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FREEDOM Update: Attorney Blocked STBXH

StepUltimate's picture

An update to my blog from a week ago (linked below):

On Valentine's day (Monday this week), my attorney emailed STBXH stating all communication should be via my attorney. STBXH tried saying that was unnecessary but my attorney politely but firmly shut that down. 



"Never let go of something you can't afford to lose!"

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Years ago, my big sister told me, "I never let go of something I can't afford to lose."  She said she never wanted money or material things to ruin a relationship, so although she was always pretty generous about helping people out, she never loaned, gave, or let people borrow anything she would be upset about never seeing again.  Good stuff. I adopted that rule and made it my own long ago.  I haven't always upheld it in my weaker moments, but I always consider it when I'm faced with a decision on where to spend my time, money, and energy.  It helps ward off unnece


Disengagement: Giant Spiders Happen

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

Picture this...

You decide one morning you are finally going to start meditating.  You make yourself some calming tea, light your new lavender candle, find some yoga music to stream, and head to your fluffy rug with a comfy cushion in hand.  All set.  Let's do this.  With your eyes gently closed, you start focusing on your breathing, and think, "Ah...this is niiiice.  I'm so glad I'm finally doing this." 
