Soooooo pissed!!!!!! (Venting sorry for cuss words) SS Stole from ME
Omg!!! I'm so pissed/furious/angry/hurt!!!!! We had a Yard Sale this weekend. It felt good to purge & sell some stuff we no longer wanted & needed. DH helped me out Alot which was super nice!!! The skids also helped set things out & hung out during as well. We live in a great community so a lot of friends & neighbors stopped by. It was nice!!!! :). (Side note: the skids put Nothing of theirs in the sale. I knew they wouldn't so that's ok)
We made about $300 plus!! So in my book that is a job well done. We plan to do a few things with the money-- but we needed to put some in the bank to cover an expense. Ok. All sounds good, right? Not!!!!!!!!!!!
DH left to trek the skids back to the midway point to meet up with BM to swap the kids over. He was gone about 30 or so minutes- then I realized my WALLET was. G. O. N. E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS14 has been stealing items lately while in BMs care. Except we didn't know the extent because well, she didn't tell us everything. We knew of one occurrence of which she half assed gave him a "punishment" that was quickly swept under the rug by her. She never follows thru.
Soooo...... I had to search every nook & cranny of my 2800 sq ft house- as he wasn't gonna tell DH where he stuck my wallet & money!!!!!! Wtf?!? Messed up, huh. DH pulled the car over & searched him. & found a $20 bill stuffed in his jeans pocket!!!!!! He gave DH about 5 different lame ass stories as to "how" he got it. Still screaming in the background "I didn't steal it" then said. " I found it on the bathroom floor". Oh bullshit kid--- trust me- $20 bills never ever appear when I go in that bathroom!!!!!!
About an hour & a half later I find my wallet scrunched behind our big popcorn maker & the cotton candy maker----- $60 dollars short!!!!!! But at least I found most of it I guess!!!!!
Of course SS is declaring "I didn't do it". Blah fucking blah kid!!!! Sad part is--- I WAS keeping a really watchful eye on my $$. But I must have slipped once & left my wallet ...... Gasp...... In MY HOUSE........ I know I know...... Wtf was I thinking that SOMEONE in my OWN FAMILY wouldn't steal from ME in my own HOUSE?!?!? Augh!!!
Now- the sad part-- besides the stolen $60--- Im SURE BM will now REWARD SS for doing this to me--- cause she's a hateful vindictive bitch!!!!!!!!!!!
Grrrrrrrr. I'm still soooo pissed & yes. I am hurt!!!
- Hislastwife's blog
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Thanks Dtzy!! While pulling
Thanks Dtzy!! While pulling his bedroom apart i found tons of food wrappers stuffed inbetween his mattresses & in his dresser drawers. Food isnt supposed to be anywhere upstairs- but he has food/snack hoarded for years! Ugh.
Im seriously contemplating cameras.
When the turd comes back into
When the turd comes back into your home he should be searched and not allowed ANYWHERE unless he is supervised. Random searches wherever DH feels like it. And if he brings any money into your home he better have a note form his mother with the serial numbers of the notes written down and handed to DH before he gets into the car.
Although DH should march him into the nearest police precinct and leave him there for a few hours. Who cares if BM is pissy about him being home late. Let her pick him up from the police. Until it disadvantages her she will not give a shit.
Before you keel haul him, was
Before you keel haul him, was he the only kid in the house?
I totally agree. He is
I totally agree. He is Definitely gonna have to work off all the money he stole!! All $60 of it!!!
For fun & to help me come up with some good chores (meaning he Wont like it) give me some good ideas girls!!!!
Im thinking:
Wash Wall
Wash the trashcans inside & out
Mulch the flower beds
Wash my car in & out vacuum too
Any other good ones?
Helping re-organise the
Helping re-organise the kitchen cupboards... washing out the shelves etc.
Cleaning the gutters.
Send him into Walgreens and make him buy tampons (yeah, I know. Pretty awful... but....)
Trim the driveway ... with garden scissors.
At 14 I'd probably call the
At 14 I'd probably call the cops. Not at 8 or 9 but I'd press charges against someone that old.
A 14 year old can be tried as an adult for really heinous crimes so they sure as hell can be held responsible for theft.
Why wouldn't you press
Why wouldn't you press charges on an adult who steals from you?
Ohhh. I agree. Wouldnt wanna
Ohhh. I agree. Wouldnt wanna be my DH right now!!!!! His kids are now also making up some pretty atrocious lies to BM. Its freakin sad & rediculous. Now SS14 is lying to his mom saying "Dad said I cant come back to his house anymore". Wtf?? No he did not-- yet I guess according to BM-- all 3 boys are banding together on this lie!!! Holy hell. Of course SS14 doesnt wanna comd back anytime soon-- hes been told he will have to work off the full $60 to me!!! Duh BM. Get your head on straigh girl. Dont fall for the shit. Augh!!!
That sucks My aunt is a SM
That sucks
My aunt is a SM and her SS has stolen more things from her and her bios than she can probably remember. Her DH never did anything about it but empty threats. His little turd of a son came into my house around a year ago and stole from me- he's been my cousin for like 16 years at this point- I didn't give a shit. I called the police and filed a report against him. Told him and my uncle that he's not welcome on my property ever again. That little shit showed up at my house a few weeks ago to apologize. I told him to get the *&*& off my property immediately. Don't you know my cigarette that was on the back porch was missing after he left. My uncle had the nerve to call me and tell me his son was only there to apologize- I told my uncle that if you're coming to apologize for stealing, you probably shouldn't steal anything more while you're there. Problem is, he's still welcome at my aunt's house. My poor aunt has to tolerate her thieving little asshole of a SS- and he's 19 now!!!. I feel so bad for her. I wish she were allowed to stand up for herself and her bios.
What a little sh*t! We've
What a little sh*t!
We've had instances of the skids "stealing", although not as much as yours. They took a DS game (MarioKart), which was to be shared amongst all of them (Skids and bios). One summer, we went for a drive and allowed the kids to pick out ONE game each. Well, of course, the skids took more than they were allowed. We got all the games back and thought nothing of it. The following week, we noticed that MarioKart was missing. We searched high and low, checked the van - nothing. We knew they took it because they have DS's at home, and MarioKart was always the popular game for them. Now, DH always checks their pockets when they leave. Even though it's just a little video game, it's still stealing. It doesn't really matter, anyway, because we're pretty sure they lost the game at HOME, so now, NO ONE has it! :/