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Help Needed

MS007's picture

Hi All

I am aware that we are all faced with the same challenges but please can someone give me some advice.

2011 BM approached the high court for my husband not allowing her to see the kids due to a child abuse case that was being investigated after this matter was finalised she was allowed access again. She did not even pitch for the hearing at the court.

2013 She opened a contempt of court case against my husband for telling her that she cannot see the kids on a Saturday due to a wedding but she can pick them up on Sunday.

2014 She approached the Maintenance court for a reduction of her maintenance all though she has never paid maintenance since 2010

2015 She approached the court for a protection order against me.

2015 She opened a contempt of court case against me.

2015 she is trying to get the warrant of arrest to get me arrested.

2015 Sheriff trying to serve another court document on my husband.

How on earth do we deal with these constant legal battles I cannot handle it anymore.

MS007's picture

She approached the court for a protection order saying that I have been harassing her and and and we agreed to the order being granted but on different terms if we did not agree then the matter would have been postponed and cost us more so original she wanted the following:-

I am not to communicate with her directly or indirectly.(She communicates with me a request photos from me maintenance recons and and and from me)
I am not allowed near her house. ( I have been at her house maybe 5 time to fetch kids)
I am not allowed at the company she works for (I have never been near the company she works for)
I am not allowed near her business premises. (I have never been near her business premises)
I am not allowed to bad mouth her in front of her children (I have Never done this)

The New Order Stated that Neither party is allowed to communicate negatively with one and other then we had the warrant of arrest issues against me as she was the applicant and because of the history of her abusing the legal system and power that is given to her the warrant of arrest was not given to her but to my attorney for safe keeping:-

With her original request a Interim Protection was granted and I was not allowed to do any of the above until the matter was heard in front of a Magistrate she then emailed DH to make arrangements with regards to the kids, he then contacted her and told her that he will not respond to her emails as he will not allow her to have me locked up for indirectly communicating with her they had a disagreement and she then opened a contempt of court case against me the day after their disagreement and after she threatened him that she was going to send the police to our residential address.

This weekend she came to fetch the kids I told her now that the matter has be finalised I want it to be clear that we do not sit around the same table and do not agree so therefor it is best for us to have NOTHING to do with one and other and she can keep what ever she has got for the kids at her place for them to use when they see her every second weekend. We discussed this matter like to adults I then got back into the car her boyfriend made some comment and DH husband responded by asking him what did he say her boyfriend then jumped out the car and wanted to beat DH up. I then jumped out the car and told her to tell her boyfriend to get out of my husbands face so because of this disagreement that was uncalled for she is now trying to get back to us by trying to get me locked up.

Would the court grant a RO? The problem is there is two minor children in the middle of this matter and would fighting her back with more legal matters actual help any of us or just make the situation worst.

Disneyfan's picture

Yeah, she can get a RO against you. Your 2nd paragraph says you are not to communicate with BM. You completely ignored that when she picked the kid's up.

You keep giving her ammunition to use against you. Stop talking to and stay away from her.

MS007's picture

Thank you for your input I really appreciate everyone's comment and advice weather it is something that you want to hear or not Smile

I have stopped all contact with her I have changed my number we have re-located and I have blocked her email addresses with our service provider so there is no way that we can communicate.

I have caused some problem for myself I do not disagree with this at all however at the time for the posts I was really going through a very difficult time because of the constant court battles and history.

I started getting professional advice in January this year because I was at the point of braking down.

A lot of things have changed over the last couple of months and emotionally I have really been doing much better I am just so frustrated today knowing that the Sheriff is on our doorstep again with the next legal battle.

My husband has approached the Maintenance court for the arrears.

My husband also now wants to open a contempt of court case against her for lying to the court in the previous matter so told them she cannot afford the maintenance on her salary and wen they asked her about her business she told them it is not her business she works on comm only then after the matter was finalised and calmed down she registered the business.

Fighting 1 court battle with the next can surly not be the answer.

My husband has never approached the legal system as we feel that it creates stress and has financial implication that can be avoided and that is uncalled for but this way of thinking is not helping us at all.

jssdallas's picture

There is no man, relationship, situation in the world that makes it worth what you are dealing with. I am so sorry! Hang in there.