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BSgoinon's Blog

It's becoming a pattern it seems..

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Apparently after about 6 or 7 days without seeing SS, BM starts to get a guilty conscience.

BM emailed DH the other night
BM-I will be picking SS up at 5 tomorrow and keeping him according to the court ordered schedule. I will bring him home to you Friday
DH- Why would you do that?
BM- Why wouldn't I? I want to spend time with my son.
DH- We need to talk

8 years and 3 months-ish

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The Happy Anniversary to me post got me all nostalgic. I went back and found my original username and realized that I have been posting here at steptalk for over 8 years.

Sadly, reading through some of my old posts, I would much rather deal with the crap I was dealing with back then, than deal with the person BM has become. Sad sad.

OT- Bullying

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I have not dealt with much of this in my own life, or the lives of my children. I do remember in grade school, my oldest sister was "known" for being a bully. I just knew her as my sister. She was very tall for her age (6'2" now) and she defended her baby sisters to the ends of the earth (there were 3 of us younger than her at the time). But I never thought her a "bully". Although, I am 7 years younger than her, didn't ever go to the same school as her and have absolutely no idea what she was like as a student or classmate.
