Excuse me while I step down from my high horse.
So, I've bashed my BM...
People are understanding, tell me how they feel my pain, how they're right there with me and how stupid and evil she it.
I've bashed my skids,
I get much of the same. They all hate theirs, I handle things well, I'm a hero...some one really told that.
I complain...to the point of bashing I guess and again
Cheers from the audience.
I don't think there's ever a good reason to walk away from your child.
*screeching breaks*
What did she just say??? Did she really pass judgement on people who give up on their kids? Did she really just disagree with us??
Because when I, like most posts I've read pass judgement on the skids, BM's, or DH's parenting that's ok. But she disagreed with me, my DH, my plite, etc etc.
I get to get bashed now, and judgement is passed on me. Hell, one douch bag passed judgement on my mother saying it's her fault that my father hated us. However, what no one realized is, because silly me didn't think it was important is that I have 13 brothers and 4 sisters, all have different mothers, and all were walked away from. But by your logic I'm sure it's all mothers fault because you know...it's never the dads fault.
As I tried to say, this is my opinion. This is how I feel and I am speaking from the child who got walked away from. And I did not have a bad childhood. Infact I had a great childhood, I do realize it's not my fault, I do realize that we were better off with out him...all 19 of us. But yes, even reaching adulthood there are scars from it. I'm sure not for every single person out there but for me, some of my sibs that I've spoke to about it, some friends I grew up with.
Inbred has caused nothing but misery and strife for DH and myself. We don't have money to throw here and there and we do go through the courts defending ourselves. When she tried to accuse me of molestation, you bet your sweet ass I fought that tooth and nail. In the end, she was charged for filing a false police report to do harm. Given probation, paid a crap ton of money in fines and court costs, and is still not done completeing her community service. She does look horrible in that bright orange vest which I remind her of from time to time. I'm going to make sure she knows that she will not have a say over my life, or DH's any more.
Every bat shit crazy thing she did my DH and fought it, together, head on because even though I may not like his kids, he loves them with all his heart. They are his babies who were his babies before I ever met him. They make him happy which makes me happy for him.
So, I'm sorry if my opinion offends any one, but I'm not going to change it. Go ahead...let the bashing begin now.
- Evil stepmonster's blog
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Aren't we over this now? Some
Aren't we over this now? Some agree some don't. Every man is not your dad, every woman is not your mother, ever child is not you or your many many siblings. Your dad sucked & your mom was crazy for reproducing with him. It happens. Your dad sucked.
However, crazy blog before yours blows your story out of the water & everyone is over this. LOL
broken, I generally love you
broken, I generally love you but... you do realize you just criticized her for making a blog about herself and then did the exact same thing in your comment?
I was just getting on here to
I was just getting on here to apologize cuz my pregnancy hormones are going haywire. I've been having contractions every 20-40 minutes for 2 days, so I"m cranky.
OP, I'm sorry. That came off as rude. Let me elaborate.
When you get on here & complain about YOUR skids, they are yours. We don't know them. So we take your word for it.
When you get on here & compare everyone who has gone through evils you can't even IMAGINE to your dead beat father, people DO attack and get angry. Because you are passing judgement on people you don't even know.
Anytime you make an "anyone" or "always" or "never" statement, you're 99.9% of the time wrong. People will tell you that.
Hell, I got told I was wrong for my birth plan! It's no big deal, I'm still here & not nailed to a cross.
We move on. It's a site, we have different opinions. We're from different places in life physically, emotionally, socially. Don't take it so personal.
LOL I'm well aware of my
LOL I'm well aware of my crazy emotional state so I can totally keep calm when I'm typing. Now in person, I'm a boo hoo crying mess 24/7 lmao. I can't wait to pop this kid out!
I know but at least if those
I know but at least if those don't clear up in a certain amount of time they can medicate my crazy behind
QueenBeau, now you have me
QueenBeau, now you have me intrigued by your birth plan and why it was criticized. Does it involve clowns and balloon animals?
I didn't want DH to get SD7
I didn't want DH to get SD7 for his EOWE visit the day of my due date. She lives 3 hours away. I didn't want him driving away that far, we have no family around to keep her & hopsital doesn't want kids under 12 in the birthing center because of that respiratory virus going around. BM is extremely high conflict. We have no family here and limited friends to leave SD with if I was to go into labor, & if I was in labor on Sunday, I wouldn't want DH leaving for 3 hours (halfway up & back) to take SD back to BM. Also, SD is afraid of hospitals, & blood. If told I was going to the hospital to have the baby, in her head - I would be going to die. Skipping that visit would mean I had from 38 - 42 weeks to deliver without having to worry about any of that.
However, all of those details weren't clear. When I said EOWE a lot of people assumed SD lived like 5-30 mins away & I was being selfish & just not wanting her around while I was in labor. Which, IMHO is my decision if I don't, but that's really not the case. People were saying how rude I was to want DH to go 4 weeks without seeing SD. Even though he has SD 4 week time periods in the summer, & BM goes 4 weeks without seeing her. He use to go 6 weeks without seeing her before she started school. Our situation is a little bit different than most.
I told DH about it & he agreed to skip the visit, said he hadn't even thought about going to get her - he knew that wouldn't work out.
LOL thanks, Mairin! I don't
LOL thanks, Mairin! I don't know why I flashed on clowns. Maybe because tonight is American Horror Story.
I'm glad your DH is in
I'm glad your DH is in agreement, and I hope you have an easy delivery and recovery!
Queen, I don't blame you. I
Queen, I don't blame you. I asked the same of my husband. In our case it worked out that I had DD about 8 days before SD's visit so it was fine.
Does your birth plan involve
Does your birth plan involve not going to a hospital?
What QueenBeau said.
What QueenBeau said.
*lol* I sympathize. If it
(2 year molars coming in for my twins = no sleep for me. I WISH it were a more fun reason like the Red Sox in the WS!! *lol*)
I'm generally more of a
I'm generally more of a hockey fan, and I remember a few years back (could it be 10?!? good lord...) the Bruins were in the Stanley Cup and a game went to five OT's. I got about an hour sleep that night before I went to work!
My DH has been horrible this week about getting up with babies. I swear to god, if it's another night like last night I will hurt him if he doesn't take some turns! They're easy to settle back down (thank GOD), but if we let them cry too long then the 5 year old wakes up and he's *impossible* to get back to sleep.
"I guess we have to end up
"I guess we have to end up dead at the hands of these people before you will understand. Even then, you probably won't."
When you say we, do you mean step parents??? Sorry, but any step parents who remains in a situation where she/he fears the SKs will attempt to kill her/him is crazy. No matter how much you love a man/woman, you don't put yourself in danger.
Not all parents who walk away from their children are doing it for safety reasons. Some are just feed up. Some are just refuse to put in the hard work that parenting requires and walking away is the easy way out.
THIS^^^ Life is not black and
THIS^^^ Life is not black and white. You can't say a man should NEVER walk away from his children and expect that someone raise not their hand and say au contraire.
Everyone's situation is different. My dad left my mom when he got another woman pregnant when I was about 2 years old. I saw him EOWE for a year or so and then he moved to the other side of the country. I saw him exactly 2 times between the ages of 3 and 18. It did not affect me in the least. I did not mope around wishing for "a father", I did not do drugs, or wet the bed because I "didn't have a daddy" I acted like an asshole when I was a teenager, I lied, I snuck out, I had sex with boys, I drank Bartles and Jaymes wine coolers every weekend at parties my mom had no clue I was at, but I don't blame my father. I made poor decisions, I made poor choices, but I came out alive and I NEVER blamed anyone but my damn self.
Then there is my DH... his father left his mother when he was about 1. DH never heard from him again until he was about 15 at which point his father contacted him, but DH was spiteful and didn't want anything to do with him. DH blames his crappy Disney parenting on his "not having a father" DH blames the fact that he knocked up 2 skanks who he had no intentions of every being with on his "not having a father" I just don't buy it, but whatever. He is entitled to his opinions.
It all boils down to opinions in my opinion ya know? Everybody has one. doesn't make it right, doesn't make it wrong.
I agree with you too Daizy.
I agree with you too Daizy. Any thing I did as rebelious goth teen was me and my decision. I don't blame that on what happen. If I made it seem that way I do apologise. I just meant that not everyone gets through this with out some psychological scaring. I'm very happy for you that you are not one of them.
You're still good in my book
You're still good in my book
I agree that people need to be more choosy about who they f!ck. You knowingly screw a psycho? Or you don't take the time to get to know that person? You get no sympathy from me.
I just think there are some extreme situations, like the one where an op was falsely accused of child molestation, where Dad should at least see the kids outside of his house.
I see your point, and I may
I see your point, and I may delete this blog because I was pissed at only one comment...that it was my mothers fault he did what he did. With 19 kids all walked away from at some point some one has got to say...hmm maybe it is him. I know every situation is different. This was just my situation.
Wait....19 kids? Same dad?
Wait....19 kids? Same dad? Can you elaborate? I know, off subject...but fascinating.
And in the words of Kenny Rogers..."you got to know when to fold them." sometimes you do gotta to walk away...rare...but sometimes it needs to happen. Like the post about the kid burning the home down while living two people to die in...yeah...I walk...or more like ruuunnnn from that kid.
He was in a band, played in
He was in a band, played in bars all over where we live, got alot of people pregnant.
There was a 3 part series on
There was a 3 part series on Ilyana Fix My Life (I think it's on the Oprah network) where the guy had THIRTY FOUR fucking kids with EIGHTEEN BMs. WTF???? I sat through all 3 episodes, but I'm sorry, I just don't think there is any "fixing" that mess :?
While I'm not sure I agree
While I'm not sure I agree with the absoluteness of your convictions, I do want to say that I find it appalling that anyone "bashed" you for them. I didn't really keep up on that thread (life got in the way) so I only saw the first few responses, but I do want to say this:
Everyone here offers opinions based on their own life experiences. Including you. That doesn't make you either wrong or right, but it DOES mean that you have the absolute right to offer your comments and let the readers take from it what they will. NO ONE should be telling you to censor yourself, and anyone who did is utterly ridiculous.
Evil Step-mom- I understand
Evil Step-mom- I understand what you're trying to say and I agree whole heartedly with you.
There is a big difference in what you're talking about and teenagers that decide for themselves (whether instigated by mom or not) that they do not want their father in their lives. I don't think the latter would even be defined as walking away.
besides, who cares if people agree or not. These are YOUR feelings and are based upon your own experience, No one's feelings are ever wrong. Explanations are not necessary.
I think it was more our
I think it was more our opinions that offended you. No one asked you to change your opinion. Most were pointing out that there are a lot of different situations and sometimes the BD leaving is the right decision in that situation. Just because it wasn't the right decision in yours doesn't mean it's not right in others.
It's fine that you feel the way you do and it's also fine the posters feel different than you.
That is what makes for good
That is what makes for good discussions.
You are right Go, I didn't
You are right Go, I didn't mean it to sound like that but after rereading it I can see how it does. I will stick to skid and BM complaints from now on.
How dare you guys bash me on
How dare you guys bash me on my blog that I made specifically to bash someone!
His son from the first
His son from the first marriage, lived with them at the time. He was 14 when it all happened. He told me what he saw, he was the one who called the police on his dad when he did what did to my mother. No, my mother never spoke of him. I did not have an "He's awful" feeling about him until I spoke with him, face to face.
I know there are alot of BM's who will bash the dads to the kids, they are just as dispicable IMO. I am not one of those BM's and neither was my mother.
lol, you read my mind
lol, you read my mind
Just as you don't want to be
Just as you don't want to be judged by other posters, other posters don't appreciate judgement on their situations.
I didn't contribute to the last post because there was already a lot of great input, but I am one those women who's in love with a man who doesn't see his child, and guess what his daughter is only six. Guess what else? I'm a child who grew up with a manipulative mom and a dad who kept his distance because of it. Growing up I hated my father for what I perceived as weakness, now he is with a new woman who literally does not allow contact between him and I. She screens my calls, block they me from his facebook etc. etc.
Now that I'm an adult and have been through more life experience I realize that everyone is doing their best in life, we don't always make the right choices overall but we always make the choices that we hope and think is the best for us in the moment. My new SM is threatened by me for whatever reason and keeps me away, that's her choice and her problems, my dad chooses to comply with her that's his choices for various reasons that they both could probably defend with some well thought out points.
It breaks my heart that my FDH doesn't see his daughter right now, and I encourage him every day to just spend some time with her. But to him it's heartbreaking to see his child the way she is (alienated by her mother against him). I don't judge him for his decisions I just want to support him in the decisions he thinks are best for him and his family.
It is what it is, children without fathers is a sad thing, but to make such a definitive and universal statement like the one you've made is insulting to some people. Not everyone is you, and I have to tell you if someone made MOLESTATION charges against me, I would take a lot of time to allow the subject of those charges (the child) back into my life, once again, it isn't the child's fault but it is what is. That child belongs to BM and she is trying to destroy your life. Just be careful, you can't fix every situation.
That is very true. Has to be
That is very true. Has to be nipped in the bud from the beginning.