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He's leaving...

.Em.'s picture

So, I found out a couple of days ago that my SO is going to Texas to work as a manager for a restaurant that his mother owns. Mind you, we live in Florida. He is leaving because he has been unemployed for a few months and can't seem to find work here.

He doesn't know when he is coming back. Basically leaving me here with all bills to pay, home etc., and also leaving skids behind with BM.

He want's to try and make it work long distance while he is away. He would be coming back for a week every month to see the skids and I. It's going to be very hard, and as much as I love him... I'm afraid he isn't strong enough to keep it together and stay with me.

What do you think I should do? Try and fail (maybe?)... or let him go? :?


Starla's picture

That is a tough call and I'm not sure how things are in your relationship but if there are existing problems, then chances of it working is not so good. Personally speaking I have been in a long distance relationship for 3 years, it failed in the end. We were married for 9 years in total and we grew apart. Its a heartache and a headache and can only work if both parties are on the same page and wanting it to work. If I were ever faced with that again, I would run for my life.

Whatever you decide to do, best of luck and choose wisely.

.Em.'s picture

He says I wont like it out there. It's pretty much out in the country, out in the middle of no where. He is not sure whether this newly made restaurant will succeed. So he doesn't want us both going, it failing and not having something to come home too. That is why I'm not going. Unless he knows this is a for sure thing, then I will be able to move out there.

HungryEyes's picture

I'd let him go or move with him. A restaurant manager? He won't be back a week of the month. He will be working his ass off. And he's basically abandoning you with the bills. IF you already THINK he might fail, then I'd say you know him better than us. But I'd take this opportunity to get out of the relationship and find someone without kids.

Sunflower1's picture

This, I work 50-60 hours a week. Just scheduling time off for my wedding has been a huge PITA.

DaizyDuke's picture

Has he not given you the option of moving with him? I'm confused? If he has TOLD you that he is moving and not brought up the option of you going with him, then I would be saying hasta lavista baby as that would seem like a clear indication of where your relationship is going.

If there is some reason you can't or won't go with him? Eh... still don't think it's going to work. He says he'll come back for a week a month, then that will get bothersome and it will turn into a weekend here and there and like someone above said.. all of that time will revolve around skids and where will that leave you?

overworkedmom's picture

I am wondering the same as the others? Why can't you find a renter and go too? It might be great for your relationship to move away from the skids!