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Feeling Donest

CLove's picture

Feeling defeated and done and then more done that done- ner. 

Husband, took 3 weeks off between his old job that retired and new job. He worked on the house a bit. Painted the hallway. Worked on a few sidejobs to keep some money flowing. He stressed a bit this weekend and was perfectly aweful to deal with.

Ive been working on me. Went out with a friend, and met up with other friends. Just left him to his own devices really.

Friday night and Saturday night we hung out at home, at his insistence. I would have gone out with friends. No BB!

We did decide to go out sunday for some reggae music, after working on household things, and for whatever reason he decides to lash out at me. Not the first time, just one of MANY times. 2021 was really horrible. We got COVID, 2 of his friends died, he lashed out horribly. I decided to wait out 2022, work on myself, and see what happened. See if he would be better and do better, not lash out (as much) and stop with the demeaning humor. What was his reasoning to lash out? Oh there is a standard:

1. His friend barnical buddy - if I have "an attitude" while he is over. BB is over 2-3 times weekly and sometimes also on weekends.

2. If the ex wants something from him, and I make a comment. I typically say "uh huh", but if I say anything at all its a good reason to "lash out" at me.

3. If the skidds want something from him, and I make any comments. Same as above. Its "lash out at CLove-fest".

I dont have to say much to elicit the anger and lashing out. And then I hear "you have an attitude with anything to do with ex or my child", or "you have a problem with me having any friends".

So, folks. I am very done, and am now strategising through the "long game".

Sd16 will be 17 next month and she has spent From March through April with her mother in the beach town apartment. (incidentally its a nice 2 bedroom apartment and Toxic Troll pays $281, info she shared with Husband) and Im figuring there will be a transition where she will just want to be there full time. Her mother bought her salon visits and clothing, and she hasnt packed anything from our house to take to the apartment. I will simly wait it out until shes 18, and then move into her room and file for divorce.

Im so done and over it.

Even on good days, he finds things to make fun of me, laughing at me is his fun. He often forces SD power sulk to laugh at my expense, will make jokes about my driving, my being white, my music, my dancing. And when that is exhausted, the button pushing begins. To illicit reactions, which will provide fodder for either more laughter at my expense or a lashing out. Even on good days, with him, they arent that good, theres not much joy. If I dont say anything, if all the bills are paid up, if Ive done the housework if all is well, even then SOMETHING will be wrong. If Im not doing anything wrong and everything is right, then its time to make fun of me. Its this ever-more-vicious cycle of degradation and demeaning and I cannot do it anymore. 

You wouldnt know that to see our social media. To see our tax returns. And he is enjoying his new postition at the new place. He will get more hourly, more and better benefits and retirement account as well as life insurance. I make decent money with all the benefits On the surface our lives are better than ever.

I feel that I have journalised it out, have made the efforts, had the conversations that went no where, been gaslit to where its always my fault I am the "one with the problem, hes just a simple guy", have paid for the nice "date nights", have tried so hard to be there for him through his divorce, and all the toxic bs with Toxic Troll and Toxic Feral Forger SD24 as well as his friends passing and his mother passing...I feel like I cant do it any more Im just so done.



Stepdrama2020's picture

You gave your all and in return you were abused.  Your DH is a an abusive dick and as for the skids, well the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. You are better than this. You have a good heart, a loving person. No more wasting it on the wrong people.

Time for Clove to shine where you are supposed to, and it aint with them.

I truly hope you exit sooner than later and claim the beautiful life waiting for you.

Blessings beautiful Clove

CLove's picture

I havent done that yet.

But with my decision, I already think of being single without him in my life and feel lighter.

ESMOD's picture

Why wait?  unless you need to sock some income away.. I would be done too based on the way you describe things

CLove's picture

Im not going to sell the house. 

I think legally he still needs to keep a room open for her?

Im proceeding carefully. Im going to wait a bit for some time to pass. Its only been a month of her there full time. Im thinking 4 months, and the shift there will be complete. He will do the boxing and bagging himself this time. And he will accept the divorce...because he doesnt want to lose the house and his current lifestyle. Im still figuring out strategy. Honestly...I am better at giving others advice than figuring out my own life!!!

strugglingSM's picture

Unless there is something in the parenting agreement, I don't think there are legal requirements to have a room dedicated for Skid use only. It's your house, so I think you can "move" into the room she uses and it sound like maybe it's time. Would she have a place to sleep if she came over? 

When we moved here, each skid had his own room. We now have two kids, so one of our kids has one of the skid's rooms, now. That skid uses the guest room on the off chance he stays over at our house. I'm thinking of converting the other skid room to a guest need to have a room sitting idle every day except for 2-4 days a month. 

ESMOD's picture

If the home is in both of your names.. you will either have to buy him out if he agrees.. or sell and split the proceeds.  If it is in your name only and not a marital asset?  Then you may not have to give him much of anything.

And to be clear.. where your STBX houses his kid during his visitation won't be your issue if he is out of your house.. he can do it whereever he moves to. NOT your problem

CLove's picture

Im thinking we can remain as co-owners, and keep things friendly. C0-own and continue building equity and cash out when its right.

Our mortgage with prop tax is $1,600 monthly and bills are around 300 each. so unheard of in our area where ecquivalent housing is 2,000-3,000.

Im thinking, strategically that I will wait it out so he can box her stuff and then it will be easier to co-exist peacefully.

ESMOD's picture

Oh my sweet sweet child.. that isn't going to happen.  The minute you give him some idea that you are "done".. it's going to hit the fan.

It is a fantasy to think that you both will just decide to be mature adults who will coexist in the same home.

He won't be reasonable.. in response... you can't be reasonable without getting taken advantage of.

The reality is that if you cannot buy him out and refi the house yourself.. the most likely outcome is that it gets sold and you split the proceeds. and to be honest.. the housing market is not likely to be any better than it currently is.. at the moment.. lots of reasons why it could actually decline.

So.. he treats you like crap when you are supposed to be a loving married couple.. how do you think he will treat you when you are his EX/roomate? worse.. 

Unless you need some specific time to get ducks in a row to get him out?  do it now.  He is not going to happily let you stay in the same home with you.. it wouldn't even be logistically healthy for either of you.. you date? he date?  (he will).. he starts having his EX over too.. lol.  Um.. nopety nope nope. 

You have all the leverage in the world on him now and he is a tool.. remove it.. it will be intolerable.

Winterglow's picture

Get your ducks in a row and leave the ingrate. You have given him your best, you have taken care of his kids so he didn't have to, you have tolerated his buddy ( list not exhaustive). Kick his ungrateful, egotistical arse to the curb.

Don't waste any more of your time on this yokel. You have gone above and beyond.

CLove's picture

Yes. The ducks. My finances, my health...those are the main ducks.

He can have his boats and his buddies and his fishing trip excursions...all to himself.

CLove's picture

You know what gets me the maddest? I cant decide right now. Im too mad.

Lets see...

1. The wasted time and $$. I allowed his ex and her two spawn so much time and energy and space in my head. It really affected me! 10 years of my life, and Im in my 50's. I gave him some really good years! Ack. And the money I spent on him and his spawn. My unemployment check I spent on back to school shopping. The lunches and shopping while he was out fishing.

2. The angry outbursts, the vicious name-calling. The "your an effing bish, a piece of chit, a c@nt".

3. The degradation. the diminishment in the name of humor. Especially in front of others like SD16 powersulk. She doesnt like it I can tell but then she so wants to please her father no matter what.

4. Meanwhile I see him laughing with his buddies, cackling, smoking, drinking, having a great time. While I stay home because no money to go out, or he just doesnt have the energy. He just doesnt want to...and then makes me feel bad because I go out with friends and some guy might talk to me or there will be a bunch of guys dancing somewhere in my vicinity. Or I go out to the gymn and there are guys there and the guilt of "oh the sweaty men you get to look at with the hungry eyes".

5. His making fun of me for (see #3):

a. I read the books that become movies and then watch the movies.

b. my dancing, my music, my singing when I sing along...

c. My friends are lame for whatever reasons.

6. The financial competition "whats your credit score? oh mine is xyz" "oh I just got another credit card..."

to be continued...


TrueNorth77's picture

I officially hate your DH. In fact, he is not a DH- he is an AH. As in Ass Hat. When do we move his crap out? We ride at dawn STalkers!!! 

Imagine how miserable you must be with yourself to find joy in putting others down this way? I'm sorry you are going through this. I know you want the house. I agree with others and will add that I think you have a better chance of seeing a fairy riding a chupacabra past your front door than you do of you and DH cohabitating peacefully after coming to an affable agreement on your living situation. Also, what then? You and DH are no more- BB is over every day, all bets are off and now fair game for him and BB since there is no more reason for AH to be nice to you (assuming he was at moments) seems like a recipe for disaster. I would ask that you keep thinking of options- keeping in mind that splits are hard, and a degree of uncomfortability goes along with it, almost always. But, it will be worth it, especially for you. 


NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

and how your DH has been treating you. I knew he could be lazy, pushed over by BM, Munchkin, FF, prioritized his buddy and fishing over you, and selfish, but did not know about the emotional abuse and everything else. I agree with everyone above, it is a fantasy to think that you both could co-own and co-exist peacefully in the house after telling him you are done. He is a total AH to you when you are together, there is no way he will get any better when you say you want a divorce, he will probably get much much worse!

Also, in CA can you even do that? I know in Virginia you could not live in the same residence and get divorced, you had to live separately and apart for 6 months if no children together. 

You definitely need to leave him and look out for yourself! You have given up so much and prioritized him and his toxic situation over your own happiness. 

Survivingstephell's picture

Don't drag this out.  Start removing sentimental things that he could ruin.  He sounds the type to go on a rampage and wreck your stuff.  You've been around here long enough to know the drill.  You don't NEED him, never have.  Now you've figured out you don't WANT this either. Find your lawyer and hatch the plan pronto.   You will need some time to shake this relationship from your soul and heal.   

CLove's picture

Are verbal and emotional. He wont wreck anything personal. He just wants to wreck me.

AgedOut's picture

I'm on team you aka team Ducks in a row. 

when your happy place isn't happy any more, when your person isn't personable, you have to get ready for a game of Duck Hunt. Yyou gave your all, you gave your best, now it's time to think of getting you back. 

#TeamDucks !

CLove's picture

Too much invested to lose the house!

But thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

AgedOut's picture

sometimes the long game is best. but whatever version of the ducks you end up lining up...I'm here for you. 

Shieldmaiden's picture

So sorry Clove, 

It sounds like you are making the right decision. DH sounds like he has some problems he needs to work out instead of taking it out on you. Hugs**

AlmostGone834's picture

Good for you. I never liked your DH (and I think I mentioned it before on one or two of your blogs). 

floralsm's picture

Sending hugs Clove! 
You are a good and kind person who he clearly took advantage of and hates seeing you happy and successful. You deserve to be loved whole heartedly and supported in whatever you choose to do.. not put down and laughed at. 
Goodluck with your exit plan! Good riddance to him and how foul spawn and toxic ex. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

You care too much and he doesn't care enough (even about his own kids.) Some guys are just all about themselves and what makes them happy/comfortable. Not good partner material. 

StepUltimate's picture

CLove, I am sorry. You know my story - my divorce is almost done, and MUCH more expensive than if I hadn't waited 2.5 years after the famed Midlife Crisis Car rage-out. 

I too thought I knew how EXH would behave after I filed, but I was wrong. If he's a jerk now (CHECK!), his behavior & respect levels will plummet to unimagineable new lows. The appreciation & love for you vaporize & they become vengeful... and know all your empath buttons so it's extra painful. 

Go see some attorneys girlfriend. (((HUGS)))

CLove's picture

And I know the disrespect would increase. Thats exactly why Im moving forward carefully. I know him and know he can be very sneaky.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I've always believed that your AH's years of addiction stunted both his maturity and his character. He's simply not where he should be for his age, not financially, not emotionally, not his judgement etc etc. He's just a very basic model, and weak - which would be fine except for this mean boy streak you've shared. That's the opposite of what you need, CLove. You're a deeply sensitive person, and you need a partner who will honor and protect that.

I agree that you need to speak to a few attorneys. You also need to start itemizing assets - those boats, the classic car if you're entitlied to a piece of it. Find out where you stand. Would your parents be able to help you financially? I'm sure they don't want to see you sell the house.

The nice thing is, you have time on your side. Time to take counsel, develop a plan, and create the best possible outcome for yourself. But forget about going back to being friends or roommates. That's magical thinking, and you wouldn't be any happier than you are now.


CLove's picture

on the boat and my convertible. 

Its just such a sham. And my mother LOVES him, so it would hurt her. Dad doesnt really respect him or really like him that much. He feels I married low...

They are retired and helped with the house purchase, I havent talked of divorce with them yet.

Time. Its best not to rush things...planning....Im a very good planner, but somehow he seems to know what to do to "'bring me back around".

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Note their value, but keep them in mind as bargaining chips. AH might decide he'd rather keep the toys and let the house go.

CLove's picture

SOMEONE not me or SD16 PS or Husband just logged into my netflix from a "new device". at 10:30 am-ish.

I suspect Toxic Troll is enjoying some "time off" because she just got a load of cash (21k) and is only paying 281$/month for her beach town apartment...

CLove's picture

Maybe Im overthinking things rn, but Im thinking Ill wait until husband is in bed, and change it on my tv and his man-cave tv, after Ive changed it on my account. 

SD16 power sulk had promised that she would not share it. But she hasnt been around much. I will do what I can to not rock any boats.

Plus if I say anything to powersulk, she will text daddy cakes and more trouble my way "you just have a problem with my kid!" kinda tripe.

CLove's picture

Ive only got 4 devices - our two home tv's and then Power Sulks two devices. This was a NEW device at around 10 am california time.

Toxic Troll is some kind of "contract worker", with an after school program. Its kinda sketchy and PS cannot really describe the job to me...? So, with her cash payout and low income housing Im thinking its her lazy a$$ logging in. But it could be PS's friend. Or maybe it was Feral Forger.

Either way it shakes out Im not going to ask and risk drama of any kind. I dont need to make any statements at this point Im just not wanting to continue funding folks that are a$$holes.

TrueNorth77's picture

Can you still boot someone off? I think it used to be when a "new device" logged in, you could log them back out. GTFOH!

Livingoutloud's picture

Your husband is a horrible human being. I've met some questionable men myself but this is insane. Lashing out and making fun of you. Divorcing hum is the smartest and overdue move. He's a bad person.

Why would you stay living together not being married? It makes zero sense. Housemates wuth ex? I'd rather have a different roommate. You are still young. Why on the planet? What if you want to date? And if he's nasty while married, imagine how nasty he'll get just cohabitating.

That's all around a terrible idea. Talk to a lawyer and follow their advice 

CLove's picture

I guess that I figured that if I gave him what I think he wants, that things will be better.

Building equity with a partner that makes no demands of you personally...he can have his barnical buddy with no argument or "attitude" from me. Just do what he wants to in everything as long as he pays on time...

Livingoutloud's picture

But why do you need to have things better with ex husband if you get divorced? And why is he a "partner" if you get divorced?

Why are you selling yourself so short and settle for terrible things? First unhealthy  marriage snd then sharing a house with ex making sure you keep him happy. Why???? Why can't you thrive for a happy healthy normal life. What you propose is neither happy nor normal  nor healthy. Please don't live like this 

building equity with ex? Why? Who does that? Clove. Please wake up. 

CLove's picture

Guess im in that mental fog of shock that Im actually done.

Livingoutloud's picture

Girl. I get it. Been there done that. But don't make dumb choices. Quietly see a lawyer. Don't tell DH. Ask what are your options. 

CajunMom's picture

I hate this for you, CLove. You have tried so hard, done so much.

I strongly suggest you start looking for an attorney for advice. Don't wait. You can do this secretly but it's imperative you get the RIGHT information so you can dump this man-child and his sick kids. What he does to you falls in the "mental abuse" catagory and I'm pretty sure a good lawyer, even in CA, can give you a "one up" on this asshole. 

Please, for YOU, get the ball rolling now.

Livingoutloud's picture

You are talking about the HOUSE like you own Downton Abbey and it's your heirloom and you need to sell it and your heirs are upset you are selling their future inheritance.

Who cares? It's just a building. Not even in a good shape. There are other houses and condos and apartments out there.

Living alone in a studio or two bedroom apartment with a roommate or move in with parents is more appealing than sharing a house with ex husband! I've never ever heard of a woman wanting such arrangement with ex. You want your freedom after divorce! It's like he brainwashed you in to making bad choices 

talk to a lawyer and they'll advice you. See what your options are and give it a thought 

you deserve way better



CLove's picture

Not at all better or more appealing.

Husband is much like my mother...

Livingoutloud's picture

Ok then no parents. I hear you. I never lived with my parents past age 18. There've been times when it would be a financially smart move but I have a crazy father. So no thanks. No way. Any other arrangements then. Anything but not living with ex 

hmmm some of your choices in men could be explained how your mother is. I dated very wrong men just like my dad. Yep. Family of origin source of most troubles 

Cover1W's picture

I'm with everyone on this.

- He's terrible to you and that's all you need to know.

- He won't play nice if he's not even doing so now when you go to split.

- You need to come to terms with perhaps selling the house; hey, no memories and you can get your own space.

- Verbal abuse can proceed physical. My ex was emotionally and at time verbally abusive. Near the end he almost hit me a couple time and he DID damage some of my things.

Get yourself better.

Merrigan's picture

Your DH calls you c&$t and bi$&h?  More than once is not okay. Even one time isn't okay. You have a good job and a house than can be sold - you'll be alright on your own. 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Listen, I have probably been in similar situations with my husband and his children or even worse. I think the only thing I have not had is them mocking me openly because they know i am extremely petty and will hit where it hurts. I am the clown of clown aka el diablo comedico when it comes to that lol. The children probably do it behind my back and i have caught them making fun of me while im turned or making fun of my looks/face. I ignore that but if my husband partook and did it openly i would honestly be hurt. 

What sucks is the lashing out and mental/emotional turmoil that you are subjected to when your husband is not getting his way in life. His way is that you dont have a backbone and serve as a support system to his kids and himself until they can discard you

If you truly are planning to leave, you must know that there wont be any "housemate/roommate" situation. Once you inform him that its over formally, he will do anything he can to make you uncomfortable and destroy you mentally so you can leave him the place. That may include bringing other women and sleeping with them next door to your room, bringing his toxic kids around and moving them back in, deliberately stopping his share of the utilities, leaving the house in disarray, bringing his friends over every day


My advice to you is to continue to "play wife" until the mortgage is over. After the mortgage is paid off, you can offer him to sell your portion or buy him out. He may die or leave you for another woman (innocent victim) before then if you are lucky enough and you wont have to worry about the plan

From now on, you have to develop coping mechanisms and strategies that will shield you from his shenanigans and slowly become unbearable/unattractive to him

Start by not cooking/cleaning/limiting your financial contribution. Then act as if you have a mysterious illness that prevents you from having energy for anything (including sex). When he is home, appear disheveled and lost and in need of being cared for due to being "sick"....Outside of work, remain bedridden and act "depressed"... If he lashes out, start rolling yourself on the floor and peeing on yourself.....When one act crazy, you have to act crazier to be left alone


Eventually, he will cheat and leave you and probably give up the house. Men dont stay around when you become sick, mental and incontinent


You cant leave with these types, you have to make them feel as if they are the ones leaving you and you have no prospects in sight

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't know if you tried to be funny but I just can't stop laughing. You advised her to act crazy and pee on herself hahahaha 

I don't agree that she should wait to finish with mortgage. She'll be quite elderly by then as they bought a house not long ago. I think she should start enjoying her freedom now. Not 20 years later. 


1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

This is an actual real advice passed down by women in my family lol

Back in the day if you wanted a divorce, you couldnt always ask for it and if you did, men would make your life hell on earth. The best advice i got is to act like you are losing your marbles, become incontinent and very unattractive

A relative of mine pretended to have episodes and talk to herself and whenever her husband would attempt to be intimate,she would drink a lot of water and pee herself....He ended up feeling sorry for her and leaving her back with our family. In his mind, she was the one gone and he needed to save himself. Once divorce was quickly finalised, she started traveling and looking good and had a full time job lol 

Acting mental or sick will have many men leave you alone


I deal with my own share from my husband....this morning he was complaining about his kids and being mean to me....I threw myself on the couch and started to bawl about im so depressed and i think i want to end my life lol he quickly stopped and left me alone....Tried to do it again when i came home about the blinds being left open and i just sighed and said dramatically "why cant i get anything right!!neither here nor at work, i am complete failure you are right!!!"....He left me alone


I have two reactions depending on my mood and what the situation calls for:


1) ignore and leave

2) act mental (roll myself on the floor, rock myself back and forth, cry and/or laugh hysterically)


In my experience, #2 works best if you want to be left alone


The tip I gave clove is an ancestral secret and to be used only if you are looking for a separation/end


Its really a tough call because she wants the house. 

This is one of the reasons that Im not ready to make joint investments with my own husband because what if his kids or himself take over....sorry but i cant fathom that

She may get rid of him quicker if she gets him to a place where she becomes a burden to support rather than a help to him

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Damn. Any guy that would cheat on and then dump off his wife for having health issues is good to be rid of IMO. I wonder if the husbands of any women in your family stepped up and took care of them instead of that. I guess if they were that type of guy, the women wouldn't be faking illness, though. 

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

Newsflash: most men will not keep you around once you become sick or lose your marbles unless you have children and they are willing to care for you lol the secret sauce to getting rid of any man is to become a burden on them!haha

Most men put their mothers in nursing homes so you can only imagine what they would do with their wives

There are some who stick it out but usually its not without frustration/verbal lashings/cheating

Like this one famous chef in hollywood who got alzheimers and her husband was "her caregiver" and he quickly moved in his mistress and they were enjoying her money while she was losing her marbles lol

Men are wired to not care. We are nurturers, we care about the sick, elderly, etc....thats why the healthcare professions and social services professions are mostly occupied by women....

Look at clove for an example....after everything, her concern is still "will the child need a room".....You can be sure that any man on the verge of separation would not give a jack about children and their rooms, let alone steps

Winterglow's picture

Clove, you're mad right now. Stay mad. Be angry at him. Remind yourself regularly how he has treated and abused you. Kindle that fire. Most importantly, stop caring about anyone other than yourself. Do not try to "play fair". People who try to play fair inevitably lose (the road to hell is paved with good intentions - you don't want your life to be hell just because you were being nice).   

Forget any illusions about being able to remain in the same home as him - it won't happen. He'll make your life miserable beyond what you'd believe possible. He lacks the maturity to be able to think through the advantage of selling later. He's going to go for the immediate satisfaction of destroying things he knows you care about. 

You don't think he'd become violent? C'mon girl, you've been on here for long enough to have heard "I never thought he'd do anything like that" once the divorce has been initiated. It's the most dangerous time of all. Put your local police dept on speed dial.

Take time-stamped photos of the entire house as it is now so that you can prove he wilfully did the damage that he's going to do to hurt you.

Talk to a lawyer, a piit-bull one. Google "best divorce lawyer in MyTown" and talk to as many of them as you can  - just to take them off the table for your STBX. Follow all the advice given. Talk to your banker about getting a "photo" of your accounts so you can prove that your STBX either drained them or tried to rack up more debt. If possible, block all possibility of him opening new cards.

Force the sale of the house and use your proceeds as a downpayment on a ocean front appartment. If not then follow exjuliemccoy's advice and use your car and the boat as bargaining chips to buy him out of the house. 

Above all, please be safe.

Livingoutloud's picture

I don't think staying any longer than is required for safety (sometimes it's not safe to leave immidiately) is detrimental to Cloves mental health, dignity and overall well being. Sticking around longer when situation is peaceful and non degrading would be ok. But abusuve situation like being called degrading names and humiliated/put down/yelled at is not the kind of situation you want to be an extra day. No house is worth that kind of abuse. Money and houses is not worth it. 

simifan's picture

I'm #teamdoitnow. There is always one sane one and one crazy one during divorce. Pretty sure you are the sane one. The housing market will not get better. He cannot be civil to you now; it will not get better. Take care of you. 


One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.

— Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Rags's picture

Keeping the house so SHE can have a room because HE is required to have a room for her.

Stop that, this is about you. Protecting yourself, engaging in your best life, and .... cutting him, the TT, the FF and SS out of your life. Do not voluntarily sacrifice yourself for another year of having to live with STBXDH and his reeking cesspool of a gene pool.

Take advantage of the sellers housing market to sell.  Either sell  and split the proceeds, or force him to buy you out.  Then get on with your life and take care of you.  GO lock up the best divorce attorneys and write him and the rest of them off.

Hugs CLove.

Give rose