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Anon2009's Blog

Being good friends with your ex(es)

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Brie's blog got me to thinking about this. What do you think about it?

I'm friendly with some of my exes. We don't go out to lunch or anything but are friendly when we do see each other.

Some people remain good friends with their exes. It seems to be semi-common among celebrities. Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley are godparents to each other's kids. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore have remained friendly. Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac have remained friendly. So I say if it works, good for them!

OT-ACA rant

Anon2009's picture

It is not "affordable."

It is BS. Even congressional staffers realized that. They got exempted from it.

It sure is affordable for those receiving it, but what about those like me who will be footing the bill for subsidies for Obamacare recipients? It's just one more tax. Where do the entitlements end? I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. How much longer do our President and Congress believe their practices of taxing "the wealthy" can be sustained to give out entitlements?

Do you think our culture is in a downward spiral

Anon2009's picture

Willow's blog got me to thinking about this. I think it is.

Sadly, some examples seem to be playing out on this site. Nutty BMs. Moms and dads who don't parent their kids. Moms and dads who drag kids into adult issues. Moms and dads who give kids too much power. Moms and dads who let their kids run the show. These types of parents have always existed but they seem more common nowadays.

Would dh go to BMs/a loved one of hers & sks funeral?

Anon2009's picture

The blog about the sf being murdered made me think about this. I didn't want to hijack it.

Mine would. He gets along with BMs family and he'd want to be there for his kids.

Plus, I think this could also alleviate a lot of jealousy for the kids, which would likely compound their sadness. The kids would likely know that Dad would go to the funeral of SMs loved ones to be there for sm and her/their kids, but wouldn't do much to be there for them. That may be wrong but that may be what they feel.

Ever wonder how many guys are financially supporting kids who aren't theirs biologically?

Anon2009's picture

Sorry to be a blog hog today- this topic seems to come up somewhat frequently here. I know it is a thought many posters have had regarding their own SKs and DHs. And given that BM cheated on him around the time SD16 was conceived, DH thought SD wasn't his. But they did a DNA test and she is Smile

It makes me wonder, though, just how many men are supporting kids who really aren't related to them at all. Heck, maybe the BMs don't know who the real bio-dads are!

Would you get involved in your dh and sks relationships

Anon2009's picture

Unfreaking's blog got me to thinking about this. I'm not trying to hurt anyone and know we all deal with frustration differently.

I don't think I would. There were times when dh didn't get along with relatives and I stayed out of it. I stay out of his relationships with SDs. That seems to work best for everyone in our house.

On the whole things just seem better to me when we SMs don't get involved with our DHs relationships with their kids. But I know it sucks to see your spouse hurt and sometimes the frustration just explodes.

Blowing your top at BM-do you think that is ok?

Anon2009's picture

Someone wrote about something similar to this yesterday.

I've never blown my top at BM because I've never met her. Hopefully I wouldn't if I did meet her.

I think that ideally, people should stick up for themselves every time someone comes at them with crap so then they won't have to "blow their top."

If BM asked to talk to you

Anon2009's picture

what would you say to her?

Me, I'm past the point of wanting to unload on her. But I would tell her that I hope she reaches out to her daughters and gets help for herself so she can be there for them. But if the kids were little and she was calling, and she thought she had to protect her kids from me and teach them it's ok to treat me like crap, I'd politely but forcefully let her know I am nobody's doormat.

For the record, I have never talked to BM. Ever. Never met her either. And I plan to keep it that way.
