O/T How Many Of You STalkers are at Work Today and What Do You Do For a Living?
I'm sure I'll probably get most responses from regions outside of the U.S... maybe. It's like tumbleweed city here at work today!
I"ll start. I am in IT. Could call it "desktop support." Hardware/Software issues and deployment as well as some networking and I make all the sysprepped images.
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oooh I'm intrigued!
oooh I'm intrigued!
I'm at work. Ho hum. I work
I'm at work. Ho hum. I work in veterinary medicine right now, and I do believe that most of our clients probably think we're closed today. It's a ghost town. Until, of course, dogs start getting pancreatitis from all of the leftovers their people feed them. That should happen around lunch time, I think. It's like clockwork.
smart lady! Labs are the
smart lady! Labs are the cutest btw!
Oy vey! My daughter and
Oy vey! My daughter and son-in-law had one of their dogs come down with whipworm. The emergency vet charged them lots of fees but didn't diagnose it until daughter pointed out that the extras looked "odd" because there was a mass of worms in the poor doggy's tummy.
Poor doggy! Whips can be very
Poor doggy! Whips can be very tough to get rid of too....
They have a total of three
They have a total of three dogs so they are treating all three of them just in case.
I'm at work today! I work in
I'm at work today! I work in healthcare so I'm always workin' ... it's pretty busy here though, patients didn't want to be bothered yesterday so they're all about us today. :O
I'm at work. GM for a sports
I'm at work. GM for a sports bar.
I am at work... cleaning
I am at work... cleaning paperwork off my desk. Do I have to work? Nope.
I am working because its quiet and I can get ALOT done today!
Regional sales/finance director for a large DME supply company.
Listening to old TLC stuff at
Listening to old TLC stuff at work that I normally can't because of my bizarre office cubicle mate.
No Scrubs (should have taken that advice to heart)
I'm a stay at home
I'm a stay at home mom/wife..so I guess although it's not quite as hard as the rest of the jobs out there, I can say, I do some sort of work 365 days a year. But yeah, in a way today is a busy work day since my DH had to go out and work (delivers for Coca-Cola) and I'm here with my bio kids, my SD17, and her best friend (that's as rotten as she is lol)
SAHM done properly is as
SAHM done properly is as grueling as any other profession; perhaps more!!
I'd like to think I do it
I'd like to think I do it properly
keeping the house cleaned, cooking meals, keeping my children from murdering eachother lol..and of course helping with homework
It's especially tough when the skids are around or when my own kids are not behaving the best.
At work. I'm a civil servant.
At work. I'm a civil servant. Will have a week off for Xmas, though!
I'm at work. Accountant. I
I'm at work. Accountant. I get today off but I worked it out with my boss that I work today and take the day after Christmas off.
It's my birthday so day off
It's my birthday so day off for me
I work in an office. I'm a qualified physio but can't practice due to an injury to my wrists
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

Thank you
Thank you
Federal Employee and I get
Federal Employee and I get every other Friday off. This is my Friday off. Got lucky this year.
I wish I was at work! I'm
I wish I was at work! I'm mostly a SAHM now, while working minimally from home. Before I had my children, I always worked the day after Thanksgiving. I work in the office of my family business, and we rarely closed. No work = no production or orders shipped. *sigh* Going to work was soooo much easier than staying home with kids! I wouldn't change it for the world, but...
My DH is at work today. He's in IT for a large bank. I don't think many people are in today, but he started there only a month ago, so he won't take time off unless the company is closed.
I'm home. Nothing glamourous.
I'm home. Nothing glamourous. I run homes for disabled adults but my agency is always closed black friday.
Working Used time off to
Used time off to take a girls trip to Disney last week 
Corporate Bookkeeper
I've been on sabbatical since
I've been on sabbatical since 7/1, which will continue until at least June of 2015.
Prior to 7/1, my career was in commercial credit risk analysis, in the outdoor/footwear/apparel industry.
I plan on changing careers from a finance based one, to a more creative one in writing. Which is what I wanted to do before the idiocy of 19 year old Shaman got in her own way.