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SD14 and the TV

bluff stuff's picture

Ok, so SD14 is sitting in the living room watching something on TV. She is, first of all, GROUNDED. She's not supposed to be watching TV, but she is. Second, I want the living room to be available to me or DH to watch TV when we're home. I don't care if you were there first, you have a TV in your room, and if it's out there's a reason we took it out. It's our TV, we have the right to watch it when we want to and what we want to watch. But, she's sitting there. I ask her, nicely, to give me the remote or change the channel herself to what I want to watch (a show). She says "no". I ask her again, she says no again. I take the remote, change it, and put it down. And she just takes it and changes it back. And doesn't put it down for a few minutes,then she does. Then I take it again and change the channel,and keep holding the remote. She just gets up, goes out, and in a moment the TV is off and so is the light. I go out, she's fu*king with the fuses. She looks at me,smiles, and walks out the door.
I'm waiting for DH to come home to tell him this, but I don't know what more can be done. She's grounded,yet she was watching TV. She's grounded, but she just walked out. I'm starting to hate her.


Jsmom's picture

Seriously, you need to ground her severely. If DH is working and you are home with her, DH needs to find another alternative. You don't have to be responsible for that kid.

bluff stuff's picture

She is already grounded severely.

I'm not responsible for her, she's 14.

Peaches1973's picture

Her telling you 'no' would be reason enough to open a can of whoop-ass on her.
Sounds like a spoiled,entitled brat and I feel for you.

KiFire's picture

You asked her to change it and she said no... that's when I would tell her she's grounded and to go the fuck to her room. I'd never keep my cool, I would lose it on her.

Also, now that's she's messed with the fuses, maybe she just, broke the one that controls her room. Now she's going to be without power in her room until you can get it fixed. Whoops, maybe she should keep her hands out of shit they don't belong in.

kathc's picture

That's a great idea...go break the damn fuse that controls her room. "She must've broken it when she was messing around with them"

bluff stuff's picture

She's grounded so there is no electronics in her room, the only thing that she'd need the fuse for is the light.
I could have told her to go to her room, but she wouldn't have listened to me.

oldone's picture

Surely you can out bitch a 14 year old. You can verbally slash her to ribbons for being so obnoxious. Nothing physical and you don't even have to raise your voice. Don't hold any punches - you want her in a fetal position in a corner after you finish reaming her a new one.

bluff stuff's picture

I'm not sure if I can.
She's used to this, she's always in fights and arguments and it happens to me rarely. When it does, it never gets too bad. It never gets to fetal positions.
She doesn't act like a 14 year old at all, she's acting like she's the adult.
I can't really slash her to ribbons because she doesn't care what anyone says to her.. If she did we wouldn't have all those problems with her.

bluff stuff's picture

The door is already off and the electronics are gone.
She walked out, but I can't lock them. DH wouldn't let me keep her outside.

Send her somewhere else? I can't tell him to give up his child..