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AAAHHH..back to the silence...well, at least until Christmas!!

mommy0104's picture

As per one of my last blogs, SD18 was in town with BM to get haircuts/colors and so BM could go get drunk with SD18 spent most of the weekend with us. It was fairly uneventful so that's good. SD18 just left a short while ago to go back home (to FL, we live in IL). I feel bad for BS10 (the son I share with DH) because he is always sad to see his sister leave, and is even more sad that she had to leave while he was at school. (however, he did get to tell her bye before school this morning, so it's not as bad) But, now it's time for me to enjoy the silence. You see, as it has become a normal part of my step life, (and I'm sure it's like this for a lot of you) we won't hear one single peep, not even a "HI" from SD18 until the first week of December, when she texts asking if we've sent her Christmas gift yet (usually, they don't fly up for Christmas, it usually doesn't fall around the time BM needs her hair done lol). I won't lie, I do find it a little bit sad that SD18 won't even text to say "Happy Thanksgiving" or "Happy Birthday" to her DH (his b-day is a week before Christmas) or "Happy B-day" to BS10 (his b-day is the day after Christmas) heck, she doesn't even say "Merry Christmas"..I am sure she's not the only 18 year old to be so self-absorbed, but it still annoys me a little that she can take the time to ask about her Christmas gift, but not to tell her dad or brother happy birthday or Merry Christmas. Usually, me, thinking I'm taking the "high road" I'll send her a "Happy Thanksgiving" or "Merry Christmas" text. I wait all day to see if she is going to text first, and when she doesn't, I'll send one. However, this year, I"m doing things different. I'm not sending any texts! I'm also not responding to any. I'd like to say that the reason she doesn't text for the holidays is because her and BM are busy. But usually (in the past) when I would post a picture that was holiday related to facebook, she would always comment with "BM's at work and I'm bored...wish I was there" (which I stopped thinking was sweet when I realized that we're only worthy when SD18 is bored..I'm not someone's second choice lol) The skids make it sound like BM works every holiday for the extra cash, which isn't a bad thing, I'm just saying, SD18 isn't really too busy on the holidays to call or text..I've stuck with it through her bday (which was 10-28) I told DH he is now in charge of sending out her cards and calling her to tell her happy b-day. She's not my kid, not my problem. I don't let my own kids treat me like an ATM, I sure am not going to let someone else do it lol ..But, back to my main point..this year, I'm going to enjoy the silence! I've come to realize that just because everyone else lets SD18 use them, doesn't mean I have to! So basically when it comes to SD18, I can say "peace out!" lol Biggrin


kathc's picture

What a rude little brat.

This year when she texts to ask if her gift has been sent, you should try texting her "have you wished your father a happy birthday?" and ignoring her request. Then mail her a $5 grocery store gift card as her gift.

mommy0104's picture

that is a good idea!!! It would be bad enough if she was totally PAS'ed and never spoke to DH. But it's like there's a little bit of PAS mixed with "i'll talk to him when I want something" I don't know why but crap like that has always annoyed me.

Lady_Fartknocker's picture

My DH finally figured it out after the holiday or Birthday texts rolled in just like I said they would. Of course, the contact was conveniently spaced where they could try to 'butter' whomever up that they were trying to manipulate. Skids stopped doing it when it stopped getting their desired results of lavish gifts bought for them. Thankfully, youngest SS isn't the sort that cares about manipulating to get something monetary that he wants. He doesn't literally throw an object throwing tantrum like his brother did. He doesn't refuse to speak to his Dad anymore if Dad doesn't buy him a new cell phone.

oneoffour's picture

18 yr olds behave like this. My own daughter behaved like this (hanging my head in shame). however as she has got older she has reverted to how she was brought up thank Goodness!

When she texts about "What are you buying me?" send her a text in repsonse.. What did you do for your father for Thanksgiving? His birthday?

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Eighteen is old enough to be GIVING gifts instead of just receiving them. Your SD is an adult now. When she calls to suck up for Xmas, tell her " I'm so glad you called! I've got BS10's wish list here for you. Be sure to mails his gifts soon so the get here before the big day!"