Transportation vent
Hi again,
I'm a step mom of 2 preteen girls 12&14. Bm remarried 8 years ago and my dh and I been together for almost 7 years. Everything is mostly good, no bm drama but there is one topic that bm constantlyyyy brings up. She's civil w dh but there's many topics she talks to me about and i feel like I keep defending dh and repeating myself.
Basically dh has always done all pick up/drop offs w kids, not a huge deal since they live so close but would be nice if she helped w transporting...but we do plan to move about 30 min away by next year (Not 100% sure but we want out of this town for several reasons, bm says she's moving too but all that is up in the air).
Anyway the 12 year old has been in gymnastics for about 3 years now. She is really good and enjoys it. We go to all her events. 14 year old doesn't really do sports anymore and quits everything. We use to take her to one practice a week as it fell on dh visitation day, but now since she's moved up the days switched. The classes are 3 hours long and sd doesn't like us to watch just drop off,look away,wait in car or just come back. It sucked lol. We had to rush rush rush drive back and forth to another town and it was not quality time with little time my dh gets with them so dh asked bm to choose other days for practices and bm did. There's several days monday-sat u can choose practices....anyway bm constantly brings up to me how it would convenience her if we started bringing her again as her dh can't drive (license suspended for child support arrears).
I explained how it makes those visitation days cut short and there's no quality time/nor can we ever make plans on Fridays or saturdays(dhs words)..she dramatizes and tells sd how dad won't take her and tells me how badly 12 year old wants us to take her-yet she's never expressed that to us let alone wants us to watch. I just don't really respond anymore when she brings it up but seems she can't drop the subject with me. Ugh more of a vent I guess.
NO No is a sentence and needs
No is a sentence and needs NO further explanation.
OP, being gracious and helpful during an emergent need is one thing. However, that too comes with an end date. 2weeks TOPS would have been our deadline for picking UP all transportation.
First stop taking her calls OR texts. DONT reply. 2nd. when 12 year old is put up to 'but I want YOUUUUUUUUUUUU to take me, tell her WE will but only when it is our time, 'cant wait to see ya"
As much as I hate to hear BM's husband had his Driver License taken away for failure to pay cs that did NOT include bm's license too. She does have one, doesn't she?
BM can work details out with other parents share rides etc OR , her parents on HER time, you and dh figure stuff out on your time.
It is OK for dh to so NO
I would say transportation
I would say transportation should follow what our CO stipulated. Each party is responsible for the transportation of the Skid(s) to their own location. So, your DH transports them to him and BM transports them, to her. Each parent is responsible for transporting the Skids to events that occur on that parent's time.
Pretty simple I think.
Unfortunately there's nothing
Unfortunately there's nothing in the co about transportation. As long as I've been around my dh has done all trips pick up/drop offs. We have asked to help and there's always some excuse. I'm more worried about it when we move farther away.
The issue isn't only transportation, it's the hurry hurry trips to practices on his one 2.5 hour visit during the week (which of course she extended so he could take her). There's no time being spent with them at all since she would go to practice the whole visit. My dh isn't against them with sporting events, he just asks bm chooses different days during bms time since with gymnastics you can choose the days. He has them every other weekend and one dinner a week.
We have transportation in the
We have transportation in the parenting plan and in eight years BM has only driven them once! Always excuses and then she would play the victim with skids and they would ask DH to drive. DH looks on it as time with his kids to chat and catch up.
Why are you even talking to her? I never ever communicate with DH's ex.....I would rather have a root canal. DH and her email and text. Tell your DH to deal with her from now on.
Lol rather have a root
Lol rather have a root canal!! I'm giggling...well at first we butt heads but then over time I became the peace maker and let me tell you, it's made a world of difference. Any extra time my dh wants -done! Before, she never let him have any extra days. Anything I talk to her about only has to do with kids. My dh and her are horrible to each other. There use to be so much drama , it was so so stressful.
My parents had a war my whole life running back and forth to court, I feel like I could change the kids lives but sucking it up and being nice for all of our sakes but always will I be loyal my dh. Always!!
Ps she actually has done 2 rides since I've been asking for 2 years so I should give her that right ? Lol
Sucks but we wouldn't even
Sucks but we wouldn't even think to go to court over transportation. Where I live any decent lawyer is 2500 to start and just be a headache if she still didn't follow the co which would probably happen.
I am mostly annoyed that she keeps asking me to ask dh to take his daughter to practice on the one dinner a week he has. Idk y she keeps bringing it up but I have been ignoring. Just venting on here.
No need for a lawyer. You can
No need for a lawyer. You can go Pro Se.... I believe the term is.