Tales from ASSland
I don't know if this is funny or sad, to be honest.
ASS called DH (yes, that's what I said, he called) on Thursday night.
ASS - dad, I need to tell you something
DH - ok
ASS - so my roommmate asked me if I wanted to go to a party in someone else's dorm room.
DH - and?
ASS - so I said yes and we went. When we got there, all the kids were drinking and smoking pot.
DH - ok
ASS - someone offered me a beer but I said no thanks. Someone else offered me a joint but I said no.
DH - well, you're going to see that in a college setting, ASS. You're going to have to make your own choices.
then some more conversation blah blah blah blah
I said, "pot in the dorm? During the first few days? Interesting."
And I said nothing else. Because I don't give a shit.
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Not sure why he made the
Not sure why he made the phone call.
I am sure he was surprised that there was beer and pot in the dorm - remember, this is a kid who had no friends, who had no social life and really had no exposure to drugs and/or alcohol.
He is really so naive when it comes to the world. Life in the real world is going to be quite the shock to ASS.
Not my immature circus, not my idiot monkey.
Sounds like college! At
Sounds like college!
At least he said no.
Oh no, Sal, not this kid.
Oh no, Sal, not this kid.
One of MY kids? Sure, but not ASS.
Are you sure??? Trombone
Are you sure??? Trombone mouthpieces made into pipes! }:)
just kidding!
he left the trombone at home
he left the trombone at home
LOL!! I wish I had thought
I wish I had thought to hit play when DH told me about the conversation
I don't think ASS told DH to
I don't think ASS told DH to test him. I don't think ASS told DH because he was pulling the "look how you're making me live" card. I don't think ASS told DH as an example of how he won't submit to authority.
He is just that immature and naive. No malicious intent at all, I just think he still feels like a man-child.
And yeah, some ganj and a boobie would do that kid some good. He will probably have to shower though, so....
Yep - all the girls at ASS
Yep - all the girls at ASS State are safe, that's for sure.
Oh I didn't know ASS hated
Oh I didn't know ASS hated showers. I usually can't keep SS14 out of the shower, but this weekend I figured out how...
I forgot to dump out DD5weeks (omg my first time typing DD on here!!!!) Bathtub. The little plastic bathtub that I left in the main bathroom tub, hahaha. So I guess it was too much work for SS to pour out and he went 3 days with no shower. He usually showers every day.