Late Festivus Post (Air your grievances!)
I don't need advice, and if anyone else has grievances that don't warrant a full post, feel free to comment and vent below! None of these issues warrant a full post and it's basically me whining about petty gripes, but here goes:
1) A big F you to SO's brother and SIL. Every time we go to SO's family Thanksgiving or Christmas, my "thing" is to bake and bring pie. Every single one for 5 years. And by all accounts the pies are very good. SO's brother decided he would bring the pie this year from Costco so SO told me not to bake. No prob. Easy day for me. Then at dinner, SO's brother announces "You know who bakes the BEST pecan pies? (Name of my SO's BM1)'s mom, that's who! Then when we went to leave, I told his wife goodbye and Merry Christmas. The b!tch just stared at the wall and said nothing. No way she didn't hear, i was right in front of her 2 feet away. These two are best friends with BM2.
2) SS19 sent me a typed Christmas list a month ago. I bought the most expensive item on it then sent my dad the rest, and he bought everything on it. Today, Christmas morning, SS19 then says "the list was a joke." Welp, Ha Ha. You could have told us that before Christmas.
3) Random Merry Christmas text on my SO's phone first thing this morning from a woman he first told me was his cousin then said was his hairdresser. No, I didn't snoop, it popped up while he had the phone up in front of me and I didn't grill him. He had obviously deleted their previous texts which i have told him in the past looks shady. Whatevs, we have been through this before.
Idk, I just feel like bitching. At this point i'm probably overreacting to everything, at least in my mind. I know i'm not the only one out there eating sh!t sandwiches this Christmas. I am grateful for my kids who each got me and SO gifts, for my health, and for my family. Merry Christmas to all and to all a peaceful night!
- Rumplestiltskin's blog
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Omg yes.
Love this post for the purpose of letting everyone bitch about the petty little things that got under our skin while dealing with these families we "inherited."
I would be PISSED about all those things. Especially the text. Wtf!
My petty annoying vent was a comment my DH made to my SD12. (Love my DH dearly but he's a people pleaser and just can't bear to see 'his little princess' upset or not being the center of attention for 2 seconds.) We were talking about when she goes to her mom's house the next day and she asked what we do when she's gone and my DH said "We are bored and sit around missing you and wishing you were here with us!" And I wanted to roll my eyes so hard.
Nope, not me. I love when she goes to her moms and my house isn't trashed or noisy while she's on the phone screaming FaceTiming her friends and when she isn't trying to dictate all our plans by guilting her dad into doing whatever she wants.
"We are bored and sit around
"We are bored and sit around missing you and wishing you were here with us!"
Oh Barf! Way to teach her that you and DH aren't actual people with lives and interests outside of pleasing little Poopsie!
#1 - I'd never bring a pie
#1 - I'd never bring a pie again. They can eat pie at BM1's house. I'd keep saying hello and goodby though. A cheerie greeting usually really annoys them (it did my sister-in-law who would not speak to me because she was mad at DH over something that happened with his deceased ex wife).
#2 - I'd never buy this kid a gift again.
#3 - you are not overreacting
I've got no festivus worthy grievances. We are slogging along with the same seasonal mess. At this point it's mostly background noise.
Yeah, when we left I told SO
Yeah, when we left I told SO (and I'm not particularly proud of this) "Your brother can suck a big fat diseased d...., and he can bake the pies from now on!" And I said it with a cheery smile. Not that SO was upset by my comment, he can't stand his brother either.
I'm glad your day has been uneventful!
Little Idiot wasn't quite as
Little Idiot wasn't quite as bad this as she has been in the past. So far she's been... mostly tolerable.... but very very off. There's been some minor annoyances with her but my main complaints today were with my family this year. Nothing big, I just feel like they've lost the true meaning of Christmas and I'm probably just exhausted and cranky from the holiday stress but I'm just over it all. I don't enjoy this time of year. I think people actually act worse around the holidays. It's just all too much.
Little Idiot is just acting weird. Im not complaining at all because at least she's not driving me nuts like she normally does, but she's been holed up in her room the entire time and it's just silence coming from there. Maybe she's busy texting the sole surviving member of the Mullet Family who knows?
The Dead Mullet Family thing
The Dead Mullet Family thing is bizarre. Either LI is lying to you or Mullet is lying to her about something easy to verify. Creepy.
Haha I was thinking yeaterday
Haha I was thinking yeaterday how everything with her is always bizarre. There's never anything normal. There's never any normal stories. She can't meet a normal guy. Her life is just turmoil ... "my car caught on fire", "Goofy was abusive and left me to pay the lease on our apartment all alone" "my mother lives in a motel" "I got pregnant by some guy I hardly knew and had an abortion" "my car was smashed into while sitting in a parking lot" "his whole family is dead" ... like does anyone have normal kids that come home and are just like "yeah everything going ok... just been working and studying, still together with my normal gf/bf, x..."?? Because I feel like there's always a sh- show going on over here
"like does anyone have normal
"like does anyone have normal kids that come home and are just like "yeah everything going ok... just been working and studying, still together with my normal gf/bf, x..."??
Probably, but they don't find this site! You know, i don't think it would be so bad if the dysfunctional kids' parents would deal with the kids' issues or (gasp!) at the very least acknowledge the issues. What I can't stand is when the parents pretend there is no issue and expect you to do the same.
i don't think it would be so
THIS is why drove me up the wall with that Disneyland dad. He had delusions of grandeur for himself and his extensions.
Ain't nothing grand about those people acting like they have no home training.
He thought I'd love him so much that I'd love his chaotic custody schedule, his failed former family treating him like an errand b*tch, his kids calling nonstop (at obscene hours) demanding attention/money/and whatever else
When I called out all of this dysfunctional behavior, he justified it/doubled down/blew it off/ran guilt trips/got angry
he expected me to just shut up and accept the sh*t show.
My BD and her BF are in college, have jobs and offered to help with anything I needed and then jumped in to help clean up without being asked.
Too many to mention
Ugh. DH picked up SDiabla24 from the airport. When they arrived there was no offer of help with setting the table, help with finishing touches for dinner? Nope. They got out a board game and sat there playing. Ya. I am annoyed. BD and her BF helped.
stop waiting for offers,
stop waiting for offers, assign chores. "SWitch, glad you made it. I need you to do A & C" "hubby, glad the pick up went good. please do B & D"
or at dinner loudly say "Since BD & BF helped before dinner, SWitch and DH you get clean up duty!" Then comment later how great it is that everyone's helping out this year and that it means the world to you to do it as a family.
(try not to smirk too hard though)
I did ask for help a couple
I did ask for help a couple of times. DH got up and helped. SD sat there at the board game like she is 5, not 24. (Not to insult 5 year olds that know how to help.) I just couldn't believe it. For some reason I was shocked. I KNOW she is a brat. Why does it surprise me? And yes, I asked DH and SD to finish clean up this morning.
So I tried to make this a xmas of experiences for my kids
I have four kids, btw Their ages are 9, 14, 16, and 18 and they are all girls. I bought tickets to MIckey's Very Merry Xmas party at Disney World and we stayed on site. I bought tickets to Gaylord Palms ice and also paid for other events there like Build a Bear and ice sledding. WE went back to Orlando Tuesday through Friday for Holiday Matsuri which is an Anime Convention. Tickets are $110 a piece and the 18 year old brought a friend and last minute I had to buy his ticket too. Our hotel had a kitchen and I brought food to make their but they still kept asking for take out and Starbucks. I had to work 12 hours xmas so I told them that was our xmas and I gave them $200 cash each except the 9 year old to spend at the convention. My 18 year old spent all $200 on take out. She went to Ihop, McDonalds twice, Starbucks, Taco Bell, and Dunkin Donuts. I spent so much money on hotels and tickets and events. So Christmas Day my coworker says he will relieve me for an hour so I can watch my 9 year old open her gifts and my other three were there and my 16 year old looks just so butt butt hurt that she has no gifts to open even though she opened gifts with her dad. UGH! I worked 12 hours yesterday and for weeks I asked them if we wanted to see a movie on Xmas day after I got off work and they all poo poo'd my movie ideas and of course last night it's "Are we going to the movies tonight? Why didn't you get tickets? I'm so disaapointed. I have plans with my friends the rest of the week." And let's not forget how I have to pay $350 a month now for car insurance cause my 18 year old got in two fender benders and she went through a breakup and said she couldn't work so I gave her $200 cash two weeks ago. And I spent $200 at the hair salon for the 16 year old. They act like I have endless money. I hate Christmas.
and then I've been trying to patch things up with my mother so she doesn't kill herself. She moved in with my aunt and now has hit me with , "I need you to fix up my house that's falling apart and pay for it and I need you to get a mortgage on my house" and here we go again.
I actually woke up at 6 am
I actually woke up at 6 am yesterday with a mini panic attack over money. Specifically my youngest (18) draining it all. My oldest was never like that but my youngest will bleed me dry if i allow it. It's amazing how you can piss away hard-earned money on coffee and bagels. Time for changes!
I would have been BEYOND
I would have been BEYOND pissed if someone thought that a store bought pie came anywhere near a home made pie. They are clearly people who have never known homemade food.
I get wanting to contribute,
I get wanting to contribute, so I wasn't insulted when he said they wanted to bring it, but the loud proclamation about GBM1's pie left no doubt about their intentions. I'm working half a day today, then coming home to bake a pie for my dad's house this evening. They appreciate good pie, dammit!
I LOVE pie :D
I would never reliquish home baked to costco. what the heack?
Congrats on baking for those
Congrats on baking for those who actually value you and appreciate it. Screw the rest.
You need to leave this guy
You need to leave this guy and his a**hole family. You're well established in our own life. You don't deserve his sh*t or his families.
1. bring nothing next year or buy a frozen pie since you wouldn't want to compete w/ the ghost of an ex-in-law.
2. next year, a simple grocery store gift card w/ an explanation of "I thought you were joking again, so I got you this instead. Merry plucking Christmas Jokey McJokster!"
3. Cousin/Hairdresser ..... no. just no DH.
Our Christmas was very nice.
Our Christmas was very nice. quiet, calm. Myself & the Mr, my older brother, my two w/ their wives. The only ones missing were SS and his fiance but they went to Florida to spend it with her folks, her folks only moved there this year so first Christmas rights and all.
I no longer do Christmas dinner. My oldest & wife do Christmas eve at her parents. But I know that everyone has other homes to visit on Christmas day so I do breakfast. I premake Cracker Barrel-ish hashbrown casserole. An egg casserole. Cinnamon rolls. Fruit salad. That's it. We now use paper plates. So clean up is quick and I miss out on nothing.
This year we did our first Family Secret Santa. No more me buying year round to find gifts for grown up kids. We went through a site called elfster and there were 9 of us, us 2 + 3 kids w/ partners + my brother = easy peasy new family tradition! We set a limit of $40 to be spent. We used the site to list things we wanted/needed/yearned deeply for. Only the two who were in Florida were missing and she broght their gifts over before they left. We will get together with them after New Years to give them their gifts. Everyone was thrilled w/ their gifts, exactly what they wanted. It was a success and we only spent $80 on the Christmas gifts this year. What a huge savings for us. Although the kids all were a tiny bit sad that they didn't get their yearly pj bottoms and the sons did get new pillows like they usually did.
And by 3pm it was just us and the dog kicking back. My brother went hom to watch football w/ his dog, my oldest & wife off to her moms then his dads, and my youngest and his wife home to relax. Win/win/win/win/win/win/win!!!
edit to add: I received a small food processor. My old one broke this year and since I'd had it almost 30 years, it was time. But I asked for a small one because my cooking is usually for just two and I don't need the huge one any more. I also got a hug light. A flexable light that I can twist as I need to, it goes around my neck when I do counted cross stitch. My eye are starting to suck and it's hard to find the right light to do it in. It turned out my brother got me and he did great!
The Mr got a gift card, yup a gift card but this man is cheap so think of it like a couplon for free shit. He also got a fold up key board to go w/ his ipad. Happy man = less annoyed me. He was thrilled. My oldest's wife had him.
It was a super awesome idea (awesome w/ a cape) that my soon to be Daughter-in-law came up with. We're keeping her.
We are doing the Secret Santa
We are doing the Secret Santa for adults for the first time this year, too. It does make it easier!
We were lucky that soon to be
We were lucky that soon to be DIL set it up before black friday/cyber monday so we could take advantage of all the sale prices. that's to that we (him not me) had a balance from that $40/limit left so he(but really me) threw in some Nightmare before Christmas socks and a card game from B&N.
I've never enjoyed Christmas gifting as much as I did this year!!
Quiet but a little sad
We celebrated our Christmas on the 10th since SS21 and his Gf are on a cruise over Christmas and it made it easier on SS25 to visit with the other side of his family and his GF's family.
DH was on call Christmas Eve and worked all day on Christmas. I spent the morning watching those damn Hallmark movies and just crying because its our first without our beloved puppers. The kitty sat on my lap the whole time. He feels it too.
I took my mother to brunch, then came home, turned on the tree and the advent calendar and watched 3 different versions of A Christmas Carol.
Which version in your
Which version in your favorite? Mine's the 1951 b& w 'A Christmas Carol'.
I am Hallmarked out. I cannot watch any more. I need more sports on my tv less Hallmark. Geh! Although I do have my yearly favorites like 'The Most Wonderful Time Of the Year' and 'The Christmas Card' but we own those.
I watched
Scrooge with Alastair Sims, the 1951 B&W, which we grew up watching, the FX version, super creepy and a different take and my FAVORITE is Scroog with Albert Finney. Muscial, but I love it.
I did of course switch back and forth between the movies and the Eagles game. We won :) Not pretty and lucky of course, but a win none the less
We watched that game too. I'm
We watched that game too. I'm a Lions fan so this season I'm already all sorts of giddy!!
Agedout, we watched too! Your going to Playoffs.
Now I have this song stuck in my head from my favorite Scrooge LOL
I know this is a petty
I know this is a petty grievance...
For decades, my Mom made homemade candy at Christmas and gifted it to many. People raved about this candy! The only two who never liked it are my Dad and me. *unknw* It was a bit of a running joke and Dad and I always ate something else.
Mom was so adept at making this candy that she measured only by sight, cooked without a thermometer, and the recipe was never written down. The recipe was lost.
One of my SILs did some research, tested a number of recipes, and found one veeeeery close to Mom's. Every Christmas, SIL makes this candy and gives it to all of us.
Cue the petty... I bloody well loathe it. I have literally begged my brother and SIL to please not give me this candy - each time saying how much I appreciate the gesture, but please don't make it for me. This candy is expensive to make. DH doesn't like it. None of the skids like it. I'm WFH so cannot take it to the office for my coworkers. DH cannot take food of any kind into his building.
My sister who lives closest texted me that she has my candy and when am I going to come get it. ~facepalm~ Every year I ask her to take it to her work and share with her coworkers. Or give it to a friend. Or eat it herself (she loves that stuff). Nope. I MUST come get it and I should try it again because I might like it this time. *dash1*
We will be meeting mutual friends for a holiday dinner on Friday and she'll bring me that facking candy. Evil Aniki wants to leave it at the restaurant. Or dump it in the trash on the way out the door.
It's yet one more thing where what I want is poo-poo'd because I'm the youngest and obviously too stupid to know what I really like.
Other than that, we had a lovely Christmas Eve Eve at SD30's house. Spent 9 hours singing and playing board games. Wonderful time! Christmas Eve, we had dinner with SD27 and her hubby. Christmas day, we stayed home, had leftovers, and watched Christmas movies all day. Bonus: no trek to my brother's house as he scheduled at the same time as SD30. I find it ironic that my step family treats me better than my siblings and their spouses.
If i'm going to eat candy it
If i'm going to eat candy it's damn well going to be candy i like, not wasted calories on something i've loathed my whole life! Maybe you could bring it by a business you go to regularly like your doctor's office or a store.
Right?! If I was starving, I
Right?! If I was starving, I'd eat the stuff, but I'm not.
The only places I go somewhat regularly are seasonal and closed. We're terrible hermits. Maybe one of the senior living facilities... *scratch_one-s_head*
I have zero problems putting
I have zero problems putting things in the trash that I don't like, if I cannot givecthem away. I have several "treat gifts" here now neither DH or I will eat. I told YSD to take them if she wants (she and BM like one of them and she likes the other ). If she doesn't...into the trash since they won't last until I go back to the office.
BTW I loathe fudge. Makes me gag. Into the trash immediately.
Cover, I like some flavors of
Cover, I like some flavors of fudge: maple, peanut butter, and pumpkin. I like chocolate, but not chocolate fudge. Go figure!
What baffles me is the persistence of continuing to give me something I've repeatedly asked not be given. Why not give that candy money to a charity? Too bad I can't claim a severe allergy to one if the ingredients and that it cannot be in our home...
curious Clove...
so, what exactly is said expensive to make candy that you loathe????
Pecans. And I love pecans,
Pecans. And I love pecans, but not this candy!
Constant mood swings!
Chef has been horrid since mid November and will "drill sergeant" me one moment while the next moment he starts bragging about his accomplishments (all.the.time) or telling me the same stories over and over again. He's stb 56 but acts like he is 76!
Good Lord. Chef, you giant
Good Lord. Chef, you giant toddler.....
When he starts on this
When he starts on this nonsense, salute him, click your heels together and bark "Yes, SIR!"
SD62's Pity Party
We had a nice quiet Christmas. There's lots of sickness going around here so many gatherings were cancelled, including SD62's party.
She called DH yesterday. She had called Christmas Eve asking to borrow $60. Her planned overnight at her daughter's house was cut shory by some drama there. Yesterday, she said "Lots of people are having nice dinners and getting gifts. I have had it in the past, its ok".
In the past, BM, I and her 2 ex's provided or funded Christmas.
Something tells me SD brought
Something tells me SD brought the drama that cut it short...
YSD17 has been here a week.
YSD17 has been here a week. Started out rocky with DH ignoring me and alllllll attention was on her. Was ok after first day because I was busy with work and my own stuff in the end.
At dinner on the 23rd we were all talking about our Xmas dinner the next night, our neighbors were joining us so I needed to plan a bit. At one point I got my phone, where the recipe was, and started calculations on cook time. DH jumped down my throat, telling me angrily to put my phone down, we were having dinner and that essentially I was ruining it, I was always on my phone at meals and when we go out (totally not true, he's the one on his phone). YSD got really silent, I looked at him and said don't talk to me like that, there was NO reason for it. He put his head down, shoved the rest of the food in his mouth, and went into the bedroom with his noise canceling headphones on. I looked at YSD who rolled her eyes at me. I told her that was unacceptable and that I thought he was missing OSD and taking it out on me. I went to have a chat with him, told him he was not right, I was not apologizing, and I'm sorry he misses OSD but do not take it out on us. He said he just wants a nice Christmas. OK then, get over yourself and make it nice. I went out and played a board game with YSD and we had a nice evening. YSD said that if he had just asked me to stop looking at the recipe it would have been fine, and a bit later she told her dad he just sounded angry when he was going on about something else just before bedtime.
The rest of the holidays were good, lots of food, wine, games, no more issues. YSD leaves for BMs today and DH will have some time alone with her while I go to the gym then do some work.
There's no excuse for him to
There's no excuse for him to take HIS problems out on you via a Mantrum. It sounds like SD has more sense than he does at the moment.
Gripes on the coast
Ok, here goes:
1. Husband decided he wanted ME to do all the decorating this year. He typically does our one fake tree with his star wars and tools ornaments, plus buys a special one each year. So I said "ok watch out", and took it upon myself to buy 2 additional fake trees - one large and tall and one short and small. my mom and sil gifted me several boxes of decor. I scoured goodwills and resale stores. Found some ceramic village pieces, and some cotton snow, got some old funky nutcrackers,got more and more garlands and stuff. Bought more lights. I totally decored out big time. So now have to figure out storage. Thats Gripe numero uno.
2. Husband decided he wanted ME to shop for my own presents this year, with him in tow paying for them. I already shopped for christmas decor, christmas dinner, presents for my parents, Im sort of shopped out...and he wants to hit the sales! I took him shopping at bass pro shop earlier this month, so no stress that he would be getting exactly what he wants...I guess turnaround is fair play. Gripe number two (i would have liked the cash ahem)
3. The Christmas eve and day was filled with cleaning because we are lazy with housework. So it wasnt as relaxing as I would have liked, but at the end it was beautiful and cozy and delicious and just made me feel really warm inside, in that deep down was our first time cooking prime rib and it was so yumm! The dutch apple pie perfectly paired with vanilla ice ceam. The crackling fire in the (newly cleaned) fire place. We hosted my parents, his daughter (powersulk whos been smiley) sweet heart niece (who washed all the dishes), his barnacle buddy (who brought the pie), so seven of us, plus the dog and cat. So gripe number three is that I kinda want to do it again...
other than these gripes, nothing drama wise from feral forger, or toxic troll...everyone enjoyed the food and company. My mother was effusive about how enjoyable she was finding the dinner gathering. The smile on her face made my heart positively melt.
I'm picturing your "motley
I'm picturing your "motley crew" around the table and it warms my heart that you guys had a nice Christmas!
Oh yes, I also have a petty b
Oh yes, I also have a petty b$tch of a sister in law. She's talked to me once in eight years when she told me she didn't think DH ever should have gotten, BM was already remarried at the time and she was the one who demanded the divorce because she wanted to marry ex husband #2.
Vent about her for actually talking my children for the first time in 3 years, simply because others were there to see her behavior. If no one else is around she ignores my two (3 and 1), me and DH, while fawning all over Skids.
Speaking of favoritism, vent about MIL giving each of my children a cheap toy for Christmas while giving Skids $100s in presents and also a trip "anywhere in the world" they would like to go. She can't hide the fact that she thinks DH should not have had any more kids.
Vent about BM who has sent DH no more than 7 texts demanding to know "how much you intend to pay for college for the boys." How much do you intend to pay BM and where are they applying? Nevermind the fact that one skid has told DH he does not plan to go to college and the other skid is getting an (adjusted) C in the only academic class he is taking this semester, so is in no way capable of doing "college-level" work.
Vent about skid demanding that DH buy him fireworks to light off after New Year's when he'll be at the family cabin with his girlfriend (not our doing, MIL said he could go). Then sending DH an angry text about "don't ignore my text!" when FH didn't reply immediately.
Can't wait until we move to put some physical distance between us and all of these jerks.
Honorable mention vent to DH who let me do everything for Christmas for our two and then had the nerve to ask if I also got a present for MIL and other members of his family.
"Can't wait until we move to
"Can't wait until we move to put some physical distance between us and all of these jerks."
That will be lovely and i hope it happens sooner than later! As i get older i realize my dad put up with a lot from my mom's family. I was too young as a kid to realize but now i can pick up on the nuances. They moved 2000 miles away for his job when we were young. When my dad saw them, once a year or less, he went all out to be a gracious host or guest. The rest of the time - peace!
I hate Christmas. TBH, I'd be
I hate Christmas. TBH, I'd be perfectly happy going to sleep the day after Thanksgiving and waking up on 2 January. Too many years of step-related stress and disappointment coupled with two separate traumatic events happening on or around the 25th have made me this way.
This year has been especially bad. My tank is just empty. My labor was what made the holidays happen, and this year my give-a-damn was broken. I'm all about matching energy now, because DH needs some retraining. So if he didn't show initiative, it didn't get done. I used to spend three days decorating the house for Christmas, always on my own; this year, no decorations. He assembled the artifical tree, but made no effort to trim it so that didn't happen. Christmas dinner was a lackadaisical affair today, and I made him do all the clean up.
DH had yet another surgery in August, and another is coming up next month, meaning I'll be expected to handle everything while he recovers. So I'm conserving my strength and taking care of ME right now.
Yup too much stress and work
Yup too much stress and work for just meh results. I didn't put up a tree because I'm the one who does every bit of work doing it. All I saw this Christmas was greed (including Little Idiot pout that her gift was only $125 and not the $200 value one she had her hands on at the gift exchange). She hasn't been out of her room at all to spend half a second visiting her father and she leaves on Friday. We have to bribe her with money or a good time to make her come out and actually talk to her dad. This is what we got for spending $400+ on gifts, more on plane tickets, and still more on restaurants? Again not that I'm complaining but DH was hoping for more than a passing glance at his daughter after he baited the hook with all that money. I really am not in the spirit.
spa day
a series of different spa days are in order, I think. Taking care of you. It took me several days of emotional preparation to build up to this holiday due to the drama ramp ups that happen typically. It wears you out.
May 2024 be a better year.