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Updated vent SD cutting us out of her life

Nana2's picture

Well, to make a long story short, SD is suppose to go into the army at end of month. Needs to be home from visiting half-sister 4 hours away 1 week before departure. So we expected her to be back 1 week before leaving. Now HS has total control over this kid. (She's 18 & very gullible) Now we get an email saying she's coming back but not to the house, she's staying in a motel with her HS and then leaving to go into the army from there. I'm so mad at her right now I can spit nickels. She thinks the sun rises and sets with her HS. And her HS fills her head with bad ideas about DH and I.

I can't seem to shake this horrible feeling I have of her. I should be thankful she's not coming back to the house but she's hurting DH and he's allowing it. I know I can't control how he feels or does, but still. I wish I knew what to do that would be right. And of course the army is buying into all the sh*t that HS and her are telling them. Make us look like bad guys.

URGGGG I'm mad!

Nana2's picture

HS = Half-sister. Not DH's biological kid by any means. She's 14 years SD's senior. Think she's the mama now! Makes me sooooo mad!

Yes, I know I should be celebrating but he's hurting and won't let her know it either.

Nana2's picture

Actually, he held his grown better than I did. I blew the casket. He told her that he wouldn't be seeing her as long as HS was around. And that she needed to return the key to the house ASAP. So I know I need to be happy that she's not coming around. I'm just mad at her snotty email that she sent saying she was making these choices and no one else when it reaked of her HS's words.

Go figure. I'll get over this too.

Nana2's picture

IF he wants to go and see her that will be up to him. I doubt he'll go because of SD's HS being there. She has said some really aweful things about DH and myself and he's not going to be around a witch like her. He's told his daughter this and if she wants to see him she knows where we live she can be dropped off and picked up later.

Anyway, whatever he does will be totally up to him. I have NO intention on seeing her. We'll see when the time comes. She's caused enough problems for DH and I already and I don't intend to give her the satisfaction of doing more damage.

No, it's not Dad's role in my opinion. She wants to make adult choices then she can make the choices she will have to live with. Dad did everything he could for that kid and she just turned to HS and pretended that Dad wasn't even there. So she can ly in her own problems.

I understand where you're coming from being a father, but unless you live with this kid you don't know what she's capable of.

Nana2's picture

Thank you Hypovic. I concur!!!! It's 10 weeks of basic training. Not like she's being deployed overseas. LOL