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I signed up with school district to chaperone bio kids trips but not stepkids

dledden's picture

Honestly, I can never, ever see myself chaperoning one of my ss8's school trips. My own kids, I wanna go on their trips. SS8's I don't. I spend more time around him than I want to anyway, as he lives with us fulltime. I did NOT tell fiancee about this because I know he'd be upset about it, but I wanted to share it here where I can safely disclose it.

Do any of your hubbys or wives want you to chaperone stepkid school trips the same as you would for your bio kids? :?

LilyBelle's picture

I think it is perfectly appropriate for you to chaperone your kids' field trips.

Your kids bio parents can chaperone their trips if they desire.

LilyBelle's picture

Lots of kids go all the way through school without ever having a parent chaperone a trip.

It won't hurt him if his trips aren't chaperoned by his parents. But if they want him to have a memory of that, guess what! You are not his parent. You're off the hook!

Lalena75's picture

My kiss know it's usually impossible for me to chaperone school things I do try to do at least 1 especially if it's a big deal. Now my bs has a field trip to the park and asked SO if he would go, not me, not his BD, but my SO. SO said to him "don't you think you should invite your dad before you ask me?" bs "why he'll just have an excuse why he can't and he doesn't like doing things like that."
I think it's just a personal choice both by the parents and kids.

christinen's picture

I also would never chaperone one of SD's trips. I feel the same as you- I already see her much more than I would like. Why do that to yourself? Not your kid. & of course you want to be with your bio kids on their trips- that will be FUN because they are YOUR kids!

My DH always wants me to go to SD's soccer games and other events she has and I just flat out don't want to. Like you, I already put up with her enough. Sorry if that sounds mean, but I can't think of anything I would hate more than getting up early on a Saturday to watch the little brat play soccer!