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A$$ Beatings and Not Enabling

Toaster's picture

This blog is in response to Rocky Road's entry, He Will Never Stop

One severe, never before given, A$$ Beating!

That’s what it takes for some of these delusional Daddies-in-Denial to finally wake up and change.

Only A$$ Beatings...

Because they live by this personal, twisted philosophy: if it’s not happening to me, it’s not relevant. So, they bury their heads in the sand, refusing to deal with the reality right in front of them, pretending it doesn’t exist until it’s too late. You might ask me; how do I know?

I’ve been dealing with the skids' disrespect for a long time, and how did DH handle it?

He always gave them a lecture. No consequences, no real discipline—just a firm talk. Talk is cheap and useless.

DH: "Okay, little Johnny, now you know you aren’t supposed to do that. Now, hold out your wrist. I’m going to strike it with this wet noodle. There, take that… and that."

It was all so pointless. They didn’t respect him, and why would they? A lecture without consequences is just noise and DH’s half-hearted attempts at discipline were more of a joke than a lesson.

And these skids? They’re the type who can easily endure a boring lecture. They zoned out, daydreaming and wishing the old windbag would end it already, while DH rambled on, just waiting for it to be over so they could go right back to their usual behavior, no lessons learned, and nothing changed.

Seeing the reality—that he was a piss-poor parent and that his crotch droppings weren’t going to change—DH shifted the blame onto me. He went full D.A.R.V.O., turning the tables so I became the problem, not his "innocent" whittle babies. Instead of addressing their behavior, he denied, attacked, and reversed the victim and offender roles, making it seem like I was the issue all along.

So, I disengaged and stopped being the buffer between him and his toxic crotch droppings. He didn’t like it. Since he couldn’t control them, he tried to control me instead. He wanted me to attend, hold his hand, and go with him to school events because he knew the skids preferred their mother over him. I didn’t want to enable that behavior. If he was going to keep putting himself in situations where he was ignored or abused by toxic people, that was on him. I wasn’t about to participate in the dysfunction any longer. 

I believe that my DH and his kids must maintain their relationship on their own. If they can’t do that, then that’s on them. I’m not the glue that holds it all together. DH had to learn the hard way that DH + Stepmom + Kids does not, and cannot, equal the first failed family 2.0. It’s not my job to fix or recreate what was broken before I even got here.

If DH can’t attend an event where members of his first failed family don’t treat him with civility and respect, then that’s his problem alone to fix.  He needs to handle the dysfunction on his own terms, without dragging me into it.

As a third party, because I don’t have rose-colored bio-glasses on, I saw a lot more about the skids' behavior than he did. I could’ve given DH good advice, but he shut me down and refused to listen. Now, that’s on him. He had the opportunity to see things from a clearer perspective, but he chose not to.

 So, when Crazy BM started her PAS campaign against him again, he did exactly what he always does—he got emotional and started lecturing YSD about her BM and siblings as if that was ever going to solve anything. Same old routine, and he just couldn't see it wasn't working; it was just helping the PAS process.

You see, the Crazy BM sent DH an email (not using OFW, which should have been the first red flag), but DH ignored that. The second red flag? She asked for money for OSD’s college. Mind you, Crazy BM has been funding OSD’s "extended high school stay," majoring in OnlyFans and Social Influencing—I mean, her so-called college career. DH hasn’t been paying a dime because OSD isn’t serious about getting an education, all she’s interested in is her college brothel, I mean sorority, and she’s been estranged from him since she was 14.

In the background, Crazy BM was pulling the same PAS tricks on YSD that she had already perfected on OSD:

BM: "So, you want to have a fling with this low-life man-child, YSD? Well, you know your father won’t like it. But if you go out with him, it’ll be our little secret."

YSD: "Great, Mom! What do you want in return?"

BM, with a sly smile: "Oh, nothing, dear. I just want your happiness. And... could you hate your father a little more for me?"

It was the same manipulative game, expertly played to turn YSD against DH, just as she had done with OSD.

Crazy BM knew exactly what she was doing, though when she was spinning stories about how "abusive" DH had been to her and OSD, convincing YSD that she was a victim too.

She knew that sending that email requesting college money would light a fire under DH and that he’d rage about it with YSD. And, of course, DH didn’t disappoint—he went on one of his typical rants with YSD about the email.

At the same time, things escalated when DH discovered YSD sneaking around with this low-life man-child. For once, DH did something he hadn’t done often enough in the past—he gave YSD consequences. He took her phone away.

That one action played right into Crazy BM's hands, though. It only fueled the narrative she’d been building, painting DH as the controlling, unreasonable, abusive, and restrictive parent, making it easier for YSD to buy into her mother’s toxic influence.

Looking back on it, if DH had been giving these skids consequences all along, it wouldn’t have "traumatized" them when they finally did face one. Consistent discipline might have helped them understand boundaries and responsibility, instead of making it feel like a sudden, unjust punishment when it eventually happened. Instead, by avoiding consequences for so long, DH set the stage for chaos when he finally put his foot down.

So, when DH blew up at YSD over the email and took YSD’s phone away, these actions became the final push YSD needed to fully embrace the role of the "abused child." She jumped ship and fully committed to Team Crazy BM. It was like watching a slow-motion train wreck that could’ve been avoided if DH had just handled things differently. Instead of diffusing the situation, he played right into Crazy BM’s hands.

Under Crazy BM’s manipulation, YSD secretly recorded DH during one of his lectures and has been playing it for anyone willing to listen. DH wasn’t abusing anyone – he was simply telling the truth about BM and OSD. When Crazy heard the tape, she went ballistic because DH was telling the truth about her and OSD.

For revenge, Crazy BM called child protective services on DH, forcing me to sit down with an inspector for three hours to explain what happened. Crazy BM claimed that YSD had been "cutting" her arm because DH ‘stressed her out’ and that she had been cutting while she was over here.

The irony was, on the day YSD left our home, she was wearing short shorts, a sports bra, and tennis shoes—her arms were completely exposed, and there wasn’t a single mark on them. I told the inspector flat out that if YSD was cutting, it sure wasn’t on her arms. “If she was cutting,” I added dryly, “she was cutting her a$$ cheeks. Because they were the only things halfway covered up.” The inspector held in her laughter. DH was found innocent of child abuse.

A week later, YSD, Crazy BM, and some guy YSD was manipulating showed up to move her things out of DH’s house. Before they arrived, I had DH pack up YSD’s belongings and box everything up. Half an hour before they got there, DH set the boxes out on the front porch. He was done. "She’s never coming back here," he said with finality.

For a long time, I had been telling DH how dysfunctional, manipulative, and disrespectful YSD was, but he refused to see it because it wasn’t happening to him directly. YSD played the game well—when DH wasn’t around, she would shun and covertly disrespect me. Then, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, she’d flip personalities the moment DH walked through the door, acting all sweet and innocent, the perfect daddy’s little girl. It was frustrating, watching her manipulate him while he remained blind to her behavior.

But she couldn’t hide her true self forever. When DH was in the hospital, facing a life-threatening illness, YSD didn’t even call him—despite knowing all about his condition. She simply didn’t care. It was a stark contrast to the image she portrayed, and it made it clear where her loyalties really lay. Time and time again, she had sided with her mother over DH, but he refused to see it. He didn’t want to acknowledge that his little girl wasn’t the caring daughter he imagined.

It took many teachers and school authorities telling DH just how bad his daughter was for him to finally start "getting it." Nothing I could say ever made a difference. Until...

If a biological parent won't give A$$ Beatings, then A$$ Beatings is what it will take to open their eyes. DH is the type of delusional daddy-in-denial who must have his world rocked multiple times before reality sets in, and only when the stakes are extremely high. The moment YSD testified to child protective services about how "abusive" DH was to her, that was his wake-up call. He realized just how close he came to getting a file that could have negatively impacted his life in every way.

Now, he’s left wondering—if she ever came back, would she, with a little more practice under her belt, accuse him of something even worse? Practice makes perfect, after all. With more life experience and manipulation skills, could she eventually make false accusations, like sexual abuse, stick? That question haunts him, and it’s the reason he’ll never let her back into his life again. Or so he says…

Some DHs must experience their crotch droppings turning on them in the worst ways—I’ve read where one DH had his bones broken, a few others were assaulted, and many, like my DH, were accused of false allegations—before they finally realize the true character of those they’ve raised (and I use the term ‘raise’ very loosely). It’s only when things escalate to the point of no return that these dads-in-denial finally see the damage they’ve allowed to fester.

It's been three weeks with no contact from YSD, and for the first time in what feels like forever, we finally have peace. Even DH has admitted how calm and quiet things are now.

What Crazy BM doesn’t realize is that her PASing the skids out is often a stepparent’s best friend. Less drama in the house, less chaos to manage, and there was no one from the first, failed family hating me. Sometimes, the best peace you can find is when they're out of your life for good.



However, I feel like I’m in a Jaws movie, right at the end before the credits roll.

I’m standing at the shore, looking out at the sea, wondering if it’s really safe to get back into the water. Is the nightmare finally over?

And then, faintly at first, the Jaws theme, that creepy music starts playing—soft and slow—building in intensity until it’s all I can hear, growing louder and louder. Just before the tension peaks, the screen goes black, leaving me wondering if the threat is really over or if it’s just waiting to surface again.







Rumplestiltskin's picture

Good luck, and here's hoping they stay away! My SO's brother's daughters did something similar, but the accusations were of sexual abuse. They would record adults talking then play them back out of context, and get violent if they didn't get their preferred fast food whenever they wanted it. Their BM tried to dump them, because her PASing worked so well that they tried using it on her, but nobody in the family would take them. They haven't darkened the door of anyone in this state since. Hopefully yours are getting close to aging out. The only risk i can see is if BM decides she can't handle the little monsters she created and tries to dump them off. 

Toaster's picture

YSD is the youngest, and she’s turning 18 this September. Back when she was still going back and forth with the 50/50 custody split, DH had her on a good path. She had a career in mind and seemed genuinely motivated to pursue it. But now that PAS has fully taken hold, YSD has fallen right back under Crazy BM’s control, trapped in their co-dependent enmeshment all over again.

At this point, if she even manages to graduate from high school, I can already picture her future. She’ll end up working at McDonald’s, spending her evenings on the couch with Crazy, chugging soda and munching on potato chips, getting fatter, content to stay stuck in that toxic loop.

The other possibility is that she joins the army but can’t handle the discipline, gets kicked out, and complains about how the drill sergeant was "abusing" her. Either way, her future looks bleak. She will be back on the couch with Crazy, where the soda and chips await her.

I hope DH and I can move to another state, far away from all this dysfunction, before Crazy decides she’s the only lazy a$$ grifter allowed in her space and kicks YSD to the curb. That is, if YSD hasn’t already managed to spider-trap some clueless guy into shacking up with her by then.

DH’s family is completely delusional, especially his mother. At times, she seems more concerned about her toxic grandbabies than she is about her own son, DH. She doesn’t care how they’ve treated him as long as she gets her supply from them. It’s sad, really.

Suppose I were a grandmother, and my grandchildren treated my son even half as bad as these skids treat their father. In that case, I’d sit them down and say, “Look, grandbabies, if you don’t treat my son well, I am going to kill you, hide your carcass where no one will find them, and have your father start over making me some new grandbabies. Respectful ones.  I’m trying to tell you that I value my son, and if you don’t treat him well, I’ll cut you off!”

But, everyone is different! 

ESMOD's picture

My MIL will take just about anyone's side over my husbands.. haha.  They are kind of like oil and water.  I mean, he loves his mom but she is a considerable PITA and he pitties his dad having to live with her.. lol. 

My MIL is one of those "anything and everything for the babies" kind of person.. she never really warmed up to me all that much.. didn't think I was wife material because I wasn't super doting over having "swooon".. his kids in my life and "mothering" them.  I grew up in a home that taught self reliance.. I would be told that I could get my own drink.. legs weren't broke (in a loving way). 

I did not interfere with my husband having his kids.. and didn't work to minimize them in his life.. but HE was the dad.. and did the lions share of care for them.. though I helped.. would talk to them.. give advice when they asked etc.. was like an older aunt.. you know the funny excentric one.. lol.

I mean.. my MIL probably has some good cause for rolling her eyes at things he has done.. like the fishing trip with his buddy.. that they stayed out till 2 am.. and had the older girl with them.. when she was 2 years old.. MIL met them at the dock.. and his buddy was shaking in his boots at the look in her eyes..haha.(this was years before I met him btw).

But.. he was a good dad.. fair.. could indulge.. but could also call them out on their BS.

It's hard to overcome someone offering someone what looks like an easy path.. and I'm sorry that his daughter has turned her back on the better things he was trying to teach her.  maybe she will come to her senses.. you never know.. but in the end, when kids are never given any consequences as kids.. small ones for small things.. the big one that comes when they are older can be quite the surprise.

ESMOD's picture

There are many reasons why people stay I think.  Sometimes people feel stuck financially.. or have that sunk cost fallacy going on.  They spent so much time making this "bad" decision that they cling to it and attach the WORTH of that effort to what they have.

Other people feel like the good outweighs the bad and in the end.. even if their SO is a sucker for their kids or the EX.. they are still getting enough juice to deal with the squeezing.


My honest assessment of your case is this.  If you can distill this down to how things personally impact YOU.. and onlly YOU then you might be able to figure out how to stay.  

You spend a lot of time and effort being offended on behalf of your husband.. you want him to see the light and spend energy to that point.  The reality is that he is going to do what he thinks the right think is.. and that appears to be that he feels a marginal relationship with his kids is worth the time, effort and money he is spending.. honestly.. unless it's impacting YOUR personal finances and unless it is overwhelmingly taking unreasonable time from your ability to spend time with him.. you will have to figure out how to "let it go".. to accept.. this is him.  The unfortunate thing for you is he is not letting you step away from seeing it.  He talks about it.. wants you to attend banquets and games etc..   If he could just go do whatever and leave you to your peace.. that would likely be easier to handle.  You haven't been able to figure out how to find your zen in those situations.... you feel attendence is a violation of your promise to turn your back on those kids... vs simply supporting your husband in what he feels is important for him to try to do as a parent.  IN some ways you are luckier than many others.. these kids do not spend any real amount of time at your home.. so they are not rotting away in their rooms and constantly in your face.  Could you suck it up and blandly accompany him to make "HIM" happy.. only you can answer that.  Or can you just stand your ground on not going?  Will he leave you if you won't?  maybe that becomes the solution in itself. 


RockyRoads's picture

If I don't stand up for myself now when do I do it. He will keep this up, there are so many things coming up  He doesn't ask, he demands. 

ESMOD's picture

Here's the thing... you have to make the decision about is if his relationship with his kids directly impacts the quality of your life.  Does the time he spends take from you in ways that make your relationship less quality?  Is he spending money on his kids that means you have to pay more than your fair share of things? Would attending a dinner or being in his children's be physically dangerous or is it just that you would prefer not to? 

I mean.. I totally get not wanting to be around bratty kids... but in the balance of things.. is the very occasional contact going to basically "ruin" your life.. or would the disolving of your rlationship be more ruinous.

And.. demands.. hahahahahaha  I laugh.. if my husband ever in his life demanded anything.. he would be guaranteed that it would never happen.  I am the absolute high priestess of stubbornness.  Oh.. and what petty punshisments and silent treatment does he give.. because I can guarantee my husband cannot outlast MY complete iced cold shoulder if he tried to exert some punishment for me not kowtowing to his "demands".. 

It's quite simply.. if going to anything is truly so painful to you that you cannot stand it.. then just do not go.  "he demands'.. ok.. that and a glass of ice water will get you nothing bubs.  He's going to throw you in the truck?  is he going to punch you in the face?  I mean.. if that is the kind of demanding guy you are with.. then heaven help us.. you don't have a stepkid issue.. you have a partner issue of grand proportions... and there is nothing worth being with someone who is ABUSIVE.  If you are married to an Ahole.. I don't know why you are doing all this hand wringing... gtfo just go.. leave him to his pathetic life.

But, if it's just that he demands.. and you give in because.. you don't like him not being "happy" with you.. then grow the spine you need and push the issue.  Hey SO.. I said I wasn't going, I'm not going.. have fun.. see you later. period dot. 

Or.. in the end.. if this is something that is literally only an unpleasant thing to deal with a handful of times a year and he is not beating you and you have a wonderful life 87% of the time.. then learn how to do sodoku in your head or something and just repeat.. "you may have my body here.. but not my mind or my soul" on those few occasions he asks you to sit with him.

It's a very personal decision as to "how much can you take.  I have dealt with many things I didn' like.. worked with people I detested.. if it benefited me in the end to deal with it.. I did it.. but I have also refused to participate in things too.. when I felt participating would be of no benefit.. this is a scale you have to weigh out the balance.


RockyRoads's picture

I understand giving in to keep the peace and be there for my SO. That is all I have been doing.  I just don't want him to continue controlling me. He told me I WILL be going to the dinner because that is what family does, then he said since the senior night is right after I can just go to the field and get pictures with him and SD. He said it would be nice to have a picture at the stadium of the three of us. He said and since I am there and he doesn't want his family to ask questions and he needs them to think all is good with his kids I can just be with them for him walking with SD and then stay for the game. There is no compromise with him. 

ESMOD's picture

Again.. you do have a choice.. but I am guessing you feel the consequences of making that stand are big for you.. and like all of us... we make the decision that is best for us.  

This would be my advice though.. if this is what you have to do.. because you need/want to be in the relationship with him, you need to try to mentally do a 180 on this.  You need to brainwash yourself into not caring if his kids use him.. you need to figure out how to not resent it.. them.  You need to try to see them in what is probably partially a reality in that their mom has PAS'ed them... into putting their dad on a shelf and that they are a product of their raising.. and that your husband is doing the best he can.. so you will support that.. and try to not focus on the bad side of things.. it might even mean not posting and venting because that keeps you centrally IN the drama of it.  you can try to ignore it and minimize it's impact on your life.. this site can help.. but I think there are people that it keeps stuck they won't leave.. but yet they post about every fault, slight.. and spend too much energy.. and it's putting these kids and these BM's into spare rooms in their own minds.. giving them too much real estate.  

I would say it's like the people that get overly wrapped up in their politics... the stories.. the rumors.. I select my candidate based on what I believe in.. then I want to move on and live my life.. I'm not going to make it my personality... or spend countless hours reading about every little opinion in the news

Toaster's picture

RockyRoads, the people on this site and who contributed to this thread, will give you good advice, and they are good people.

To answer your questions… I’m reading Dr. Childress’ book on Parental Alienation. According to him, BMs who cause drama and alienation are often trying to process their grief and other negative emotions from divorce. When someone like these BMs refuses to take responsibility for anything they do, and it’s always someone else’s fault—their ex-husbands, our DHs, especially us, the Stepmothers’ must pay for their misery, which they caused themselves.

Dr. Childress explains that the reason alienating BMs cause their children to disrespect and disown their fathers is because, in their twisted view, once their ex-husband is no longer their husband, he must also stop being a father. These sickos—and yes, my DH’s ex is definitely one of them—don’t want their ex-husbands, but they sure don’t want them to move on, either. They're stuck in some sort of emotional limbo, unable to let go. Even after destroying their marriages with their own hands, they feel the need to stay relevant in their ex-husbands' lives, using their children as pawns to keep the drama alive. It's a toxic cycle they refuse to break because moving on would mean losing control.

To stay in control, they push the skids to create chaos and drama in your life. It’s all about maintaining control. If they could, some of these BMs would even control your household. It’s all about them, they are the queen bees and everyone else is just a pawn in their game.

They definitely don’t want their ex-husbands to move on, so the best way to prevent him from doing so is to drive away his new partner. These alienating BMs motivate their kids to disregard, disrespect, and abuse the new stepmothers, creating chaos and tension in the home. It’s all part of their twisted need to stay in control and ensure that their ex-husband’s life remains as difficult as possible. By poisoning the kids' minds and making the new relationship unbearable, they hope to push the stepmother out and keep their hold on their ex's life.

Now, this is exactly what your husband is up against—and so is mine. My DH was taken to court by his ex-wife and “divorce-raped,” as they say. After that, she was always lurking in the background whenever the skids misbehaved. If DH did anything more than give them a useless lecture, the skids would threaten to jump ship and go live with their mother full-time.

To him, that meant several things: no relationship with the kids, he feared he would be a failure to “save them” from their manipulative egg donor, and, of course, the fear of paying more “ex-wife cash grabs”—I mean, more child support. He also dreaded the idea of being dragged back to court, so he kept caving in, hoping to somehow balance everything while being held hostage by these manipulations.

Some of these DHs, mine especially, are total Captain-Save-A-Skid. They naively believe they can “save the skids” from their toxic mothers—the same unstable, crazy women they chose to breed with. They seem to forget the old adage, "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree." Deep down, they’re probably ashamed that they mixed their genes with these personality-disordered women, but instead of facing that reality, they cling to the hope that they can somehow rescue their kids from the mess they helped create.

I needed to understand and accept this as my new reality—my husband is at war with a personality-disordered individual who is willing to destroy their children’s potential and harm them in ways that won’t fully reveal themselves until years later. She’ll manipulate, alienate, and poison their minds, and the damage won’t be obvious until it’s too late. My husband is fighting a battle he can’t win alone, and the toll it takes on his kids will be long-lasting and deep.

My DH would demand I would go too - he did that because he needed my support. I went when he needed me to go, but many times, I didn't go because I used my health issues as an excuse.  One thing I learned about dysfunctional families, and stepfamilies with a lot of drama are dysfunctional - being honest and direct doesn't work - you need to get covert, in a harmless way to protect yourself, but in a way that keeps your marriage intact.  This is so important, I will repeat it. In a dysfunctional family, you can't be direct and honest - it doesn't work because the people you are dealing with are running on pure, erratic, irrational emotions.  Your DH wants to help his spawn and be relevant in their lives but also wants you there as his wife. I can see his viewpoint.  

I can also see your viewpoint and I'm telling you, you have to learn to be covert when you disengage. 

What Saved my Sanity and Marriage:

I turned my weakness into a strength. I have health issues that I need to manage, so I often couldn’t attend skid-related events with DH. This turned out to be a blessing in disguise because, when he was alone, they gave him a real taste of who they are—no buffer, just him and their unfiltered behavior. And when he’s in pain, he starts to realize who’s truly causing it. Without me there to blame, he had no choice but to face reality for what it was, not what he wished it could be.

When the skids came over, I’d cook, but I ate in our bedroom, leaving DH to entertain them on his own. Over time, he started to see their true character for himself. There were even times when I had to go to the ER, and the skids didn’t care at all. Not a word or act of concern. He saw firsthand that even though I cooked for them and did nice things, they had zero empathy. That’s the kind of people they are, and DH finally started to see it with his own eyes.

One thing about these disordered personalities that blows my mind is just how masterful they are at manipulation. For example, while the rest of us were in high school trying to study, pass, or actually learn something, these types weren’t even bothering. They didn’t have time for that. Instead, they were laser-focused on figuring out how to manipulate someone else into doing the work for them so they could cheat off that person. That’s how they operate—lazy when it comes to developing real-life skills, but incredibly shrewd when it comes to manipulating people to serve their needs. It’s like they invest all their energy into perfecting the art of using others rather than doing anything for themselves. The BM is a master manipulator. While DH was doing all the heavy lifting with parenting, she played the role of Disneyland Mamma to the max. She successfully parentally alienated all the kids, not through good parenting practices, but through sheer manipulation. How did she beat DH? She used his own weaknesses against him. Whenever he got emotional and tried to lecture the skids, she reframed it, twisting it into him "abusing" them.

RockyRoads, your DH is a stubborn and determined man, and if those are his weaknesses, you can bet his ex-wife is using them against him. She knows how to push his buttons, and by playing on those traits, she taught her offspring, she’s keeping him in a cycle where he’s constantly reacting rather than leading. It’s all part of her game.

I supported my DH by cooking, picking up the skids from school, but I used my weakness (health issues) as a strength to disengage in a way that didn’t hurt my marriage. Maybe you can work with others to find ways you can disengage but still support your DH.  Again, you will find some excellent advice on here. 

Rags's picture

I wish more SP's would dump the failed first family breeder partners.  Not all with kids are unsalvageable as partners or parents. Most are fine.

But those who bring this kind of shit to the new relationship and then fail to control it, good riddance to them  and their baggage being purged.

Take care of you.

Give rose

MorningMia's picture

OMG. . . there is so much of your story that is all too familiar. Except here no one was reported to CPS. My DH's "Great Awakening" was when I told him to move out, that I was done with the horrible drama of our first two years of marriage. I also confronted BM. I was ready to see an attorney and be done with the whole mess (YOU WIN, B!). .We had another property, so he moved over there for about 6 months and soon decided counseling might be a good idea (I had already started on my own). He even chose our marriage counselor. Prior to that time, he was defending, defending, defending and I was hearing how I hated his skids and was twisting everything while we were getting "nuked" (his term) by his ex on a weekly--sometimes daily--basis. 

They had purposely, driven by PASing toxic BM, created havoc and ugliness and awfulness in our lives. I think occasionally we had a weekend where we really enjoyed ourselves. But it was clear they wanted to put enough pressure on us that we would break. Well, I did.  

DH did do the "lectures" through the years, which were always met by SD with an overabundance of tears, screaming, and denials. And by SS first with apologies, then argument, then ignoring. Oh well. 

BM thought the PASing would draw DH back into her vortex of crazy living; it backfired. DH eventually began to see his kids for who and what they are and finally accepted that they would never have the relationships he expected. He has said in a sarcastic tone (as if, "big deal"), "She WON!" lol. 


What Crazy BM doesn’t realize is that her PASing the skids out is often a stepparent’s best friend. Less drama in the house, less chaos to manage . . . Sometimes, the best peace you can find is when they're out of your life for good.


And, yes, the Jaws analogy is a perfect one. While here it's been 18/19 years and things have drastically quieted down, that old (but mild) PTSD strikes every once in a while and you wonder if the monster is going to once again rise from the depths. I'd be better prepared this time, though ;)  

Lillywy00's picture

My ex was a staunch Disneyland dad 

Constantly coming to the rescue of his trifling exwife who faked multiple crises  (involving her spawns - ex allegedly no food/electricities/missing clothes/missing grandparent/car note delinquent/and more) because she knew that was the only way she could keep him sniffing up her nasty a$$

These kids saw the shenanigans and started taking a page from her book and began calling him non stop making demands for money, expensive devices, extra clothes, and more 

ALL of this was after he already paid her child support.  

Nothing was ever enough.  These people were like symbiotic fungi 

and you would think he would have gotten tired of it but since he was delusional and guilt riddled he played his Disneyland dad role to a tee to keep his exwife and demanding spawns happy. 

Told him on multiple occasions his exwife and kids behavior was out of line .... got met with Defensive DisneyDad who argued with me and doubled down on his dysfunctional peace/relationship destroying lackadaisical parenting style .... got sick of that mess and left!

Toaster's picture

Nothing was ever enough.  These people were like symbiotic fungi. 

You make it sound like they are creatures from the tv series...LOL. 

Whatever happened to your ex-Disneyland Daddy? Can you give us an update? Did he and his spawn get a new 'host'?