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Please need advice!

swstepmom's picture

I don't know how to talk to my dh about how differently he treats our bd and the way he treats his son. When ss isn't here my dh is always right there with our bd, she is such a daddy's girl. I find it hard to watch our bd be ignored and the ss be hovered over because it really breaks bd heart. She is too little to understand why "daddy is not playing with me" or why "daddy is hugging another kid constantly" and not hugging me. I understand that we only get our ss on holidays and such but at the same time I feel like it is so hard on our bd to have to deal with the neglect during ss's stay here. It makes me resent my ss more than I already to. The only thing this kid wants is "full" attention at all times and "prizes" from whoever he can get them from. I just don't know how to explain this to my dh because he will say it is all in my head.....ect. My mom even noticed how upset my bd was last night about everything. She is just a baby and can't begin to understand what is going on. All she knows is daddy is mad at me. Help! What do I do??!

Zoie's picture

There is no need to compete for daddy's attention. Your commment "why is daddy hugging another kid" although you are saying comes from bd is not a fair comment ..this other kid is also his child and you need to make your bd very aware of that..

Of course ss wants his dad's full attention..he rarely gets to see him...instead of feeling so badly for your bd that has her dad everyday..maybe show some compassion for his son..

And really if it's full out neglect as you say..then tell your dh how you feel..but your bd should not feel any jealousy towards her step brother and neither should you...

I hope it works out... Z

swstepmom's picture

Thanks....I don't think I made it very clear though....she is a "baby" and really doesn't get it. I'm not trying to have her compete for attention but it's not fair to her that her whole world drastically changes every time we have him. And for that matter my dh totally shows me NO affection during ss's stay. It's almost like I am single mom every time he comes to visit. Thank you all for the advice Smile

Zoie's picture

I'm sorry to hear that..your DH needs to be fair with both kids..No child should ever feel that mom or dad prefers one child over the other and that's what your daughter is feeling....

You really need to speak with your DH and make it very clear to him that his actions are not ok...

I hope things get better... Z

Zoie's picture

Did not realize your BD is only 1.5yrs old..She is too young to be envious or jealous..I do believe that you and your DH need to come together as a family and not his son and your (his and yours) daughter...your daughter and his son are step-siblings...and everyone needs to be included if this relationship is going to work...