But when DH is always taking them to appt's on her weeks (almost every week they are at her house, he takes one skid to an appt), and then I have to hear about it....I die a little inside. She just cannot figure shit out on her time, DH has to do it or they wouldn't get to their millions of Dr. appt's. Also, DH texts with SS alllll the time when he isn't here. He will then keep the text thread open on his phone and just stare at it for minutes, waiting for SS to respond. It annoys me so much I sometimes finally say, what are you doing?? Like, focus!!
DH would do the same thing yours did and pick SD up, but it's sooo frustrating....he needs to figure out a better solution.
This is tough because SD was
This is tough because SD was stuck and I understand your DH needing to go get her. I know it's difficult at the moment but assuming there is a plan to get SD a license and a car she can drive to and from work - can this be something you both just accept and deal with for another few months?
I wouldn't send her in an Uber either. If your area is safe enough I would maybe be ok with her walking the mile to your place but then she's still stuck there until Beaver shows up. Unless she can arrange for rides with any co-workers, I don't see a good solution other than just get SD driving soon. And I think it's important that SD work so I wouldn't limit that.
Sorry your evening was ruined.
This is a tough sitiuation.
This is a tough sitiuation. It's not SDs fault Beaver is a POS and DH isn't going to leave his kid out to dry because of It. Story of my life with BM and skids.
I haven't been with SO as long as you and your DH (approaching 7 years) but, I totally understand what you mean. It's not fun.
I've built some serious resentment towards BM because I feel like my relationship with SO was basically put on hold because she's such a POS and it's been over 4 years since they stopped their EOWE at her house. I thought we would always at least have a little alone time. NOPE.
Which made everyday life between us harder and we will say the fire dwindled. It's getting that back (which I'm assuming you and your DH are working on) with the constant f'n wrenches that never seem to stop in step life. It's finding the balance of not letting the shit get to us as much IMO.
I am sorry the beaver IMO not SD ruined your night.
This...this is why I'm peeved
the never ending intrusion that is step life. And yes...we are trying to rebuild our marriage and find a better place for us. However, this just brought me right back to where I was with...nope...disengaging from the entire shit show...DH, SD, Beaver...all of iit.
Right. But we shouldn't have
Right. But we shouldn't have to disengage from our SOs/DHs/DWs whatever the case may be in situations. For me personally, it is finding that place in between, an understanding from your partner of how you feel and grasping the whole concept.
I've had countless convos with SO about just because you don't care (or it doesn't bother him) that why should I not let it bother me too??!! I have my own opinion as well and feelings/emotions. Then we feel brushed off and things fizzle.
It is the simplest things too... Example: BM liking a check in on Facebook while we were in Mexico because she is still friends with one of SOS friends wives on Facebook that was tagged. The one she is still friends with on the book didn't even make the post! His other friends wife made it who BM never knew! And! Everyone hates you BM get with reality!! Dumb stuff like this is always going to be in the background.
Oh man I can relate to your
Oh man I can relate to your frustration 100%!! I hate toxic BM being a POS parent! If my DH got a call from SD or SS needing to be picked up, he would do it. It's his child and he would rather pick them up knowing their safe then ignore their call. I'd be more angry at POS BM sleeping too. Seriously wtf?!
I'll never forget the time when SS and SD was 5 and 3 and went to the local pub for dinner with Toxic BM and her BF at the time. She likes to have a few drinks and never takes responsibility of her children. Well SS and SD decided to walk out of the pub and walk down the road, and cross a major intersection. At night! Thank god an honest and responsible adult saw them and immediately returned them back to the pub. Toxic BM didn't even notice they were missing! I just can't even wrap my head around that! How can you be at dinner with a 3 and 5 year old and not know they were missing?!
DH and I were only dating at the time, but oh man I should have seen the red flags of what I would be dealing with then.
I was furious with Beaver and I will say so was DH...
But yes..he won't leave SD to fend for herself...
Beaver didn't know GWR and SD had left the house and walked three blocks away to try and get Beaver Sr and Mr. Beaver Sr's when they were 7 and 5. What was she doing...SLEEPING...F'NG SLEEPING. They were spotted by a neighbor and brought to the police station...they couldn't get ahold of Beaver so they called DH to get the kids.
DH said when he was married to her..he would come from work and GWR would be wandering the house with a dirty diaper crying...while Beaver was .....wait for it...SLEEPING.
OH and when SD was little about 3 she cut her own hair not once, not twice but three times. All three times....BEAVER WAS SLEEPING when SD found scissors and cut her own hair.
The sleeping thing is a f*ng pattern and no she doesn't have narcolepsy...she is just F'NG LAZY or passed out drunk. I really think its the later...
Hahah omg yes definitely
Hahah omg yes definitely passed out drunk and napping it off.
I have so many similarities here. MIL would go and check on the SK's when they were toddlers (DH and her were crashing at his parents place) and Toxic BM would be lying in bed on her phone and they are running around in dirty nappies.
Same thing here with SD cutting her hair! It was twice though, and both times Toxic BM was lying in bed too!! She's so lazy.
The other week the SK's said they stayed up until midnight because Toxic BM never bothered to tuck them in and went to bed. They are 8 and 10. Apparently they stayed up and watched YouTube videos. God knows what they were looking at because she would definitely not be having any parental controls in place. Her ex BF told DH she used to go out for an entire night, not answer her phone, just MIA, and the SK's wake up and used to ask him where their mother was. Yet, she's MOTY on her socials and loves her babieeeeees. Vomit.
What would SD do if she got
What would SD do if she got stuck and her go to people are out of town, not available? You can't put your marriage on hold for this. They are going to have to come up with a solution, I like the working only on custody days. It takes BM out of the equation. If she picks a shift up outside if that then SD has to have a plan in place and there will be no exceptions. That's a decent boundary to put in place. She is 16 and must be of average intelligence to figure it out. Let her hang once. Let her call, pay for the cab.
I have to disagree on this. I
I have to disagree on this. I just don't see hanging out a young 16 yr old girl responsible in getting herself home from work. A workplace won't pay for a worker that can work for only half the time, when the next applicant can. SD relied on her mother, can't get in contact, her next best thing is her father. I know my DH would be absolutely gutted if his minor children felt they couldn't contact him in a time of need because 'it's not his week'. An adult SD is a different story and this advice could work then. She is still a minor. DH should definitely make it clear to BM that it isn't acceptable and make her accountable so it's less likely for that to happen again. That is the boundary to put in place IMO.
I agree and I would never want DH to leave SD hanging
She is a kid and I get that. I'm just annoyed that Beaver cannot be responisble for her children. DH would never want SD to think she couldn't go to him when she needs help. DH could say something to Beaver but that is like p*ssing up tree. The tree doesn't get watered and DH just gets p*ss in his face. Beaver will not give a flying f*ck that she missed SD's call and that DH had to go pick her up and have her at the house till Beaver woke up from her nap.
DH really is in a no win situation...and yes I'm annoyed af over the whole thing but not at DH..just in general.
Hahah oh that made me laugh.
Hahah oh that made me laugh. That's a perfect analogy! I understand. We deal with the same thing. Toxic BM couldn't care less about things like that either. When it's something like that though, nipping it in the bud and telling her is better than thinking she got away with it and having no response. DH chooses the battles he confronts BM with and I think this is one, as it affects your time with him. But, totally understand it's not worth the time or stress either as nothing will come of it. These POS BM's are the worst.
This is a tough one. I was
This is a tough one. I was that kid scrambling for a ride at times to school events that I had to be at, to work, etc. If not for my dad sometimes I wouldn't have had a ride. I had to bum rides with friends too, when Dad wasn't available. He had an odd work schedule so sometimes he was available, sometimes not. Mom was rarely available because of work, not due to being irresponsible. I feel for you and SD here. The fact that I was the kid who usually needed a ride makes me hesitant to try to go back to work until both of my kids can drive themselves where they need to be. In my case, my mom had custody but my dad ended up stepping in a lot because of her work schedule keeping her out so much. I can imagine my SM wouldn't have been too thrilled either but they didn't start seeing each other until sometime after I was driving.
On one hand, you guys need your time together with no interruptions, but on the other hand, he still has a minor child who still needs his help at times and no other reliable support around. That's one thing I did have. I had friends close by whose moms were willing to drive me, my dad was within walking distance, and my brother helped me out when he was available. So I had more support than SD does. She has an irresponsible mother and the only responsible relative in her life is her dad. This may be one of those deals where you really can't do anything except make sure she gets her license when she can and do whatever is possible to help her get a car so she can take care of herself more. She needs to learn anyway because Dad won't be around forever anyway and the rest of her family is unreliable.
As far as Uber, I don't know. I probably wouldn't feel comfortable with letting one of my kids use it.