attempting_to_maintain_composure's Blog
It's almost like FDH started reading Divorce Poison, or, is at least listening to me when I talk to him about it.
I have to say, I'm impressed with the way FDH is handling SD lately. He and I both know full well that SD doesn't talk to him regularly because of the alienation, but, he made it clear to her without putting the blame 100% on her that he expects to talk to her regularly, even if it is just text messaging each other. She made up some bullshit excuse when he talked to her on Saturday that the reason why she hasn't been responding to his calls or texts is because she was on vacation with GUBM and didn't have her phone for a week. The real reason why she hasn't been in touch?
Slightly OT - got a lot of aggression out tonight!
FDH, some friends, and I went out tonight to a local paintball place here in PGH for zombie paintball. It was SO much fun and it got out SO MUCH aggression!!
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It's still a year off, but, I always worry about crap like this ahead of time...
GUBM is always going to be a horrible person. I have no expectations for GUBM to change herself or turn her life around and realize what a troll she has been all these years. I've come to understand that over the last four and a half years, even if sometimes she outdoes herself and the cray gets ridiculous for even GUBM.
Really GUBM?? (strong language inside)
You're going to tell SD that you can't afford to pay for online schooling, and, pull her into those issues she doesn't belong in, but then offer to pay for it after you just guilt tripped her about it?? Oh and then you act all surprised because she turned it down...ok then. And you're really going to tell SD to NOT talk to FDH about school?! Really?! Oh, I know, because you know he has right to take his daughter from you and you're a scared, worthless piece of shit.
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SD's off the grid again...
First, an update from my previous post: I talked it over with FDH. He said that what he meant was an "in the grand scheme of things" sort of thing, when he told me that I'm not the reason SD doesn't want to visit. He's not always the best at phrasing things, and, that's an issue for me that I own completely. But, whatever.
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I just don't get it sometimes?
FDH must really think I'm dumb sometimes. Or he must forget that I have this blog or he thinks that because I don't come on here much anymore that I deleted my account.
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Brain dump - too much in my head and I need to get it out.
Haven't been on here in a while. Just haven't felt up to it lately, especially after our last trip to NJ.
The bullet-point version of the story:
*SD told SO that she hates me
*SD also told SO that she wishes things were like they were before he met me. No, she doesn't want GUBM and SO to get back together, but, she wishes that SO wasn't dating anyone and that she had him all to herself like it used to be.
Ok SD pulled her head out of GUBM's backside long enough to call SO yesterday
The plans for the weekend for us haven't changed. And I am quite grateful for SO not doing that. However I'm now anxious when I should be excited.
We're in NJ and SO probably won't be seeing SD
SD hasn't been in touch with SO about seeing him this weekend. Because she was supposed to talk to GUBM about driving her up north to see SO since he will be in NJ with his family while I'm at my conference.
Anyone shocked? I'm not. Getting real tired of SD's crap, though, because all it ever does is bring SO down. And it breaks my heart to see SO that upset.
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Hooo boy, why the heck was I so upset yesterday?
I read over my old blog entries today (on here) and last night (on my portable hard drive at home) and, yeesh. Why was I ever upset about SD's deciding that she doesn't want to come visit anymore because of me? All that does is show SO what a self-centered snot she is capable of being, because he knows exactly what the problem is and he knows it is not me. I mean, this is a child who kicked me in the flippin FACE less than three months after meeting me. Literally. Because I was trying to be nice to her and have fun with her, she kicked me in the face.
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