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well it only took a day...BMs back at it (UPDATE)

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so this was the first weekend we've had SD in over a month bc of court and all BMs shenanigans...and naturally, like i predicted, BM starts again. she called and then texted on sat evening to tell him she had her cousins phone! who the f*** cares?! please explain to me why its necessary to bother him w this info. anyone? so he texted back, only bc he wanted to make sure she was gonna be at mcdonalds like they were doing b4 they went back to court.

visitation this wkend--disengaging i will go!

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so this will be the first time we have seen SD in over a month bc of all of BMs bs at court. needless to say i will be disengaging to the max. i just cant do it...all the drama from court and all that happened and how the situation is now is just too fresh and i really cant deal. i will be home as little as possible this wkend. i just cant be around SD rite now. i know its not her fault, i know that, but looking at her is just too painful after everything we've been thru at court, and everything we've been thru w BM.

court today...nothing resolved and i feel worse now more than ever

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so we went to court today so we could hear what the GAL found out about the whole situation. first off, he said there are no issues...nothing is going on, SD is fine. then we find out that he costs $1000 and my BF has to pay $750 of that...we dont have this kind of money, dont know where we are going to get the money. so it cost us $750 to hear in court that BM is a liar...WOW THANKS. we couldve said that and it wouldnt have cost us a thing. then they started ironing out visitation. first the GAL wanted Bf to have SD every saturday...nice eh?

just another vent

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FH just tells me that his appointment w the GAL is next sat at 9am...i am still so furious about this. i cannot believe they are making his 15yr old son be questioned about his relationship w his 3 yr old stepsister, just bc BM is a nutcase and lied about abuse. she didnt even bring it up in court or put it any court documents, FH mentioned the allegation as one more example of her harassment and abuse, which no one seems to care about. we all "have to live w it and deal w her bs for sd's sake" no, sorry, i dont. no one should have to put up w this wacko.

no visitation today! or for awhile!! yay!

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when we went to court this wk my FH elected to not take visitation until the next court date at the end of the month bc he didnt want BM doing/saying anything in the meantime that could be used against us w the GAL. so the next potential day we would see SD is june. i am so happy!! no disengaging, no running away shopping from 530 til 8 bc i just cant deal w the whiny rude behavior, no DRAMA FROM THE BM, no having to see BM at exchanges, no fights about what FH did or didnt say to BM, no worrying about "do we have SD that day" when making plans...ahhhh. it feels like vacation!

court update

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so we went to mediation settlement hearing today. my FH was not agreeing to the parenting plan they came up w in mediation bc the day after BM accused his son of molesting the little girl. FH decided that he was gonna give up custody bc BM has put us thru so much and he didnt want to go thru this anymore, and he was afraid of what she might accuse us of next. so we went to court, FH gave BMs lawyer the "settlement"...him waiving visitation for now, giving her full legal custody and proposed the maximum amount of CS he would be paying her plus daycare expenses.

GALs (in missouri)

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i know a couple people have posted about this but i didnt see anything about what happens after the GAL meets w everyone and the parties appear b4 the court. i basically know whats going to happen, but when we go back to court and they see that BM is making all the abuse claims up, what happens then re: custody and visitation? will the judge enter a verdict of custody and visiation or will FH and BM be able to come up w an agreement on it? so basically, once the courts see BM is whacked, can they end up awarding more custody and visitation than FH wants?

sleeping during visitation

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seriously, he picks FSD up for what very well may be his last visit w her for awhile and guess what? the kid is so tired she passes out in the car and he cant wake her up for anything. BM asked him if she could get her early "bc shes crabby". yeah shes crabby bc the bitch didnt give her a nap today! how selfish and rude is that to do that on his visitation day? and this is not the first time it has happened. he tried to wake her up but she was like jello.
