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bellacita's Blog

CS help please

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my FH just had the final wrap up to the custody bs thats been going on w SD. he had some issues w the parenting plan thats in place, but naturally the judge didnt care. anyway, what struck me is odd was the CS calculation. they have daycare included as part of the calculation, added on top of the normal monthly payment, which is fine for now but she wont be in daycare for much longer. so FH brought that up and said why is daycare included until the age of 18 when she wont be going that whole time? the GAL said that bc BM has to work and cant be home w her, she will need a babysitter.

it's 5 o'clock somewhere...let happy hour begin!

bellacita's picture

in lite of all the events that have transpired here over the past couple days, and in homage to steve and the other "long-timers", i suggest we get back to the one thing we all (well, most) have in common...our love of booze!! everyone grab a glass of their favorite libation and lets celebrate the wkend! im still at work, but its gotta be close to quittin time for some of u. ive got a party tonite so i'll be enjoying some fantastic wine. i'll raise a glass to all my steptalk pals...cheers! who's in?!

teenage attitude

bellacita's picture

u all know i NEVER complain at ALL about my SS15, the one FH has custody of. i think hes a great, respectful, well-mannered kid...i really do. that being said, he really pissed me off yesterday and i flipped out on him...

wake up call

bellacita's picture

picture louis. 630 am. FH and i are lying in bed trying to wake up, kissing and snuggling like we always do when lo and behold...text msg on his cell! now, who do u think this is from?? its a visitation weekend w SD so naturally its the nutcase. she feels its important to text at 630 to tell him that she is staying home w SD today. so he will be picking her up from her house instead of daycare i suppose.

looking for an old post

bellacita's picture

i was wondering if anyone knew where to find or what the post was called that talked about if it takes 2 people to make a baby, but one does it w/o the others consent or behind his back, shouldnt the BM take responsibility and absolve BF of said obligation? i cant remember the exact verbiage, but i think it even went on to say that men should carry little waiver cards in their wallets and have the ladies sign b4 having sex!! it was an interesting and funny post and i was looking for it again and couldnt find it....can anyone help?

another frustration

bellacita's picture

dont ask me why i looked at the parenting plan again last nite...probably bc it was sitting on top of my laptop (thanks FH)...but the holidays are so screwed up in my opinion. before they had a rotating holiday schedule, meaning one yr FH would get certain holidays and the next yr he would get the other. when they went to mediation, mediator came up w a rotating split holdiay schedule. when they were ironing it out in court, we said we like the rotating holidays as they had been. BB came back and said she did too but liked splitting halloween or something. whatever.
