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Auteur's Blog

Letters Coming In FAST AND FURIOUS

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The frequency of letters coming from the Special Ed Dept. of VD's school district are coming in more and more "frantic." It's up to once a month now requesting GG's presence at these meetings. This same committee told GG that his opinion doesn't matter b/c he's not the custodial parent.

Seems VD isn't progessing in special ed and is still failing! And when I say failing I'm not talking about a "high" F. I'm talking about Marianas Trench F.

Blog Hog Today. . .Interesting Statement on Paperwork

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found in the Public Defender's office for my county. I work in IT at my county and have to do stuff on the Pub Def's computers.

There in plain daylight was a classic statement:

Johnny is only 18, however he has quite an extensive rap sheet, has been convicted as a youthful offender five times before this and for petit larceny for another five times as well; JOHNNY HAS HAD NO STRUCTURE IN HIS LIFE
and has failed to show for several court appearances.

Free ranging=BAD

Yet another Blog on Irresponsible Pet Ownership by Skids and BM

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Let me start by saying the Behemoth (BM) has a great job and works about 10 hours less than I do as a CPS worker in her county. Her husband also makes about twice what I do. And they get the 12K from GG every year. With that being said, you'd THINK they would have enough $$$$ to take care of pets.

Most pets they HAVE had either have run away from the sheer ABUSE or died in captivity most likely from neglect.

VD (SD13) writes in her FB account (spelling corrected so you won't get a headache reading it)

"My cat is in heat so I have to lock her in the laundry room"

After NINE MONTHS of absolute SILENCE from Skids

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Last heartstrings card was in March, where GG's b-day was NOT acknowledged nor was father's day this year and GG was stood up THREE TIMES by VD (SD13) during so called "counseling sessions" like CLOCKWORK there's an xmas card in the mail!

It has xmas photos of the three skids (two copies) I'm thinking someone is assuming that maybe I want a copy???!!!

Anyway I find it funny that Prince Hygiene writes on the card about the PAS out incident of two years ago "remember when we had meatloaf. . .I was eating slowy"

Due to Yet Another GG Blowout

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I realized I'll have to pay off this house plain and simple before I'm rid of GG. As long as I have an unfinished house with a mortgage on it, it will be my prison.

SO with that said, I am launching a "warning" book for all women thinking of getting into a relationship with a man who has children from a "previously enjoyed va jay jay"

UPDATE: GG's Company's Xmas Party

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Well apparently there are TWO Christmas parties at GG's work. The first one is for the "star players" at work and their wives which was to start at 5:30 on Friday at the owner's house.

Of course GG didn't tell me about that. Told me to show up at 5:30 at the "after party" at a local restaurant. This was all information given to me BEFORE GG blew up over my work story about a kid doing well in school.

Well first of all, I don't know where his boss lives; 2nd of all, I don't get out of work until 5, unlike GG and blue collar crew who are usually done at 4.

Incidious Passive Aggressiveness

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I've noticed an interesting phenomenom. GG (biodad I live with) is a TOTAL and ABSOLUTE football freak who thinks that football is now a pansy's sport. That players don't play rough enough anymore and the rules have changed to baby players. OK. That being said I've also noticed something "interesting."

When Awesomeson and his GF aren't at our house for dinner, GG roots for ANY TEAM who is playing opposite Awesomeson's fav team.

Then he "pretends" to be for Awesomeson's team when Awesomeson and his GF walk in the door.
