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"Never let go of something you can't afford to lose!"

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Years ago, my big sister told me, "I never let go of something I can't afford to lose."  She said she never wanted money or material things to ruin a relationship, so although she was always pretty generous about helping people out, she never loaned, gave, or let people borrow anything she would be upset about never seeing again.  Good stuff. I adopted that rule and made it my own long ago.  I haven't always upheld it in my weaker moments, but I always consider it when I'm faced with a decision on where to spend my time, money, and energy.  It helps ward off unnece


It doesn’t get any better when they’re adults

StepMomtheMaid's picture

For starter, I just want to say how nice it is to have a place to vent and not be judged. Everyone assumes blended families are perfect and happy like in the movies. If not, then the only other option is the you have to be the wicked stepmother. So here is my story...

