should I allow DH to have skids alone on EOW as per their request?
So....ss13 and 16 write a 2 page petition of horrible allegations about me, the DH sister, my kids, etc etc....requesting my DH only see his Bio SS's EOW ALONE.....and he is to see them alone and take them places.
DH says no way
solicitor says no way
then solicitor asks DH in front of me....(as we now have a co to appear in mediation) 'what will you agree with in mediation if the mediator suggests you take the boys every other weekend and will you be happy to agree to counselling for all of you, including the BM, and then I suggest you could take one boy out for 4 hours by yourself on the saturday, then take the other boy out for 4 hours on the sunday.....'
So DH agrees that might be a good Idea....
WTF????? Im sorry but I dont think ill be happy with that....
To me - thats not a me thats bowing to the skids, and the BM as thats exactly wot they want.
I feel horrible and just wanna runaway - im locking myself in my room and crying.
Even my DH sister suggests that it wouldnt be a bad idea.....
help please?
I agree that counselling is a
I agree that counselling is a bit pointless for the prior family. What's done is done, right?
I agree also with you that a mandated four hour period is too long! When forced to 'entertain' a child for extended periods it can get 'old' and it would end up with no one happy. I would be fine with dad, step mom and kids being out and about and daddy taking one of them aside for an hour or so to do something different, for instance being at a fair...daddy and one kid go on one ride and you and the other one to do something different with SM and avoid rivalry as both kids would be out having fun...alternate the time with daddy and keep a fair balance. KIDS KEEP A TALLY!!
What I believe it boils down to is the kids having to accept their position on the ladder, there's a heirarchy in which SM has a priority place and it's the reluctance/refusal of the BM and SKids to accept that which I believe causes ALL of the problems. It's the PAS that is inflicted upon the kids, they are kids and will lap up ALL of the extra attention focused on them and they react, as kids do, to please the parent who they fear the worst reactions from, or with whom they reside. They love both parents and it's a horrible tug of war that these poisonous people inflict on kids...that would be the INDIVIDUAL counselling, to recognize which are bad actions that I would see as valid for SM, not 'family' therapy for the prior family!
I, too, think four hours for
I, too, think four hours for each child at every visit seems a bit much. Also, having it written in the CO does seem very strange. And why would they suggest that he see each son separately? But, like allgirls, I think having some one-on-one time is good for the kids and I would totally welcome it. I have to practically beg to get my SO to take skids somewhere without me!
I do get where you're coming from with not wanting to give it based solely on skids demands, though. Are they asking for that because you don't let your husband spend time with them alone, or are they specifically trying to exclude you and your children?
They are asking for it bc
They are asking for it bc they hate me and my step kids and request their father do more with them alone....I have given them time with their father alone he organisers football match...'hello....damned if im going to the cold footy with teenage boys....I got better things to do' oh and other stuff.....
lawyer says they are just trying to break us up and drag their father away from me to distance us further....little shits
They request I not be around for the whole weekend visit too....the BM supports their requests...
whoops meant to say they hate
whoops meant to say they hate me and my kids.....never used to but now they do....
insanely jealous of us ....not sure why, must be bc we are all so much better looking, nicer figures, and better at sport and better people etc I suppose...:)
Just remember what you all
Just remember what you all agree to will have to be lived up to - so remind your DH that he will have those boys by himself all that time - if you let the skids dictate that happens I see a very very long road ahead for you - if you DH says no then that would be the answer no!!
Yeah, like what if he doesn't
Yeah, like what if he doesn't feel like going to do something one on one on a weekend or you guys are dead broke with no money to spend on a four hour outing?
Beyond that, since when can a CO dictate what you do on your parenting time??
It can't. That's why they're
It can't. That's why they're mediating. If he agrees with it at mediation, it will be written into the order. I wouldn't agree to it simply because it will be COURT ORDERED. I would however, suggest that one weekend a month while he has the Skids that he choose one day and do something with one for a few hours, whether it be going to the library or to lunch or whatever and then the next month with the other.
I would absolutely not agree
I would absolutely not agree to anything like this. Why do these kids et to dictate when and how they are going to see their dad? What other kids get to do that? It's almost like getting a court order saying "I solemnly promise to be a disney dad. I will shun my wife every other weekend for at least 4 hours each day so I can take my spoilt rotten sons fun places" I think it is nuts to even consider this as an option. My ss13 asked my dh this summer if he would move out of our home and the two of them could get a house together in the country. OMG! Your dh can't allow these children to dictate how he runs his family and his home.
What if next month they decide they want YOU to move and that way they can come to the family home and stay with daddykins whenever they like? Is your dh going to be ok with that? Are they going to dictate what he places he can take them on the 4 hr visits? Can he take them to a soup kitchen and church services? Or can he only take them "fun" places?
This is sorta the place we ended at. My ss13 wanted me out of the pic. He never came up with a two page list of complaints as he isnt that creative of a liar. He just wants me out of the pic just because. Is that what the world is coming to? COD's get the option of whether they want to participate in their father's family life? They get to dictate and demand how and when and who can be included in their visits? If that is so-of course all of the little farts are going to start demanding one on one time with daddy with visits to fun places and activities. That isnt even a parenting relationship. Not even close-so what is the point?
I dont believe a judge would ever order this-it would have to be something that you all agreed on. So tell your dh to just not agree. I would be all for the family counseling but not with BM for goodness sake-with YOU-if these kids have such an issue with you perhaps they need to face you directly with their concerns so that you all can hash it all out.
Yikes I just saw that YOU have kids too? Is dh their dad too? So dh is going to give up eow for 4 hours each day ( I am assuming the 4 hours would be in the middle of the day at a time that would be convenient for these spoilt teens-couldnt be too early in the morning and they wouldnt likely want to give up their friday and saturday evenings)-are these kids unwilling to have a relationship with their sibs-step or half? Again, I dont think a judge is going to order such an exclusionary visitaion arrangement on his own without some sort of significant evidence signaling some serious sort of abuse issue.
no DH is not their dad.....I
no DH is not their dad.....I dragged them over from all their friends in Australia to all this crap....they both get on really well with DH and ALL his family....the skids have complained about them of late and my 17 year old daughter calls her fat arsed step brothers who are rude and obnoxious...twiddle dumb and twiddle dee
yeah I must admit...for a
yeah I must admit...for a moment I thought...yeah hang just go see them and ill do what I want...then I never have to see the little fuglies...I was starting to plan a cruise at one stage...then came the realisation...that this is just the first will be something else next and in the end this is not a marriage that I left my country for....The BM put this shit in their heads....negatively influenced their thinking towards me and my kids for 2 years now...and she has done a damn good job of it....
yeap Ill be out of here should the DH agree to this crap.
what happens will be decided by Jerry and I....not the BM the horrible kids and my DH.....some seem to think otherwise bc they are his kids....SO WOT...THEY CHOOSE TO LIVE WITH THEIR LESBIAN MOTHER....stay there...and dont come near me eva what I say.
I would not give into it, it
I would not give into it, it is wrong to teach these kids that they can rule the roost and dictate not only when they will see their dad, how long they will see their dad, and a specific time frame for l on l time. I agree this is not how a marriage works.
If dad wanted to take the kids to a football game, or fishing okay, but to have a strict schedule of demands created by the kids no way.
If he has 1 on 1 time with them now because they demand it, this will I can assure you get far, far worse.
If this was happening to your DH's sister, would she be so willing to be shuffed aside for 8 hours every weekend because she had step kids that wanted it, and may I ask when one is away on 1 on 1 time with dad, who is going to look after the one that is left at home - YOU. If that is the case, then you get fair input into this too, oops, sorry I forgot you are the step nothing, the second wife, sorry, I was thinking you were a real wife.
Most people work, weekends is the only time we get to spend with family and HUSBANDS it is not fair to expect you to give up time with your husband because they want one on one with their dad, anyway how many 16 year olds want to hang out with dad.
If push comes to shove here and you have to give something, then perhaps he could take both his boys out to lunch on a Saturday for a couple of hours - but I bet that won't be good enough for the kids either. Don't know who is winding them up, but I suspect this is coming from somewhere else and your husband needs to consider you as well.
well they are refusing coming
well they are refusing coming around to the house too....good cos I dont want them here as they just break all my things anyway....with my real good things like plasma tv etc still in oz....I dont want them here...
Exactly...wot normal 16 year old wld wanna spend time with dad...but see....he will invite all his jerk off mates over and dad will be expected to take them shooting, or football or car racing - they only want things that cost....things like fishing, go to the park and ride bikes have a bbq take the footy way...they have always said no to stuff like that....geez I taught the little horrors how to light a fire in the back yard...they had never seen that before....but footy ticks here in this country are around 100 bucks each unless you can get freebies....and my DH would be expected to supply all their food etc....
If he did go off with them....My DH cant stand being without me...and would call and txt the whole time anyway....but Its just not going to be a request that he will be agreeing to....or got any room at your place...?
I was born in melb and my 18 yo son moved back to their....awaiting his army enlistment....told DH Ill be gone by xssy....luv the aussie xmas more than words can say.....GF of mine nth nsw coast is kicking her useless piece of wank out of the house so...hello party...should be a rockin good time if I shoot thru from here....!!!!
Yeah have a spare room But
Yeah have a spare room
But if your choice is Hoppers X or the NSW Coast, I'd be going to the coast. My youngest and her husband have just moved back to Melb from NSW and they had their wedding on the Central Coast beautiful. I love Melbourne, I would rather live here than Sydney, but Sydney and the Coast areas are far prettier than Melb. have to admit. Anyway depending on what my SD trys to put over at Christmas and if my husband agrees to jump through her ring of fire, I might just join you for the party on the coast.
Perhaps your husband should CO time alone with his sons, therefore no friends invited over during his visitation times see how the kids like that one.
Good Luck, I really hope you can work this out in a way that suits you and your husband and makes you both happy.
GEEZ tar....I moved to
GEEZ tar....I moved to brissy/Goldie 20 something years most mates live in that area and nth nsw....
I like your idea of alone time with him and the boys....good idea....they will be spitting chips....the little shits are only after more of his time....more of his money....and demand he take them places....'do something with us' is what they say.....they dont care about their fathers happiness....they just want him to be back in his usual abused state of mind...doing stuff for them, when ever they want...and bc he plays the guilty dad game well....he used to say yes to any of their demands...which usually came first from the bitch bm....she would suggest ideas...tell them horror skids to mention that to your father....then they would say it to him....BUT HE NEVER THOUGHT THAT FOR A its on paper....
No BM has the right to do this....
however,.....what is obvious to that these boys have never seen tru love in their how could they for a moment think that anyone would care if they were away from their marriage in their lives meant continual fights, doing things without the other, and never doing anything for the asking for he spend alone time with just them would be a normal ask...cos they dont understand why anyone would want to spend their precious spare time with their spouse
sad when you think of it like that....
nah...ill just shoot them...put them out of their selfish jealous life of misery and lies to gain more toys and stuff to leave in the their father said...i dont know why but these ex and boys of mine really do get off on upsetting others....and its not going to happen again....
Mmmm! Well you are living in
Mmmm! Well you are living in the "Right to bear arms" country so for you shooting them is an option I suppose, but I'd be careful about burying then in the basement, so many people seem to be getting caught out from the basement disposals these days
I hope your husband smartens up on this one, it is just so stupid, and as I said in an earlier post, does he expect YOU to take care of the one who is left behind while he does his four hour shift with the other one....that'd be funny.
well the mediation is
well the mediation is tomorrow....DH has said their will be NO ALONE TIME...THAT VISITATION WILL BE AS COURT ORDER AND WITH HIS WIFE AND HIS STEP CHILDREN...
but that being said...the skids are old enough to refuse if they dont want to come....but nutjob aint getting another cent outta us...
I just hope them horrible skids never ever step foot into my home eva again....
and as for the exwife bitch....just wait till my mates come over here....I got pit bull like friends who are all dying to meet her.!! as is the aussie way...
I even got some in customs waiting at the airport should she ever step foot in australia....(ex army mates) all dying to give her a little welcome to australia greeting.....
AWE BUGGER - DOES THIS MEAN NO POOL PARTY, NO PARTY ON THE NSW COAST. BUGGER, BUGGER, BUGGER. Just when I had my bathers all packed and ready to go. Still on the bright side, no odd smell coming from your basement either.
Congratulations and well done. So very, very happy for you. Hope this is the beginning of a brighter and happier future for you and your family.
We are heading to Hawaii in March, can you keep your friends in control when we come back through customs please.
How about this. Kids are in
How about this. Kids are in therapy without their mother around. Their father spends 2 hrs per EOW weekend with BOTH of them. Their father is given an allowance by YOU of what he can spend on his sons.
I think this is VERY fair. And if they want a cent they better kiss your hard working unappreciated arse.
We are not talking about traumatised 3 yr olds whose father has has run off and married into a Monglian tribe and they are FORCED to live on a frozen tundra and eat yak yoghurt. They just don't like that their lives have had to change so much.
That being said, how many men actually DISCUSS with their kids before marrying or moving in a new partner how things will change and what he expects from them? Not many from what I read here.
I'd tell my dh that if he
I'd tell my dh that if he wanted to stay married he better say HELL NO! We are married and a FAMILY not divided! He should have them and him in therapy and the 2 of you on therapy as well. If he is considering this I would have tell him he needs to remember WHO will be by side for the rest of his life!
You guys are supposed to be a team and everything should be agreed upon between the 2 of you period. If you can;t come to an agreement then you guys should keep discussing it til you do and remember that compromising is your best friend. BUT both have to give not just one. good luck
Maybe I am a bad one to give
Maybe I am a bad one to give advice but look at this don't have to deal with their crap and have some time to yourself. I wouldn't want to be around kids that felt that way about me. I know that it is not the best way but maybe the solution for the present.
Thanks Guys....So Glad your
Thanks Guys....So Glad your all thinking like me....I wish I had of read this last night....but let me give you what I said.....
Once DH returned home from work, and after I refused to ansa his 'im coming home darling have dinner ready' calls, I then said:
Im sorry but I feel the victim here and I have not done anything wrong....I refuse to have a marriage like this with EOW alone....I would rather be a single women so that I could do what I want, and I will go back to my country of Australia and be the single women there.....Cos at home I hve all my hundreds of mates around who will support me...yes I love you, yes I will miss you but I wont be hanging around watching you get bossed around by your ex wife and her two horrible children dictating to you what you can and cant do, how you will see them and what they want from you. BC, this wont stop at 2 years time they will want more, in ten years time she will be demanding something else...I have had enough...I will never stop loving you....and Im not asking for a divorce, but I am saying to you I am not going to stay in a marriage ran like this....., I feel I have compromised ENEOUGH...AND IM NOT GOING TO COMPROMISE ANY MORE....
That the therapy sessions can be with you - not me....cos Im thinking normal....Ive not done anything wrong...."
so then we had the crying session, the sleepless night etc etc...then he leaves this morning and I get the 8 phone calls as he drives to work....the I love you txts,,,....then the final call as he was getting out of his car this morning he said:
'these little shits are not going to make me do anything, I am going to kick their arses and tell them NO way....they can shove telling me what to do...I will do what I went on my time...not theirs!'
Then he got youngest vet for the day....and I havnt heard from him since about 10ish....So
we will see....
I actually decided that I would announce at the mediation this...'OK, I am so upset with all this and cannot live in a marriage that has an ex wife dictating to my husband how he must spend his weekends, & must do things by his exwife with children so I have decided to relocate back to my home of Australia. I cannot provide any time lines at this stage as I sold my house, and left my job, to migreate here, so I still need to get a home sorted for me and my bio children prior to the meantime, nothing will change as I cherish and spend the final hours/weeks with my husband before we part again for the last time'.
(then I thought once the mediation has completed - 6 mths has passed - Im entitled to change my mind)
One final thing....I hope my DH does stand up and say....If my sons behave themselves then I just might take them somewhere special...but Ill decide where and if they dont like it...then tough...we go nowhere. '
I'd take them
I'd take them the LIBRARY. A MUSEUM.
Any place where cell phones have to be turned OFF.
They will bitch, of course. But he is doing SOMETHING with them, as they requested! }:)
Last I checked, extortion is
Last I checked, extortion is still illegal in the US. (Assuming that's where you are.)
I'll anxiously await the report after the mediation. I'll send positive energy that your DH does the right thing by you and his kids. Geez, if they get away with leading him around like he's a bull with a ring in his nose, I can only imagine what they'll think they can get away with in the real world with people who they supposively don't love. This is simply nuts.
What a tough situation; I
What a tough situation; I don't think dividing anything is good; a united front is key and giving in is letting them know - "they got you!" What the hell is wrong with the world today that these kids think what they say goes......If I had ever talked like that I would have gotten a slap in the mouth!! and for good reason.......DH and BM aloud SD to dictate her whole life and Look what happened. BM kicked her A* out and DH lost control of her; now I am left picking up the pieces!
Just out of
Just out of mediation....
So...extortion was what I said the petition stunk of so thanks Doubletakx3....hehehe....
Only thing that my husband got CO to do was visitation changes from 3 days a week to 1 day and week and THE BITCH AINT GETTING ANY MORE MONEY!!!! HAHAHAHA
She has been accused of negatively influencing the childrens mind to not accept their fathers family, me and my kids and that the bitch is not allowed to say any further negative things about us or a cease and disest letter will be served....I WANT IT SERVED NOW...AND MAY JUST DO THAT
court also said that if the spawns dont wanna come over to our boring place where there are rules then they dont have to.....but there is no visitation allowed alone...they either put up or shut up...!!!!
the ex slag bm must be froffing at the mouth like a skanky dog with rabies....LOVE IT...
A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HELPED ME WITH THIS ONE....YOU ALL GAVE ME CONFIDENCE TO SPEAK WITH MY DH AND MAKE HIM REALISE THAT HE CAN STOP THE GUILTY DAD NOW AS THIS IS WHATS GOING ON HERE.....I wasnt allowed to enter mediation room but DH said the ex slag bm looked shocked like she had just had her legs cut from under her....she didnt think for a moment we would throw the PAS stuff on her....or the defame my family bit....not to mention the final straw....EXTORTION!!! LUV IT!!!