bellacita's Blog
holiday fun--disrespectful skids & in-laws
so the holidays have come and gone. all i can say is i am so very thankful that we are leaving late tonite to drive to PA to see MY family and be around normal people!
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what is wrong w the in-laws???
okay so heres some background:
my BIL has 3 kids to his ex-wife and 1 daughter to his current wife. they have his kids on opposite wkends we have SD3. most of the family functions are planned for days when they have the kids, bc there are 3 of them and they do the celebrations at their house since its bigger than ours, and most of the time, due to the size of their family, the celebration is for one of them anyway, so naturally they would do it on wkends they have the kids.
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wedding pics on myspace!
anyone who is friends w me on myspace, my wedding pictures are finally up! i didnt post very many but it will give u the general idea of my handsome hubby and the beautiful locale! and how happy we are of course! if we arent yet friends, pm me and i'll give u my url. happy viewing everyone!!
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memphis flavor
this past weekend i had the privilege of finally meeting someone so important to me: my confidant, my therapist, my friend, Stepwitch.
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hey ya-ya's!!!
get w the program and start your posts! those of us who were unable to attend are anxious to hear what y'all did and how it went! pull it together already...its been nearly a week. details please!!
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for all the cool kids who are attending STEPtoberfest at the Cabin...
please pm me asap w ur email addy. i will be providing some wine and want to make sure everyone has something they like to drink!
cant wait to see everyone!!!!!!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
funny!! and so applicable to us!
Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room and I said to her, 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.'
She got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine.
She's such a bitch.....
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yesterday was the first time ive ever really felt like a stepmom
most of the time when im posting on here its about SD and her crazy BM. i used to do this so much that it rarely really occurs to me that i, too, am a custodial SM to SS15. i guess maybe that just goes to show you how peaceful and easy it really CAN be when u have a basically good SK and a BM who leaves u the hell alone. its almost second nature. SS is pretty low maintenance...
the dog and the water bowl...saga part 2
monday i came home from water. i didnt say anything to SS. after the last blowout, i figured, i will let it slide...i really dont want him to think of me as the wicked witch of st. louis.
last nite, i come home...NO FREAKIN WATER AGAIN. i dont say anything bc i figure 1) what more can i say? 2) i cant make him care 3) if i do decide to say something it will be w FH so he can act as a referee if need be, and 4) at this point, im incapable of talking about it...i will probably scream or smack SS across the face.
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we set a date!!
FH and i have been trying to figure out exactly what we want to do for our wedding for awhile now. we really wanted to go get married on teh beach at a resort in the caribbean, but lack of funds wont allow for that so we thought we could get married at a winery here and then stay at this beautiful B&B that we stayed at twice before, the first time being the very first time i came to visit him here in STL!
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