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Auteur's Blog

Grades Get Worse--Didn't Think That Was Possible

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Here are some of the lowlights from the Special Education she is receiving in the 7th grade:

1. VD needs to find a memory strategy that she WANTS to utilize
(Editor's note: VD doesn't WANT to do anything much less work or memorize)

2. Unless VD FEELS LIKE IT, she will not apply study strategies to improve her memory
(Editor's note: Ahh the product of non-parenting and being raised on instant gratification)

3. If VD perceives anything as Social Studies related she has a tendency to GIVE UP before she even gets started

Planned/Staged/Scripted Responses. . .We all have to do this to avoid WWIII

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GG(biodad I live with, short for "God's Gift") got a letter in the mail stating that VD 13, is five years behind in reading and writing skills. A "new" program called "Fusion Reading" is supposed to catch her up. . . yeah right.

He opened it, read it, said NOTHING, i mean NOTHING. Just left the letter out for all to see. Maybe he thinks I will "go there" without his initial input. He is sorely mistaken. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself. Even if it is about the Behemoth (BM). He defends her at every turn. . .STILL!

Special "Fusion" Reading Program --- Anyone else heard of this?

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For children who are 4-5 years behind in reading skills. VD (SD13) is in the 7th grade and is reading at a 2nd grade level. She's in special ed programs, not because she's "challenged" but because the Behemoth has raised her on instant gratification. If it seems challenging, distasteful or downright "HARD" just don't do it. Someone ELSE will come along and do the hard work FOR you, is the MOTTO.


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OK so about a month ago I had a flash back while making GG a PB&J for lunch. How his skids wouldn't eat it if it has more than a microbe of peanut butter on it or crusts left in tact. Basically they wanted a crustless, jelly sandwich on ghostly white (like the skids themselves) bread!!!

NutritionLESS of course.

And now Stacey13 mentions about how her car got TRASHED with her ex-biodad BF and his spawn!!!

Stark Contrast!!

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I was getting a mani done; the owners are a young vietnamese couple with a little girl about age 6 or 7.

The American lady sitting next to me was your classic modern day NON parent BM. Her hair was done up in short, blonde cornrowed "pixie" pigtails, very leathery tan from years of indoor tanning, etc. Apparently she has the same age child in the same school as the Vietnamese couple.

She went on and on about how the teachers "just don't care" b/c they aren't willing to make her "Jason" think that everything in life is FUN and a THREE RING CIRCUS!!!

For Stacey13 and all the other Newbie SMs--STEPHELL Lines--IOW RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

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Please pardon the format as this is a compilation from MANY stepparents (mostly NCP StepMOMS) Stacey13, see #37

1. In Genearal: You knew he had kid(s)when you married him

2.In General: You knew what you were getting into

3.In General: Stepparents should be seen and not heard in the parenting arena

4.In General: Stepparents are not REAL parents.

5.From Skid: You're just dads wife./You're just moms husband

6. From Skid: You're NOT my MOTHER!!/ You're NOT my FATHER!!

7. From BM: Is my check in the mail??

Grasping At Straws

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I almost feel sorry for GG (biodad I live with). . .well not really feel sorry. He received Brainiac's (SS 15) report card yesterday. It should be noted that all three skids are receiving "AIS" which is special help for "underperforming" children via NYS.

Brainiac got a "48" in English. NUMEROUS comments of "doesn't complete assignments; needs to put forth more effort; not working to ability." He has FIVE tardies in ONE MONTH which GG TOTALLY ignored even though it was highlighted on the report card!! All his other grades he is hovering around failing (65 here in NYS)
