Yes, a happy day!
I'm so excited--we confirmed today that we are going on a family trip to Germany in August, for two weeks!!! With my skids, MIL and DH cousins and I am so excited!!! My DH's cousin in Germany is getting married, and we are all going to the wedding. I have always wanted to travel but could never afford to, raising myself the way I did. Can't now either, but MIL is funding a big chunk so we can go--she is a great traveler and a lovely, fun woman. DH and I have been holding our breath and not saying anything because we oh so wanted skids to go but BM hesitated for awhile. They are seasoned travelers even though they are young, but she gets nervous easily sometimes and ok I totally get that about international travel, so we just waited patiently and today SHE SAID THEY CAN GO!!! We told the skids this evening and we are all so excited. Except SS wants to know if they have fish in Germany 'cause we were originally planning to go fishing for our vacation and he loooooves fishing.
Happy day, yes. My first trip off the continent of N. America, ever, at 36! And with my lovely family. *sigh* some days are very good ...
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My stepdad (Steve) was stationed there for two years too, and he loved it! My husband's family is from Germany and his uncle speaks fluent German so we will have a chaperone, so to speak, although we are trying to learn some little German before we go. My skids, 7 and 8, are excited because their Chicago cousins are going -- 4, 7, and 9. My husband's family are good travelers, it should be quite the adventure!
That's Great
So happy for you. Gosh, it must seem like so long to wait.
That's great :)
I would love to go to Germany. I speak German and have taken a lot of classes about the country. I've just never gotten to go
Soak in a little for me while you're there, would ya?
And I'm so glad that your skids get to go 
*~So sayeth Nymh~*